Scholar’s Advanced Technological System
Chapter 621: Pause on the Blackboard
The lights are on.
Wearing a fully dressed canoe, he walked smoothly to the front of the grand auditorium.
The noise faded like the tide from the moment he stepped in front of the microphone and the noisy venue calmed down for a moment.
Standing on the reporting platform, he looked around at the audience under the stage and the mood of the ark was exceptionally calm.
It's not the first time he's ever stood on such occasions.
Nor is it the first time that a challenge has been launched to a world-class challenge.
Reach for the microphone, the ark simply tries to get the wheat down and speaks with a clear voice.
“Thank you very much for taking the time out of your busy schedule and for not taking up your precious time, let's get straight to the point. ”
At the end of the opening speech, Ark Zhuotong continued.
“Before coming here, I'm sure you've read my paper. I will revisit the brief description of the proof process in the paper and elaborate on the ideas I used to prove the problem. ”
“I believe that after my explanation, I can solve the confusion in your hearts. ”
“If you still have questions, please wait until the last question. ”
As the voice dropped, the PPT projected on the back screen of the ark opened a new page and a row of formulas appeared in front of everyone.
[F ^ i (μv) ● δμ · Av ^ i-δv · Aμ ^ i + g (f ^ ijk) · (Aμ ^ j) · (Av ^ k]
“When we give the equation a Schwartz undifferentiated vector field μ0, set the time interval I ⊂ [0, ∞), then we can continue to define a broad solution of the Young Mills equation N9 as a continuous mapping that follows the integral equation μ (t), i.e. μ H10df (R3)...”
“In a general way, it is difficult to solve this nonlinear bias differential equation and to discuss the existence of its solution. Here we must introduce a stream of three-dimensional existence, build a bridge between the intangible equation and the tangible geometry principle, and introduce topological ideas to it…"
As he spoke, the ark picked a long chalk from the desk, and then walked to the large blackboard next to the screen, where the pen was raised.
First row of the audience.
Looking at the contents of the canoe book on the blackboard, Master Lu suddenly said with some emotion.
“It's hard to imagine. ”
Sitting next to Master Lu, Professor Tang laughed and said, “Hard to imagine what? ”
Dean Lu did not answer this question, just as if he had fallen into a memory, he said.
“Five years ago, at CERN's European Conference on Nuclear Research, he and I had a disagreement over the characteristic peak of the 750GeV energy zone. My opinion is that the signal there may be a dual photon signal generated by the glue when it polymerizes, and he insists that there may be a possibility beyond a standard model there. ”
“And the final result?” Professor Tang smiled and said, "Are you right or is he right? ”
“No conclusion," Reverend Lu shook his head, "CERN lived all year for his discovery, and the theoretical physics community paved the way for the theory of this new particle, but in the end… it seemed to be a joke between the universe and us. There are arguments for quantum rise and fall, and there are arguments for dual photon signals generated by colloidal polymerization… but none of this is the point. ”
After a pause, Master Lu laughed and continued, "It is a rare quality to be able to insist on one's point of view when questioned by authority, especially among students trained from our education system. From then on, I thought the kid's future was definitely not easy. Turns out, I underestimated him, and in just five years, he's grown to this point. ”
The last sentence was kind of an answer to Tang Zhiwei's previous question.
In the past, he simply believed that the gift and effort of the Ark would inevitably have a place for himself in physics or mathematics in the future. However, it did not occur to him that in his five years of growth, what he had achieved was not only his future, but also the future of Jinling University and even the academic community of China.
Professor Tang laughed and said with emotion.
“He's probably the fastest growing student I've ever met. ”
The report will continue.
With the end of the section on the L flux, the ark gradually accelerated the pace of the debriefing.
Forty pages of a paper, and at least twenty pages of critical evidence.
If he did not wish to leave the questioning session until the afternoon, he would have to do so within two hours.
As the rhythm of the ark grew, scholars in the hall stared blindly at every line of formula he wrote, even every letter, afraid to miss out on any detail.
For them, there are no problems that they do not understand, but at best there is no room for an exchange of views with their peers sitting next to them while listening to the report.
Scroll through the images on the PPT.
There are more formulas on the blackboard.
I completely forgot the auditorium I was in, and I completely forgot the audience behind me, completely into the state of the ark, focused my attention on that inch of chalk, and that unfilled blackboard.
At the same time as the board books and explanations, the Ark also combed its mind to prove the existential problems of the Yang Mills equation.
And at the same time that this idea is combed, new inspiration and ideas are also being developed in his mind.
When the paper turns to page 36.
The report has come to an end.
Finally, he could relax, and Professor Clearing, who had grasped the entire vein of proof of thought, closed the notebook in his hand and looked at Professor Fartings, sitting next to him, and said casually.
“Excellent proof… what do you think? ”
His eyes locked a row of formulas on the blackboard, and Faltines seemed to have analyzed what looked like in his heart and had not spoken for a while.
Prior to his arrival in China, he had been studying the L flux and the proof of the existence of a solution to the Young Mills equation, and had also discussed it with several doctors working in the field at the Mathematics Institute of the Map Society, although he still had doubts about several details.
However, most of these questions have been answered.
About five or six minutes later, he looked at the contents of the PPT, looked at the blackboard, and said expressionlessly.
“He answered some of my questions… although not all. ”
When he heard that, Professor Clearing laughed.
Even Mr. Fartings said so, and there's probably nothing wrong with wanting to come.
However, just as he was almost ready to stand and clap, waiting for the landing boat to finish...
The chalk hanging on the blackboard suddenly stopped.