Saiyans adopted by Thanos

Saiyan Adopted by Thanos Chapter 550

Soul gem, the only one among the six infinite gems has a highly intelligent existence.

"Thanos, the rules of this universe chose you, but you let them down."

"Here, you should have been alone."

After realizing a nearly transparent cheek with only facial features, Soul Gem cast his eyes on Thanos with a calm face.

"My son needs strength to break the rules and restrictions of this universe." Thanos was very frank at this moment.

"No matter who it is, breaking the established rules of the universe will have to pay an extremely painful price."

"Even you, Thanos is no exception."

The voice of the soul gem is still old-fashioned, but there is a threat and a warning in it.

The 415th chapter of the main text I said, the hardest choice often requires the strongest faith

"Actually, I don't think so."

Thanos raised his right hand, and on top of the golden infinite glove, five other infinite gems besides the soul gem were shining sharply.

The Heart of the Universe has not appeared so far, but the Soul Gem ran out to become a field controller. The significance of this is enough to make Thanos think of something beneficial to him.

"It's no use, Thanos."

"You are indeed the man chosen by the rules of this universe."

"You think you are a man of destiny."

"Previously, there is no problem."

In the face of Thanos' demonstration, there was a rare wave of fluctuations in the staid and indifferent voice of Soul Gem.

A touch of volatility called regret.

"But, if you insist on going your own way, let Beckett, who doesn't belong to this universe, break the rules..."

"Then you will no longer be the one to whom the destiny belongs."

Soul Gem is still trying to persuade, although the tone of this persuasion is still stereotyped, but every word is true.

Although the rules of the universe are cold and rigid, they are definitely not the kind of weakness that can be squeezed by people.

You Thanos want to help your son against me, I still continue to treat you as a man of fate?

What about it?

The rules are ruthless, one thing goes to the other, and it's clear.

"Father..." Beckett, who was standing next to Thanos, frowned, raised his eyes and stared at the face of his adoptive father. It was still Gu Jing Wubo, unable to see the slightest emotional fluctuation.

He wanted to say that even if he didn't use the heart of the universe, he believed he should be able to find other ways to break through.

Hasn't he walked over all these years one step at a time?

"Without the power of the Heart of the Universe, Beckett would never be able to open the last door, right?" Thanos asked with a calm face as if he had guessed Beckett's thoughts, his voice very flat.

"Yes." Soul Gem gave him a definite answer.

Thanos nodded clearly.

Now, he finally wanted to understand why he had designed Beckett to absorb the dimensional energy of Hela before, but Beckett still failed to take the final step.

The rules of the universe are not so easy to break after all.

Even Thanos himself is essentially a product of the rules of this universe.

"In that case..."

"Give me the heart of the universe." Thanos' eyes sharpened sharply, his left arm stretched forward, and he ordered the starter

"I can't do it." Soul Gem flatly refused.

"Becket's growth rate makes the rules feel threatened."

"To this day, he must die."

The soul gem directly stated the prerequisites for obtaining the heart of the universe.

This is also the reason why it will bring Thanos into the different dimension of the heart of the universe.

It needs Thanos, the man to whom the destiny belongs, and Thanos, the only person who can kill Beckett in the current universe.


The golden energy exploded in an instant, and the blond Beckett appeared in front of the soul gem’s transformed face in the next second, punching the first blow

"It's useless, this is just my energy metamorphosis. Your current strength alone cannot kill me."


The phantom cheek disappeared before Beckett's eyes, and then regrouped on top of his head.

It was obvious that there was no ivory in the closed mouth.

"The only thing that can destroy the infinite gem is the infinite gem."

This sentence is an unbreakable truth for the Thanos father and son who have not yet obtained the heart of the universe.

"Thanos, I know you still have a lot of doubts in your mind, but what I can tell you is: I, or we are not malicious to you."

"You are the one chosen by us. You can perfectly display the power of infinite gems, and naturally you can also perfectly display the power of the heart of the universe."

"I can also tell you that the power contained in the heart of the universe far exceeds infinite gems."

"With the Heart of the Universe, you will be able to defeat the invading Darkside easily and realize your ideals easily."

"Even the group of high-ranking ancient gods will no longer be your opponent, you will be the supreme overlord of the entire universe, and no one can oppose your will."

"You can get rid of those gods who occupy the position of rules but do nothing."

There is a different kind of temptation in the old-fashioned voice of Soul Gem: "As long as you do it now, kill Beckett."

"Kill him and you will be able to get everything I described for you."

Sacrificing a Beckett in exchange for the departure of a powerful enemy, the realization of the goal pursued in his life, and the shuffling of the ancient gods.

Thanos admitted that he was moved.