Scholar’s Advanced Technological System

Chapter 1: Shock! 100,000 a year...

2014, Jinling City, China.

In June, the proud sun roasted the earth as if to steam the last trace of water vapor on the asphalt road.

Watching the streets rushing to the pedestrians, listening to the noisy car whistle in their ears, standing on an ark in front of the sales hall, staring straight at the streets. Though the air conditioning floats behind him from time to time, it can be a thick cloth coupling that doesn't make him feel the gift from the air conditioning.

Ask him why he's standing here.

Of course because of life…

All right, speak human.

Summer vacation Unicom Sales Hall works with vivo mobile phone manufacturers to promote $60 an hour, almost twice as much as handing out leaflets and not having to be white-eyed. Plus, the outdoor temperature is over 30 degrees, and there's 10 bucks an hour for high temperatures, which is 70 bucks an hour.

As soon as the hourly rate was heard, the Ark did not think much and did not hesitate to take over.

Reasonable analysis of a wave, average 5 hours of work a day, 350 yuan a day. If you work 30 days a month, that's $10,500.

Who would have thought that 100,000 jobs a year would be in front of Unicom Sales Hall?

Of course, the Ark knows, don't say it's vivo, even if it's wealthy Huawei, it can't be promoted every day.

But even if it's only for a week, it's 2600 dollars.

Just as the ark was bored enough to start counting the leaves on the canopy tree at the door, a fat man with a slightly dark skin came over to the side of the ark, wiping sweat on his face.

His name is Wu Dahai, he studied mathematics at Jinling University like Ark Boat, but he is two years older than Ark Boat, he is studying senior year, and in a few months is senior year. As the leader of these part-time students, this work in cloth costumes was introduced to the Ark.

“Ark, can you do it? Why don't we get someone else to take a break from work, you go to the sales hall.” Because of his fear of hot physique, Wu Dahai's entire human body was as if it had been fished out of the water and wet all over his body.

Though I wanted to rest, the ark shook its head: "I'm fine, I can hold on a little longer. ”

“I said, are you really okay or are you faking okay? You've been standing almost all afternoon.” Wu Dahai said with a bitter face.

He's really scared of this guy having a heat stroke.

“I'm really fine, you don't have to worry about me,” the ark shook its head firmly, "it's only an hour away from work, it's been standing for so long, it's not that long, don't you think? ”

Wu Dahai looked at the ark hesitantly and said: "Well... I really don't care about you. ”

“Well, you go to your business. ”

Seeing the Ark so resolute, Wu Dahai stopped insisting.

In fact, he didn't have any luck in his heart either.

After all, in this hot weather, it's not easy to arrange someone to take over. Although he has a lot of part-time workers, but not as many as the Ark, he may end up wearing this “cotton padded jacket”.

Watching the fat man go away behind his back, Ark retrieved his gaze from him and continued to stare at the wooden tongue in front of the sales hall.

At this point, all of a sudden, he felt that something was wrong with the scenery.

Pedestrians on this street… how do they fly up to the sky?

Her legs were soft and the whole person fell back.

With residual consciousness, he heard a rush of footsteps and shouts in the sales hall behind him.

“The mascot at the door is in the heat! ”

“Come on, take off his hood and get a glass of water! ”

“Grass, ark, you can't do anything! ”

“No, it's not working. Get him to the hospital! ”

“Get in my car. ”

“ …… ”

The last ray of light in the field of view cuts off, with endless darkness...


Lu Zhou, an undergraduate student in mathematics at Jinling University, is now a freshman year and in a few months is a sophomore year. When he volunteered, he was supposed to report software engineering, but because of the score difference, he obeyed the transfer to Cold Gate Mathematics Department.

Sometimes an ark can't help but ask itself, this egg. What good is it after four years of painful specialization?

Seems like an unsolved answer.

There are only two conventional ways out of the mathematics department, either by continuing their studies (abroad or studying) or by transferring to other specialties.

Actually, there is another retention school, but this is not considered by undergraduates, unless you have a very strong relationship with the teacher. Even so, however, staying is a mess, rather than examining directly at our university.

However, the examination is somewhat unrealistic for the Ark.

The home of the Ark boat is in Jiangling, although it is only one word short of Jinling, but the location is 18,000 miles away. His father worked at Jiangling steel factory and was an ordinary worker. As for his mother, she had already been laid off from work and had not been in good health, so he did not spend a lot of money to see a doctor.

The family's income depended on his father alone, not to mention his sister who was in high school, and when she got to college, it was a huge expense.

Though Dad meant to keep him from worrying about the money, it's best to keep reading and try to get a doctor back.

Yet the ark is clear that this is not possible.

He, who had already stepped halfway into society, had to consider more realities.

More specifically, money.

He didn't want to make himself a burden at home or drag his sister down, so he had been trying very hard to be financially self-reliant since college. When someone else is involved in community activities or studying hard in the library, he is more likely to flyer, install routers, and deliver takeout.

Sometimes he wonders, "What's the point of a college student's life like this?" The work you are doing has no technical content, and even those who graduate from junior high school can do it, or even do it better than you do, and at least don't get a heat stroke outside the air-conditioning room in a few hours.

But just like the previous question, "The way out of the math department," there's no answer.

Now he's down...

Consciousness returned and stood in the blackness of the day, with the eyes of the ark staring blindly around.

“Where the fuck...? ”

Nobody answered.

Blurred memories tell themselves that they seem to have fainted in the heat in front of Unicom Sales Hall. Later, it seemed like a kind person had taken him to a nearby hospital, but there was a little bit of a hospital here, not even in the real world.

Just as the ark began to feel anxious about its situation, suddenly a translucent screen suddenly appeared in front of him, scaring his entire person backwards.

“Black technology… system? What the hell?!”

Looking at the bold text that emerged from the translucent screen, the ark was startled and ecstatic.

Is it possible... that you have been chosen by the legendary system?

He's still seen online novels.

He swallowed his mouth and said, "System... what do you do? ”

However, there was no mysterious voiceover to respond to his question, and the translucent holographic screen appeared on its own.

Black Technology System:

The system is committed to upgrading indigenous civilization. Regarding the secrets of the system, the holder is invited to explore them. Detailed instructions are provided to the system holder for the system's functions.

The main interface of the system is described below.

Main science: (The backbone of the technology tree, focusing on the theoretical direction. Maximum 10 levels. Experience can only be gained through tasks and cannot be redeemed through points. Tech Tree will unlock Future Age options, as well as mega engineering tasks)

A. Mathematics: the basis of all disciplines, which determines the upper limit of the remaining backbone scientific level.

B. Physics: It helps you understand the universe.

C. Biochemistry: It helps you identify yourself.

D. Engineering: transforming tools, transforming the environment, transforming the world.

E. Materialology: the inseparability of materials from engineering

F: Energy science: from fossil fuels to helium III, from solid lithium air cells to antimatter batteries, from wireless transmission to ultra-range laser conduction, life feeds on negative entropy, the end of energy development, in distant star oceans...

G. Informatics: Genetics is God's code, and the ultimate goal of the code is to create God.


Branch technology: is the trunk of the branch of technology. After unlocking a specific branch technology, upgrade the required experience and redeem it for 1 point points equivalent.

Example: Genetics LV1 requires biochemistry LV1, i.e., genetics LV1 (01000) can be lit by consuming 100 points.

Genetic LV2 requirements meet three conditions simultaneously: biochemical LV2, engineering LV1, and experience value of 1000. Genetic LV1 can be upgraded to genetic LV2 (0?).


Technical drawings: As the name implies, technical drawings are easy to understand. As small as a nanochip and as big as a giant engineering Dyson ball. With the objective conditions required for production, production can be achieved by following the drawing steps.


Points: Can be used to open reward tasks, or consume 200 points to re-randomize tasks, which can consume points to solve technical difficulties (spending points is determined by discipline level, technical difficulty tendency, and problem-solving difficulty.

Task: With three random tasks occurring at a time, you can select one of the tasks to perform as your goal, and receive the corresponding reward for completing the task. The task panel will be reset as soon as the task is complete.

At this moment, the Ark doesn't know what to do and look like, it seemed to reverse in this system and become the father of all other disciplines? The taste of this salted fish turns over really makes him a bit speechless.

The one who made him puke more powerless was still in the back.

Immediately after the caption disappeared, his properties panel appeared.

Black Technology System:

Host: Ark

Backbone Science:

A. Mathematics: LV0 (01000)

B. Physics: LV0 (01000)

C. Biochemistry: LV0 (01000)

D. Engineering: LV0 (01000)

E. Materialology: LV0 (01000)

F: Energy: LV0 (01000)

Informatics: LV0 (01000)

Branch technology: None

Technical drawings: None

Points: 0

Task: Not claimed

At least I'm also a 985, although I can't be a schoolmaster when I come in, but this string of zero eggs... don't you despise me too much?

Looking at this dazzling string of zero eggs, the Ark couldn't help but laugh.

There must be some mistake in this system!

Just when the Ark thought so, a violent shake suddenly appeared on his shoulder, immediately pulling his consciousness out of this pure white space...