Saving 80,000 Gold in an Another World for Retirement

274 The rise and fall of the Empire 10

This is probably the end of the war.

Then there will be political talk about compensation and apology.

Whether it will be a bilateral consultation between the Empire and this country, or whether other countries will stick their heads in the peace conference and try to hold their mouths shut....

Because I'm an ally of a big alliance, I feel like I'm going to say something about collective security...

Now, if the reinforcements you sent out were in battle, they would have taken on a considerable crossspear.

Both the Empire and Princess Lemia were fortunate to have settled early in that regard.

If the Imperial Army was hit hard in the battle, there would be an option for Princess Geghe's kingdom, the Dalisson Kingdom, to invade backwards.Because the princess and the ministers, even if they are good people personally, are relentless players as politicians.

And even if the Darrison kingdom didn't do it, it is also possible that the coulson kingdom, which is partitioned by the Choi evil uncle wind king, will invade with the aim of profiting fishermen.

However, the Imperial invading army only crushed the chain of command and turned it into a crowd of Ukrainians. If we simply think of it as a number of people without considering the rank or position, the human damage is insignificant...

So, if you go back to the country, rearrange with new commanders and superiors, and replenish your lost weapon defenses, you'll be back as a force with no difficulty.

Therefore, I think it is unlikely that other countries will consider strange things.

And indeed, the Empire will not move again soon.Perhaps the members of the great alliance will form a military alliance against the Empire....

The balance of forces collapsed, the surrounding countries collapsed into the Empire, seized territory... and in World War II, it was flat.I'm thinking about it.

... and because it's "true".

It's not true!!

Well, that's none of my business.

In our country, the King will handle it properly.Negotiations between nations are the work of kings and ministers.

Okay, let's get back to it.

Maybe the mercenaries have a short bath time.

... no, I just kind of feel that way imaginatively...

All right, transfer!

I haven't taken a bath yet.

Everyone in Wolffang took a bath first and asked the helicopter team to slowly enter afterwards, and in the meantime, they were supposed to prepare for a post-debriefing meeting and a rapprochement party.

That's why the helicopter team is still bathing.

Well, even when it comes to preparation for a debriefing and rapprochement party, it seems that it was finished beforehand before the departure, and the food and alcohol were only delivered with what was ordered beforehand.

I will eat and drink while "talking on the other side", so it is not convenient for service personnel to come to catering, so I have to make delivery.

We'll do the cooking and cleaning ourselves, but we can't help it.

Soldiers can clean up after meals by themselves.

After a while, a debriefing session began.

Well, it went almost as planned, and it was a near-perfect game with zero casualties and zero equipment damage.There was nothing fatal that needed to be seriously discussed, and nothing that needed to be improved in the future.So it will end with something simple.

... there was a time when I was thinking like that.

No, like, "I told you not to take as many casualties as possible outside of Command this time, but the rays to chase them were too close to the enemy soldiers and wasted more casualties," or, "Did you need a landmine?"Isn't it dangerous to reduce altitude aiming at subtle effects such as the incineration effect caused by tracer bombs?Isn't it suicide to make a fool of bows and arrows and throwing spears and increase the chances of being shot down?In addition, did you not consider the possibility of the existence of a bola or a large crossbow gun (barista)? "

With regard to helicopter operation, neither I nor Wolffang gave detailed instructions.

If amateurs who don't know how hard hovering is going to require sophisticated technology can give helicopters detailed instructions on specific actions, it's not going to be too busy.So I only gave the helicopter team a rough policy.

Therefore, I wish you could do it later at your own reflection meeting...

Well, maybe I wanted to hear the opinions of the Wolffang side, and from the point of view of the client asking for the minimum, maybe I wanted to hear the opinions of my client, so I can't help it....

Or rather, the helicopter team says, "Next time," but I'm sure I'm going again!

Hmm, you acted as expected, you didn't act strangely, and you look like a trusted mercenary group, so if you had the next chance... I don't want it to happen very much... but you can ask me here again, and then I feel like the other Wolffang mercenaries won't shut up...

I'm sorry that Wolffang's connections and friendships are about to take a fatal blow...

Well, anyway, that's why there was a pretty serious discussion, and then there was a rapprochement meeting.

... yeah, well, this is what these people's "swallowing party after safe return from the battlefield" is like, yeah.

Just leave me alone, don't try to drink, don't hold me!!

Shortly after the battle with the Imperial Army in other worlds, I went to Wolffang's home.

"Hey, Captain. I think I need to make up for the deficit when you get me the helicopter...You know the captain, and he's honest, right?If you take out the weapons and ammunition and pay the participation fee, it's pretty tough, right? "

If your cooperation is crushed by financial difficulties, the aftertaste will be bad...

That's why I told the captain...

"I don't think you need it. They're making a hell of a fortune out of it...."

What unexpected information!

"Yeah? Propaganda about being active in other worlds, killing clients?"

"Stupid bastard. If a mercenary gets a lot of work at once, he'll be dead soon!Anyone who doesn't take enough time off to heal or recover will die first. "

"Ah, I see... then, why are you shaking so much?"

"Oh, they sold the soil and grass they brought back from the other world at auction."


No, that's all right because I gave you permission, but can you make that much with such ordinary soil, weeds, and flowers?

The captain kept on looking at me and seeing that I had doubts.

"Ah ~, even if it looks like ordinary weed, it may be completely different from the earth's, or if the isotope, genome, or helix is around the right or the left, I don't know what you said.Anyway, it seems that he won the bid for a weed that he wanted to get and investigate.

... and then it was "The Second Weed of the Other World".

It was also won for a huge amount of money, and then it was listed as the "third weed from another world".... "

"Mill Mascara Mask at the charity auction!!"

"Miss, are you familiar with pro wrestling?And how do you know such a minor episode! "

"No, I'm surprised the captain knows such a story!"

Ah, yes. Are soldiers interested in fleshbullet warfare...?

"Well, that's why the" Weed of the World Series "continues.And finally, when it was finished, "The Different Earth" appeared next. "

"Well, no way... I can already read it!"

"And when the" Different World Soil Series "is over, now the" Different World Pebble Series "..."


That's a mercenary.

"And as promised, they're only doing screenings of filmed footage for people who know about other worlds.Take a stupid high price...

Still, it seems like a lot of government officials and researchers from all over the world are making a lot of money coming over and over again.Of course, it's forbidden to shoot a screen, so you have to pay for it and watch it many times.Pay thousands of dollars a time.... "

"It was a ghost!... but it was within my permission...

But what's so valuable about the footage?I'm just digging for soil and grass. "

Yeah, that's not much different from the kid who's toying around.

No, it's such a nice picture of a good old man playing dirty.

"No, as evidence that the soil and grass are truly alien things, but the real thing is the scene of fighting enemies....."


"They took it from a helicopter. We have two planes, so we can capture each other's airframes.

If you're a government, you'll want the information.

Besides, there will be many countries that want to get soil and grass.I don't know what to find.

Anyway, it looks like you've earned enough money to cover the cost of your participation and the ammunition you consumed. "

Huh? Huh?

"I told you, miss.The footage I took was, "It's okay to show it to someone who originally knew about this world"...Ah, it's been confirmed that the lady and our neck are not visible from above.It's not an image processing, it's not in the frame, so don't worry about it. "

Yeah? Yeah.

"They're very helpful, but they keep their promises.It's all within your permission, isn't it?

The photograph taken from the helicopter was approved by a post-mortem declaration after the shooting, but if Miss said no, she would have destroyed the data properly.They're disciplined. "


... no, well, it's fine.

Even after the shooting, I did allow it, and there is not another problem.

But the mercenaries aren't the kind of sweethearts that get the job in deficit.

I'm sure it's solid...