Salvation Began from Cafe

Chapter 972: It turns out to be a killer.

“Help... I was wrong! ”

Two idiots angry, the idiot Uchida suffered, the two chased each other in the living room, a time also attracted a lot of sisters' weirdness.

This is the day of Chunxiang Big Happy, everyone is preparing for the arrival of that day. If you two can't help each other, forget it, you're still causing us trouble!

Get to know me!

“Stop it! Bastard!”

In the South family, the two silly positions are the ultimate. Not only can Chunxiang hold her tight, but even Chiaki, who is a third sister, can take care of her easily.

This is not, just see Chiaki kick, directly will the two dumb kicks still hunting Uchida.

Not only that, Chiaki's eyes were always half open at the same time, and the whole person had a cold breath.

“If you mess with us again, get the fuck out of here! ”

Well, Chiaki is furious, but it works better than Chunxiang.

At this moment, the two fools really dare not do anything unusual other than sit back and shake Cersei.

After all, Chiaki is angry... it's really scary!

“What the hell happened to Chennai today? She's always making a scene, but she didn't want to exaggerate today, did she? ”

Due to Qianqiu's anger, the two silly Suthers shook and regretted sitting, the atmosphere of the South family also decreased considerably at one time.

So for the strange behavior of the two fools today, as the ‘fourth sister' of the South family, the winter horse who came to help is also an irresistible cautious opening.

Two silly weekdays, but after all, there is still a limit, but today is a good day for Chunxiang. Why is she still so uninteresting, she has to stand up and die?

After all, even if she was stupid, she wouldn't be so insignificant, would she?

“What else could it be, just jealous? ”

Yoshino spoke softly when there was doubt about the winter horse.

This little guy seemed quiet all day long, but there was the potential for a black belly in his bones.

That's not it. She said that. Two fools will blow up the nest right away!

“Jealous? Are you kidding me? How could I be jealous! Chun-hyang, if they want to marry that guy, marry that guy! What am I jealous of? ”

Though Chiaki was angry and the two idiots sat by the rules and confessed to punishment, the problem was that Yoshino really couldn't sit her down.


May I be jealous of Chennai?

Don't joke!

I'm not jealous at all!

Isn't that marriage?

What am I jealous of?

“What? Nor did I say that you were jealous of Chunxiang's sisters... I thought you were jealous of Lord Arryn marrying Chunxiang's sisters..."

How should I put it?

Is it really Yoshino?

This phrase goes out, and the spring fragrance of the tooth dancing claw just now is sunk immediately.


So she's jealous of Haruka?

She's making such a scene, it turns out...


“Don't say that! I don't know anything! Leave me alone! ”

Although Chunxiang is all over her wedding dress at this moment, she cannot ignore her sister's abnormality.

However, just as Chunxiang wanted to talk, she saw Er Suddenly even shook her head and left the living room as if fleeing, and turned back to the next room to smother herself in the nest.


Two silly sudden routines, but let the girls in the living room face each other.

What the hell is going on?


At the moment, only Chun-xiang, the two silly sisters, could really understand the situation. After sighing unconsciously, her eyes turned to Shinxi and Dunko.

After feeling the look of Haruka, Dunco and Shinji shook their heads gently.

Obviously, they guessed as well.

“What a vicious guy...”

Looking at the girls in this room, Haruka also couldn't help but show her helpless expression.

Has Chennai fallen?

So who's going to be after Chennai?

Her two equally beautiful classmates?

Or Chiaki, who will soon grow up?

Or Uchida?


Turns out he's a killer...

But... who made you my husband immediately?

It's the only way to forgive you, isn't it?

With regard to the marriage, it was not just the South Family, but Leah Lin's bride, the number of whom was genuine.

For example, he is about to marry his Yamanaka and son, and she will soon earn what she wants, become Lea Lin's true bride and his wife.

To tell the story between Leah Lin and Sawako, although at first it was just a pretence as a lover, it was a legitimate and reasonable thing to fake it over time.

After all, Lang has a concubine intent. Marriage or something doesn't make sense.

“Major and you look beautiful today. ”

“That is, Teacher Sawako is beautiful. ”

This is not true. As an associate bride of Leah Lin, Sawako has recently been carefully choosing her future dress for herself.

Originally a very delicate face, accompanied by that beautiful wedding dress, but the best side of Sawako was thoroughly presented.

And as the five little followers of Sawako, the girls in the bass department naturally sent their sincere admiration for it.

Yes, today Sawako came to pick out her dresses, not her friends, but her five students.

Originally a member of the Light Tone Club and now a group of bands from the D.C. Fire, Sawako's lineup of family and friends is unprecedented and powerful.

“Is this... really okay? ”

Sawako should have asked Leah Lin to accompany her on the wedding dress selection, but today she did not inform Leah Lin, but brought several students of her own, naturally with her thoughts.

She wanted to find the most beautiful wedding dress, put it on herself and stand in front of Lea Lin to surprise him.

So now she finds the dress that suits her best and reaps the full compliments of the students, which also makes her cheeks fly red and faint.

“Absolutely! Major and you are so beautiful! If I were a man, I'd marry you home! ”

In the face of full of shame, Sawako, the team beside her couldn't help but stick out her thumb, not only that, but she also made a pig's face, that expression was very funny.

“Give me your attention! ”

The law team was just starting to get weird, and they were attacked by MIO's Iron Fist. They came here today to help Sawako pick out her wedding dress, not to watch you get weird!

Beautiful Sawako teacher, you are about to enter the hall of marriage, you do not bless, what is wrong with showing that strange look?

“Oops... it hurts! Hey! Mio, you can't do this to me because you're in a bad mood. Although the fact that Major and I are going to marry our predecessors does make you..."

“Shut up, you idiot! ”

After taking a punch from MIO, the team suddenly mumbled with dissatisfaction, but once she said it, it really played a role in the instant cold field.

After all... this is really not the time to bring it up...