Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 868: Sister She's Coming!

Yes, on this first meeting, Li Yalin invited Qingshan Blue Mountain.

And looking at Qingshan Blue Mountain, she didn't even hesitate, and promised to come down.

So there was nothing left to say. He said hello to Mino. Li Yalin left the weekly teenager GONGON headquarters with Qingshan Blue Mountain. He only left a frightened face and Mino was still standing there unclear.

What the hell is going on?

Two people knew each other before?

No, if I had known you before, I would have known.

But why...

At first sight?

How is that possible?

On the question of why Li Yalin was so involved with Qingshan Blue Mountain, it is presumed that he could not have guessed if he wanted to break his head. Besides, on Li Yalin's side, he had already returned with Qingshan Blue Mountain to the Kaori family.

Well, Rabbit-House to be exact!

For his sake, Aoyama Blue Mountain lost the opportunity to get to know everyone, so this time, it is naturally his duty to put the original plot back on track.

After all, without the Rabbit-House in Aoyama Blue Mountain, that's not the complete Rabbit-House, is it?

“This coffee shop... is it really this coffee shop...”

Why did Qingshan Blue Mountain easily agree to Lea Lin's invitation?

The reason is very simple.

Rabbit-House, the coffee shop, is the biggest reason for it!

After all, you need to know that Blue Mountain had known Tibby before he became a rabbit, and he even encouraged him often.

"Become a Rabbit's Coffee Shop Master" is based on Tibby's prototype.

Of course, Qingshan Blue Mountain didn't know that Tibby had really turned into a rabbit, but had heard Tibby's ‘wish’ and inspired her to do so.

And when Tibby turned into a rabbit, they naturally never saw each other again, which she always regretted.

Unfortunately, the old man, who often encouraged her to disappear, and the coffee shop she had visited, had disappeared, and even if she had searched so hard, she would have found nothing.

Until this day, she finally found the coffee shop again, the one called Rabbit-House.

Before entering the store, just standing at the door, Qingshan Blue Mountain created a sense of isolation.

“So, Teacher Aoyama... welcome to Rabbit-House. ”

The feeling in the heart of Qingshan Blue Mountain, Li Yalin can understand some, and that's why, he also stood at the door, smiling to make an invitation position to Qingshan Blue Mountain.

This is the coffee shop you've been looking for, and there's that coffee shop master who turned into a rabbit.

Are you satisfied with this invitation?

“Is she Aoyama Blue Mountain teacher? You're so young...”

“It's beautiful...”

The arrival of Qingshan Blue Mountain, needless to say, must have attracted the sights of all the girls in the family.

Especially the love of Qingshan Blue Mountain, she rushed to Li Yalin and Qingshan Blue Mountain for the first time, if not the only insistence in her heart kept her as calm as possible, I'm afraid she would have jumped on it early.

Qingshan Blue Mountain is indeed a well-deserved beauty, so I didn't say that after seeing Qingshan Blue Mountain herself, the sisters of the family couldn't help but marvel.

How should I put it?

Qingshan Blue Mountain is already a hot novelist, but she doesn't seem to have adapted too much to her new identity. At least in the face of the fans of the Kaori family, she came somewhat overwhelmed.

That is, her personality was faint, and even after the initial silk panic, she quickly subsided.

Is it really an important part of the original plot? After some coexistence, Qingshan Blue Mountain quickly adapted to the rhythm and enjoyed communicating with you.

How long has it been since she even talked to the Kaori sisters?

Well... that's the best way to do it.

Invite Qingshan Blue Mountain to come here, Lee Lin Ben intends to pull her into this circle, after all, he is kind of obsessive-compulsive, always think that Rabbit-House without Qingshan Blue Mountain is like something less.

Now that the last one is here, he is certainly quite satisfied.

“Wonderful! That way, the task my sister entrusted me with is complete! ”

Qingshan Blue Mountain is very happy to be friends with the girls at home, so as a small fan of Qingshan Blue Mountain, everyone is naturally also taking pictures and asking for autographs.


Signature or something, should only one is enough, biased, but love is magical to take out two books, and hope to sign two names Blue Mountain of Qingshan.

And after getting her autograph, she was excited to say it.

Sister's mission?

All of a sudden I heard that I loved it, and everyone's eyes naturally attracted me to the past.

I love having a sister. Everyone knows this, but my sister's task...

Is that the signature?

“Sister is a fan of Qingshan Blue Mountain Teacher. I always wanted to get the autograph of Qingshan Blue Mountain Teacher. I didn't think I would get it before, but it turned out... hey...”

“No, I'm going to tell my sister about this now! ”

In the face of everyone's eyes, my love smiled with a signature.

According to her, her sister, like her, is a fan of Aoyama Blue Mountain, so as a fan, she naturally wants to get her autograph.

My beloved sister was also prepared to send her beloved to a sales meeting, where she was signed by Teacher Qingshan Blue Mountain, but unexpectedly got it at home.

How can love be unhappy with such a surprise?

That's not true. As soon as she explained it to everyone, she took a photo of her cell phone and pointed it at the signature. I think it's a good news for my sister.

This little guy is really hot...

Speaking of my beloved sister... Paul Den Mocha?

I don't know when I'll get to see you.

“Eh??? ”

As a matter of principle, love is good news for your sister, so she should be happy.

I didn't expect this energetic little guy to be surprised at the end of a text message, and then suffer from it again.

And naturally, we all come to wonder about this change in love.

What the hell happened?

Love, what's going on?

It wasn't until you said it yourself that everyone finally reacted. It turns out it was her sister.

“Sister, she... Sister, she's coming! ”

Yes, as my beloved said, her sister, Borden Mocha, is coming!