Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 487: Six Companies Pull Up!

Ye Yueshizuku's sister, Li Yalin, is completely speechless, of course, he can't really go to the far mountains like she said, to pick up chicks for the sake of the chicks or something, isn't that scum? Though I'm a pretty good person, I'm not that bottomless.

Unfortunately, Li Yalin, who had been pushed away from the office, was forced to leave the company without a word, away from the wrong place.

I can't help it. I won't leave now. Ip Tsukuba will meet me later. God knows what kind of moth that sister can make.

Forget it. Anyway, everything is going well on this side of the company. Go home first.

Yes, these days, because of the busy work, Lealin put most of her time above the company, even the school took several days off.

And the school also knew his special circumstances. The fake note was always green, but there was no pressure.

Now everything is fine, the company no longer needs him to be busy before and after, some things should have been done a long time ago, and it is time to start!

That's right!

Leah Lin's biggest concern at the moment is the system's prize draw!

At this stage, Leah Lin still has six lottery opportunities, all accumulated through previous tasks. After waiting so long, he finally waited for the fantasy sale. Then, he must try his luck in the lottery!

Previously, I was too busy to find free time. Now...

Hey, hey, let's get started!

Six companies pull away!

Congratulations on winning the Water Badge LV2 - from the World of the Magic Guild of Windy Fantasy.

Congratulations on your mastery of the level of professional proprietary skills - from the world of The Magic of Fantasy and Jihad.

Congratulations on your skilled level of HEAL Spell Skill - Therapy - from Alice's Wheel of Destiny world.

Congratulations on drawing the legendary weapon Stone Sword - from the world of Alice's Sonata Destiny Wheel.

Congratulations on the Summoning Badge LV3 - from the World of Magic Guild of Fantasy.

Congratulations on winning the Flying Badge LV1 - from the World of the Magic Guild of Fantasy.

Six consecutive raffles, as Leah Lin thought, did open the raffle in the fantasy world, and four of these raffles won the prize in the fantasy world.

In the fantasy of the wind, Lea Lin attached the utmost importance to the system of badges, and this time, he got three badges, as he wished, so he was overjoyed.

Few of the badges in the fantasy of the wind are useless, especially the most horrible of them, which is a super cheater that can make one think of God. In fact, Leah Lin had fantasized about it before the raffle, maybe she could get lucky and really get that badge of fate.

But unfortunately, wishes are wonderful. If you want to think about becoming a god or something, you can only imagine it in your heart, be human, or if it's better to face the reality of this score.

Of course, even without the legendary badge of fate, the three badges obtained this time were equally impressive for Lea Lin, but the good stuff is better said later, let's talk about other prizes first.

In addition to the four fantasy world prizes, the draw also received two prizes from Alice's sonata world.

Among them, HEAL spell skill treatment, which is definitely a pretty powerful skill, after all, you should know that getting this skill is equivalent to becoming a working nanny, so that a skill is a mouthful of milk. In future battles, you can treat both your teammates and yourself, undoubtedly improving your survival.

Another prize, the Legendary Weapon Stone Sword, is even more surprising.

It needs to be explained here that the sword in this stone is not the sword in the stone, so don't mistake this for my king's Caliburn, they are not the same weapon at all.

This stone sword, a technological product from Alice's sonata world, is definitely on top of the fine level of general knife, only unfortunately Li Yalin is not very skilled in such a one-handed straight sword, even with systematic support, it will have to adapt for a while.

But even if not very skilled, accompanied by the appearance of the Sword in Stone, the General Knife, an old man who has been following Leah Lin for a long time, is expected to retire. After all, the General Knife is only a fine weapon, and can only be used for the transition, and cannot be used for long.

In fact, when Leah Lin's strength increases again, maybe Stone Sword won't be able to keep up with his footsteps, but that's the thing to come. At this stage, the most powerful weapon he's ever used is this legendary weapon.

With the Sword in the Stone in his hand, Li Yalin was quite excited to wave continuously, and he had the feeling that when using this weapon, he would surely be more comfortable with the skill of using the horizontal quadrilateral chopping.

But… a horizontal quadrilateral chop is not enough to match this legendary weapon, so let's take a look at that exclusive professional skill from the windy fantasy world.

It is also important to note here that the fantasy world of the wind is arguably the most powerful world Lea Lin has ever opened, and although he had acquired a lot of skills before, the problem is that he is almost as good as the fantasy world of the wind.

Let's say that even if this skill is only proficiency level, the power is not at all comparable to that of a horizontal quadrilateral chop. Once Learin uses this skill, the instantaneous destruction of a building is perfectly fine.

Of course, the so-called instantaneous destruction of a building depends on the size of the building. A bungalow of about 100 square feet would certainly be fine, but if it were replaced by a skyscraper, Lea Lin would not have reached the level of such a demolition office.

Even so, the strength of this skill is perfectly evident, so to speak, the appearance of this skill represents another one of Learin's baseboards, and even if he encounters enemies close to him later, he can defeat with this skill.

If possible, Lea Lin feels it is necessary to upgrade this skill as a priority, once this skill reaches the Master level in the future... it is not a dream to cut off the earth with a sword!

Unfortunately, if you want to upgrade your skill level, you have to practice continuously, and right now, although Leah Lin's physical qualities have been greatly improved, you want to bring this skill to the expert level, even if you want to make him spit blood.

Not to mention the ultimate priesthood.

Besides, there's no place in this peaceful world for him to practice such horrible swordsmanship, and if he wants to upgrade, he has to get to the other side.

It's really tangling.