Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 464: Do You Have The Money To Be So Legitimate?

“Difficulty… is certainly there, but there should not be too many problems, let alone problems that we must overcome. ”

In the face of Lea Lin's concern, the eyes of the eight glances slightly hesitated. She knew what Lea Lin meant, so she would hesitate.

However, after hesitation, her divine colour quickly regained itself. Although as a girl, she preferred that beautiful and lovely style of painting, her personal hobbies could never take precedence over work.

Whatever the problem, as long as it is a work need, you must do your utmost to overcome it. That is the attitude you deserve as a gamer!

“Well, in that case, as soon as I get the setup out, you guys set up a team to create the corresponding setup and the monster setup. ”

“In addition, in the far mountains, you should also start the development of the background layout at the same time, as soon as possible. ”

Now that all eight gods have said that there is no problem, Li Yalin naturally did not say anything more, and gave up all the tasks, this meeting will be over.

As can be seen, the task of this new project is daunting for all of us. Although attitudes have been expressed, the anxiety of Yagami Light and Far Mountain Lun as they leave the conference room is obviously not very confident.

It's really hard for them girls to make such bloody horrible zombie games.

“Sounds like a promising game, novel in the way it is played and in the subject matter, but is that really okay? I always thought it would be too soon to define a new project like this. ”

After the departure of Yagami and Yuanshanlun, there were only two left in the conference room: Li Yalin and Ye Yueshizuki. Then some of the conversations that only two people could communicate with each other could naturally be said.

For Ye Yueshizuku, the announcement of this new project by Li Yalin is too hasty. It takes at least a month of review and research to make sure that the game is really profitable before the project really starts after the normal process, from the script to the person set up, to the actual project set up.

And the result?

Turning to Lea Lin's side, he made a decision in three words and said he was hasty, it was all good, otherwise, it was reckless or not!

Whatever you do, if you start a new project so soon, you won't be afraid to crash your head full?

“As long as the game can be made, all the problems are not the problem, although faster, what I need is fast! ”

Of course Li Yalin understands what Ye Yueshizuki means, but there are also difficulties on his side, and there is no way to explain Ye Yueshizuki.

Since there's no way to explain it, there's not much sex to talk about, all he needs now is simply to make this game of the way to life, that's all.

“Easy... By the way, are you going to take full responsibility this time? You're going to be director and producer? ”

Li Yalin did not intend to explain clearly. Ye Yueshizuku could also be seen. Although he did not know why he did this, he could only attribute it to the genius's nature.

Although helpless, too much entanglement is useless, so after sighing, Ye Yueshizuki quickly shifted the subject.

She understands that Leah Lin values the game, so does this mean… that he intends to take full responsibility for the game?

“No, I can just hang out with a producer. The director is still up to you. I don't have a lot of time. I shouldn't come to the company often, so you're still in charge. ”

Ye Yueshizuki's voice had just fallen, and looking at Li Yalin's side, he shook his head immediately.


Responsible for game development?

Cut it out. Although it's a system task, he doesn't have time to put all his energy on it.

With so many good employees, where else would I need him to be the boss himself? Once he's done with the details, he can let go. Why take full responsibility?

“You're a handshake... what a pleasure...”

Li Yalin did not hesitate to shake his head to make Ye Tsukuba's head full of black lines. Although he knew that his little BOSS personality was lazy, he was very unconcerned with his industry. He could also push it all on himself if he fantasized about the big IP, and the same was true for games he valued.

Isn't it a little awesome to be the boss?

Do you have the money to be so discreet?

“I can't help it. I'm too busy to put all my energy on the company's side. ”

For Ye Yueshizuku's spit trough, Li Yalin is an innocent stall. He needs to be a student and an idol. He needs to run a company and draw comic books and write novels. After returning home, he has to take on the task of feeding the food queen. He is busy every day without even having time to talk about love!

You still want to drag me down and get me to work at the office every day?

Is that possible?

“That's what I'm saying... Forget it, I know your heart isn't on the company. Whatever...”

Although not all of it is clear, at least Ye Yueshizuki also knows that Li Yalin does work part-time as a student, idol, cartoonist and light novelist, forcing him to put all his energy into the company, which is really hard on some strong people.

So after a moment of silence, she sighed again.

I don't know if it's my luck or my misfortune...

Well, although Leah Lin does not intend to interfere too much with the development of this game, there is still a lot of attention to be paid.

For some time now, he has appeared in the company almost every day. In addition to solving the drama of this game and its personal setup, he has also come up with a number of ideas to further improve the content of this game.

His opinions and ideas are undoubtedly invaluable to the employees and sisters in the company. After all, it is a game philosophy from another world, which is naturally refreshing.

By the way, the Apogen Sea also gave Leahlin a huge surprise in developing the game physics engine.

Because of its passionate passion for FPS games, Apogen Haizi developed a physics engine with a group of like-minded programmer friends a long time ago.

Of course, the product they have developed is only a semi-finished product, which has remained unfinished for financial reasons, so now, with Lea Lin's financial assistance, this physical engine can naturally continue to be developed, and even be networked with a lot of talent.

Only unfortunately, although the network is full of talent, the vast majority of programmers in Nai Ho are men. Ye Yueshu simply did not agree to let them join the flying eagle, and could only form a new network engineering company.

Is she really going to turn the eagle into her own rear palace?

In this regard, Leah Lin has been spitting in her heart.