Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 492: Reuniting So Quickly

“These guys... I'll try to restrain them from doing things in school, and they come over this time... and we don't know if it's good or bad. ”

Fish was helpless on his face. Leah Lin also had some headaches for some time. He knew what adults meant. After all, the people in the Sedo group were a group of gang members, so they came to teach high school students a lesson or something. Isn't that ridiculous?

If something really happens, the cause is still small, if you blackmail the school and let the reputation that everyone has built up easily collapse, it is the real big problem!

For the guys in Setouchi's group, the fish were quite upset, otherwise she wouldn't have spoken to Leah Lin about it.

Then the adult's concern is naturally something Leah Lin needs to address, so he must meet them before joining the school to see what they really want to do.

After all, you should know that this is Tokyo, it's not their Setouchi group's territory, but they're just a bunch of country mermaids who came to Tokyo out of nowhere to lose money.

The situation here is far more complicated than the Inland Sea of Sedo.

Living in the world for so long, there is also a coffee shop that serves as an intelligence transit point, and Leah Lin certainly knows secrets that many people don't know.

Now, he can only expect the mermaids in Setouchi's group not to be too rude. Otherwise, he won't even finish well...

“Then please, anyway, as long as they don't go too far, I don't want to get in trouble, but if something goes wrong, I don't care how much sponsorship they put in the school, where they're going to come from! I would never compromise on that! ”

With regard to the situation in the dark, the fish were not clear, nor was she aware of the concerns in Lea Lin's heart, but she was very concerned about the apparent problems, especially in relation to schools, which made her even less likely to be ambiguous.

Let's just say that our president is very strong at the moment, and even if she is facing a group of polar members, she will never back off!

This is her turf. That's what she said!

“Understood. If you don't, I'll warn them. Don't worry. ”

The meaning of what the fish saw, Lealing, was very clear, and naturally it was impossible to disappoint her.

Next, needless to say, he must have contacted Lotus Sedo in the first place.

At this time, the problem of quick-water is only a minor matter. It is the real big thing to meet with the people of Sedo's inner group and figure out their intentions!

“Nice to see you again, Arlin! ”

After contacting Lotus Sedo, Li Yalin went in with a single knife and asked her directly for the settling place of Sedo's group in Tokyo. After knowing the location, she also hurried over without stopping.

Just as soon as he met, he immediately received a huge hug from Sedo Lotus. He was not allowed to talk at all, and his whole face had been covered by a warm touch.

Hey, hey!

And not to mention that there are so many people watching, the most important thing is... you leave me a little space to breathe, Aunt Lotus, are you going to hold me in your warm embrace?

“Long time no see, brother. ”

More euphemistic than the enthusiastic Lotus Sedo, although the joy of reunion is still visible in her eyes, she did not at least give Leah Lin a suffocating hug like her mother.

She struggled from the fullness of Sedo Lotus. In the face of such a good sister, Li Yalin did not know that she should be sorry, and should be comforted.

Anyway, it's just complicated.

“It's been a long time, Chan, Aunt Lotus. ”

In front of his sister, Leah Lin certainly couldn't let her emotions get out of hand. In a flash, he closed the complex mood and smiled with joy.

Though he did not spend a long time together, he still regarded Chan as his sister. He thought that Yuno City was goodbye and that it would be difficult to see her again in the future. Who would have thought that this reunion would come so quickly?

“Hey, you son of a bitch, do you think I'm invisible? ”

Seeing Li Yalin say hello to his wife and children, he leaves himself behind, which makes Haosaruo Sedo angry when he is unwilling to exist.

Although Li Yalin is the benefactor of his group in Sedo, with his attitude, he must not give him a good look!

After all, you know, this trip to Tokyo, despite other secrets, but similarly, my wife still hasn't given up the idea of marrying my daughter to that son of a bitch, how can he stand it?

“Yo, long time no see, Uncle Hozaburo, your hair is growing fast enough, how can it be so long? ”

Reasonably, Li Yalin valued Chan and talked to Lotus Sedo, but he didn't really like Haosaro Sedo's words... Although he didn't intentionally ignore him, he couldn't care less.

The reason I didn't say hello to him was mainly because I really didn't see him. Who kept his eyes on Chan and Sedo Lotus?

However, Haosaro Sedo has shown such a presence, and it is no good if he doesn't say hello. However, the focus of this greeting is not on Haosaro Sedo himself, but on his very thick hair.

Obviously this is not long ago, the bald uncle's hair actually came out again, and it was longer than it had been before it burned, it was incredible speed.

No wonder he noticed.


“Damn hair! Don't talk to me about my hair! ”

Li Yalin was just curious, who thought, but this poked Haosaruo Sedo's pain. He saw his teeth dancing claw cut twice, then grabbed his hand on his head, and then looked at his hair, he was actually dragged down directly.

Dude, it turns out he's wearing a wig, hidden under that wig, but he's still a shiny bald lady.


When the wig was lifted, Haosaro Sedo's bald head melon was blinking and could almost be considered a mirror.

Why doesn't your hair grow longer when it's burned?

From now on, Uncle Kozaburo will become a bald fish?

That's hilarious!

I couldn't help but see such a funny scene. Li Yalin really couldn't help but laugh. Not only that, but the smile was as infectious as it was going to be. Soon he was laughed at, and even Sedo Lotus couldn't hold up.

“You... Enough! Stop laughing at my hair! ”

The whole scene laughed. As the boss of Sedo's group, how can Haosaro Sedo hang up? But being angry at this time, like a clown, doesn't help at all.

In such a sad mood, Haosaruo Sedo turned his head and ran away, pitying his first English name and ruining it on the bald lady.

What a... poor guy...