Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 353 Confessions?

Giving the girls the by-products of the ability to practice the options, Leah Lin can't be sent to school just after school, after all, the amount of food is not small, he can't let everyone carry a big lunch box all day long, right?

So after school, he went to the student council first to send fish to meet them, then gave Xiao Ni some to Yuan, Qingleaf and Ning, and finally found Chunxiang.

Since he intends to please the Red Queen today, he is also not ready to show up at the company. When he finishes delivering this last batch of dishes, he is ready to go straight home.

However, in order to save time, after school, he made a direct appointment with Chunxiang to meet them behind the building, and when the school bell rang, he rushed out of the room, a scenario that naturally caused a misunderstanding.

“What's the guy going to do? Isn't there something he can't say? He's going to have to meet us in the back of the building? ”

Li Yalin left the classroom in a hurry after the next sentence. Shinxi was obviously very confused about his behavior.

“Probably… he has something important to tell us. ”

As Shin-hee said, Leah Lin's actions were really unusual for the girls and confused them quite a bit, but even so, Tunco shook her head slightly and whispered her thoughts.

With this girl's personality, of course, she will think of everything as good, but unlike Dunco, Shinki's brain hole is going to be too big.

“Something important? What could be so important? Could it be... a confession? ”

I have to say, Shin-hee's brain hole is really big, and he actually thinks about Leah Lin confessing something.

But it's no wonder that, after all, she's a teenage girl. Love is the true melody of the Lord at their age. She can have this idea, not that she can't understand it.


“If you confess, why did Mr. Arryn come to us? Shouldn't confessions be one-on-one? ”

Shinxi's phrase is to instantly stain the cheeks of Chunxiang and Tongzi with red and xia. Apparently, they also fantasized about Li Yalin's confession.

But a moment later, Chunxiang shook her head with some confusion. After all, as she said, confessions all occur on a one-to-one basis. There is no reason for a three-to-three pair.

“Well... maybe he's going to confess to the three of us? ”

After hearing Chunxiang's question, Zhenxi first hesitated for a moment, then he moved to arrive at such an answer.

However, the hole in her brain this time was too big to keep up with even Chunxiang and Dunko.

“Confess to the three of us? How is that possible? ”

Love, it's a matter of two people. How can there be a scene where one person confesses to three people? It's not a backyard game, it's simply impossible.

At the same moment, Chunxiang and Dunko were both quite ridiculous. I really thought I wanted to think too much.

“No, no, no, I think it's really possible. ”

At a time when Chunxiang and Tongzi felt the hole in Shinxi's brain was too big, and looking at the red-haired girl across the street, the expression on her face suddenly got serious, saw her shake her head so much, and also made both her friends feel very strange.

Is that possible?

You're kidding.

If that's the case, isn't Arlyn a scum boy?

“As you know, monogamy in our empire has only begun in recent decades, and until then it was all polygamy. ”

“Even now, many large families in the Empire still maintain a polygamous system. Although explicitly not permitted by law, does the law work for those large families? ”

“Yarin, that guy, you know, although he looks like we're all normal people, if he's a normal person, he might compose lyrics as an idol for a game-opening company? The point is, he's pretty good, too, isn't he? Normally, boys can't compare to him, can they? ”

“So I thought he might be the heir of a big family, like many novels say, to go to our ordinary people's schools and experience life, and if that's the case, wouldn't it make sense for him to confess something with the three of us? ”

Makoto and Chun-hyeong were mute, but they were not persuaded by Makoto to disprove it, but were completely shocked by her brain hole.

That's kind of true, but the question is, how could this happen in the real world?

“Recently, Zhenxi seemed to have seen a number of novels about the love affair between the noble son of Homen and Cinderella Cinderella. ”

After a while, Tunco raised his hand weakly, explaining the real reason why Shinji was so abnormal.

I can't help it, she hasn't reacted yet at first, but the more I think about it, the more I think about it, the more I think about it, the more I understand, isn't that the content of the novel that Shinji has read before?

And at the time, she was still with herself, but unfortunately she didn't have much interest in such novels. After reading one, she stopped reading it.

Turns out well, Shinji can't even tell the difference between reality and the novel.

“No, no, no, no. Although I was influenced by the novel, can't you deny the possibility of such a thing? What if it's true? ”

After listening to Tongzi, Chunxiang was even more speechless, but looking at Shinxi, she still insisted on her thoughts, and thought that this kind of thing was really likely to happen.

Though it seems unreliable, as Shin-hee said, what if it's true?

If Ahreum really confessed to himself...

Zhenxi's thoughts, Chunxiang and Dunco are all starting to run a little off. In fact, they can't help but fantasize at this moment. If Li Yalin does confess to them later on, what should they do?

After all, you need to know that behind the building… it is a confessional sanctuary in English High School, how many couples have been accomplished so far, and how many boys have been admired there by girls who have issued good cards.

So, once the confession does happen...

Is that a yes?

Or refuse?

That's a really tough choice.

Because of Shin-hee's words, the thought of both Chun-ka and Dunco came to a bit of a trance, until they came to the back of the building and saw Lea Lin, who had been waiting there for a long time, before they finally woke up.

No… it should be said that they have unconsciously blushed their cheeks at this moment, and their hands and feet were overwhelmed, and they could not even look at Leah Lin with their eyes.

What's going to happen next?

Well, no matter what these girls get into, the confession won't happen. After all, Leah Lin was just trying to bring them food.