Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 832: Taking refuge in another world?

Since coming to Chopped Eyes World, all the girls from the school island world have been well settled. Sister Librarian Ringhe-principle Se is stuck in the Imperial Library, learning the language and script of the * * country, while reading the various books of the Empire, is quite enjoyable.

On the other hand, the university students of the University of St. Isidore, all of whom were arranged at the headquarters of the night raid, were unified and systematic in their knowledge of the * * country.

After all, what is most needed for them at the moment is the question of communication, and if communication is not possible, how can it contribute to the empire?

Just compared to the girls above, the mad scientist who attacks the vertebrae doesn't have the time to learn the language at all? What's the point?

What she needs to do most now is produce a lot of antidotes!

Reasoning, Li Yalin thought it would be better to learn more about Qingxian vertebrae in order to better integrate into the world.

That idea was abandoned only after a second thought.

Yes, now whether it's Estes' troops or the survivors of the school island world, they need, indeed, enough antidotes.

Instead of letting Qing Xi Vertebra spend her time learning * * the national language and script, he might as well let her calm down and provide her with all the needs to better invest in her work.

That's the only way to make the best choice!

So there's no way, let's just put it aside for a while, the antidote is still as good as it can be produced!

And at the time of the massive production of the antidote on the side of the Qing 'an vertebra, Estes was ready to deploy her troops.

A total of 2,000, of whom 1,000 were long-range gunmen, 500 were close infantry, while the remainder were auxiliary units such as logistics soldiers and field medical troops.

These two thousand people, the elite of the elite, even the logistical support of the elite, are by no means a kind of good, and they are all appropriately made into ten elite warriors.

So it turns out that, while Estes had little interest in her mouth, she actually paid enough attention to this exotic battle.

“You are such a... big pen...”

Learin couldn't help but sigh after accompanying Esters through the expedition.

No wonder, after all, he saw a lot of familiar faces in addition to the average elite soldier!

Like Riva and Daedalus among the Three Beasts, like Will, like Tazmi, like Lan, like Borus, like...

Wait a minute!



What the hell are you two?

How did you end up in the conscription?

With regard to the current state of the school island world, Learin had described Estes well, after all, after leading her troops to that world, zombies were not the only enemies they needed to face.

Surviving survivors are similarly the target of vigilance and hostility, after all, if only ordinary survivors are better off, what if they meet the remaining regular forces?

Though the world's soldier strength is strong, far from what ordinary humans might compare, how can it be well resistant to the power of technological weapons without special powers and with pure force alone?

Knowing each other is the only way to make Estes realize the power of science and technology, so as to ensure that she will not be surprised when she is in the school island world.

In this way, Esters did take Learin's words into her heart, and that's why she took so many Tinker Holders with her breath.

It's just...

Leva and Daedalus, as the old men of Estedalus, would certainly go with the boss, and Will and Tazmi, their words, needless to say, as members of the hunter, still belong to Estedalus, and it makes sense to follow in battle with the different worlds.

But the problem is, Rabok and Ieyas... they're the night attackers!

Why did they blend into this alien war?

Najeta would agree to let them both come?

“Estes… what is the situation between them? ”

Leah Lin saw Rabok and Yeas, and those two guys naturally saw Leah Lin, but compared to Leah Lin's confusion, those two guys had been hiding from each other and were totally afraid to look directly at him.

And that's why Leah Lin came to get more bored.

“Well, Arlene, don't you know? The two of them… but took refuge with me. ”

“Huh? Asylum? ”

Leah Lin was confused, and Esters' mask made him more confused when he smiled.

What did they do?

You want to take refuge in another world?

Are you exaggerating?

“You really don't know… let them tell you about it. ”

Seeing Leah Lin was still stunned, and Esters suddenly shook his head with a slight hesitation.

Instead of telling Leah Lin the truth, she asked him for it herself, and after that, she turned around and left without any explanation.

You want me to ask it myself?

This is really...

“You guys! Hide what? Get over here! ”

Although the situation is not very clear, since Estes said so, Lea Lin didn't think much. Anyway, the parties are here, so just ask them for clarification.

As soon as Estes walked away, the battle forces that had been assembled could be disbanded in situ, and at this point, looking at Rabok and Ieyas, they went straight to Will and Tazmi, and the four of them sneaked out to try to escape.

But the question is, they've been watching Leah Lin for a long time, and now they're trying to sneak away.

Didn't say, but they didn't wait for a few steps, and the four of them were stopped directly by Leah Lin.

You idiots!

Where are you going?

“Tell me, what's going on, especially with Rabok and Ilyas, that you two are going to take refuge in another world? I really underestimated you guys. ”

Looking at these guys hiding out, Leah Lin knew that this had nothing to do with the four of them.

Though it's not very clear what really happened, at this moment, it certainly won't be too simple!


Now that you're all here, explain to me what's going on here. It's touching the four Dirty Holders in one breath!