Saiyans adopted by Thanos

Saiyan Adopted by Thanos Chapter 597


In the vast universe, Hela lying on the bed of her room in the Becket from the Dark Quadrant was unwilling.

She proposed a fighting contest between the Slaughter Universe and Mera's proposal. In the end, Beckett chose the fighting contest.

In other words, Beckett chose Mera in the end.

Although this conversion is very unreasonable, Hela does think so.

Hela didn't feel that her proposal was inferior to Mela's terrible fighting competition.

Wouldn't it be faster to kill everyone in this universe than a fighting contest?

With her and Mera's restraint, Beckett can push horizontally without any pressure.

Don't worry about the whole king and the great priest wanting to slaughter the universe where they are in the future.

No matter how three-on-two looks, they have a bigger win.

Hela thought this plan was perfect, but Beckett chose Mera after being silent.

I chose that little bitch!


[Obviously it's me first!

[Whether you know Beckett or fight with him, it’s obviously me first...]

Thinking of his future daughter, Hellas, who wanted to get more and more angry, got up from the bed, walked out of the room on an angry pace, and knocked on Beckett's door a few minutes later.

"Becket, we need to talk."




The door that could not bear Hela's knock opened automatically, but there was no one in the room.

Right now, it's the return time. Beckett is not in his room, where can he be?

"What are you looking for?"

Suddenly, the low voice that rang in his ears frightened Hela.

Turning to look around, Beckett, who closed the door smoothly, was leaning on the doorpost and looking at her with a torch.

"where did you go?"

"From Mera, she wanted to invite that Kryptonian to participate in the fighting contest, so she asked me for advice."

Without knowing that the name [Meera] is already a great excitement for Hela, Beckett explained truthfully.


"Listen to Beckett, we need to talk."

Hela held her forehead with her hand and patted her forehead with a smooth palm, trying to keep herself in a calm state.


"Yes, let's talk. About you, and me." Hela propped the table with one hand and akimbo, but she couldn't speak the organized language several times.

"What are you trying to say?" Hela's jam made Beckett's brows frowned unconsciously.

"Why would you agree with Mera's proposal?"

"Why did you reject my offer?"

"That fighting contest is all about Hu—"

"Because the kid named Quan Wang doesn't care about the lives under his hands."

Hela, who tried her best to calm herself down, decided to start with another topic first, but he was interrupted by Beckett's answer before the words were finished.


"what did you say?"

"When you threatened [slaughtering life in the universe], I observed the child named Quan Wang."

"He doesn't care at all, he doesn't even feel angry at all."

Beckett stared at the stunned Hela with a cold face, and then said the guess in his heart.

This is why Beckett was silent at the time.

He was observing and judging whether the whole king, who was respected as king by the great priest, really didn't care about the reality that the universe under his command might be slaughtered.

Through Hela, who proactively jumped out to make threatening remarks, analyzed the expression of Quan Wang and analyzed his character.

"Before, the guy who claimed to be the great priest protected Quan Wang very well, and it was difficult for me to see through him. But your appearance and your threat gave me a chance to analyze the character of that child."

Beckett spoke out the fact that he [using Hela] without any desire to survive.

To be honest, one of the characteristics of Saiyans.

It's just that... Hela, who was used as a gunner before she knew it, narrowed her eyes with dangerous rays of light.

Beckett's move made her very unhappy.

Very upset.

This reminded her of the Thanos who calculated her and Frigga and asked Frigga to jump off the cliff in exchange for the soul gem.

At that time, Hela was also used as a gunman unknowingly: "So, you agreed to Mera's proposal?"

"... Hela, do you know how weak Frieza in this universe is?"

Perhaps he was aware of Hela's growing "murderous spirit", Beckett's eyelids jumped, and subconsciously changed the subject: "This universe, Frieza on this timeline is dead."

"I killed it myself."

"He was in my hands, and he didn't even hold up a move."