Scholar’s Advanced Technological System
Chapter 1101 Fei Prize Strong, Terror Russ
[Cq (D, k) = {(f (x1), …, f (xn)); Fnq | f (x); Fq [x], degf (x) ≤ k − 1} when ords = nzeta (X, s) = (i ● Z) Σ (− 1) ^ (i +1) · dimQ · Ki '(X) (n) is established…]
Office of the Experimental Building of Jinling University College.
Including the newly added Schultz et al., a subject group member of the theory of unification of algebra and geometry, stands in front of this whiteboard at this moment and looks with interest at the almost full formula written on it.
After about five minutes of reflection, the ark touched its chin and gave a positive assessment.
“Interesting idea. ”
Perelman also praised the assertion that the ship was in favour of a lower location.
“Indeed, this is a very novel idea. ”
Faltines did not speak, but the expression on his face had clearly expressed the same.
Schultz laughed and said, “This is what I discovered when I studied what seemed like a complete space, and this discovery gave me the idea of using it to build a unified theory, and I've been refining it all last year. H (v) can be associated with non-approximate motive as long as we are able to find the exact expression of Cq (D, k) and insert it into inference 4. ”
The ark nodded and said, "Yes, so that we can indirectly study the straightening and decomposition of the MOTIE theory by discussing the H (V) function. ”
It has to be said that even Professor Faltines, who never liked to compliment others, praised the genius Schultz, who did have two brushes.
His stature seems to have played an unexpected role in studying motive theory with complete spatial geometry.
Especially rare is that Perelman is much more capable of expressing and communicating than a scholar who specializes in closed door drilling.
Generally speaking, it is just as difficult to get academics working in this field to accept their advanced views as it is to come up with them.
After all, whether it's a complex or simple mathematical proposition, it takes time and energy to get inside. Only when the vast majority of people think it's important enough will someone take the initiative to accept it.
With regard to the approval of the Ark, Schultz smiled and said clearly in a good mood: “Speaking of which, we haven't given this method a nice name. In the future, when we need to use it, we can't always read a long string of formulas. ”
After a moment of reflection, the Ark said, "… how about the application of the cousin condition called poincare? I note that the core part of the argument is probably the promotion of the commonality of the multidimensional homogeneity theory of poincare couples. ”
“This expression is too troublesome to remember, and now it's more concise, for example…” After a moment of rethinking, Schultz put up an index finger and smiled, "How about the ‘Fold' theory? In the abstract, it was a set of algebraic formulas that we folded to arrive at such an interesting conclusion. ”
When you hear this strange name, the ark can't help but say something in its heart. What's so simple about this thing? Simplicity is simple enough, but I can't think of any method to use just by listening to the name, okay?
Chen Yang and Perelman had no opinions, and this irrelevant matter did not matter to them.
As for Professor Fartings, the opinion was clearly shaking his head, as he did.
“You young people like to do some fancy names. I think Professor Lu's name is good. ”
Ark: “…”
While I'm glad Professor Fartings agrees with me, I always feel like I'm losing something.
Watching the bosses communicate there, the rest of the office shut up.
Staring at the almost full formula on the white board, Han Mengqi frowned and thought hard, seemed to understand, but always felt like he didn't understand anything.
He Changwen was also frowning, his face was full of cloudiness and his right hand unconsciously touched the little hair left on his head.
As for Zimmer...
This guy's totally blind.
He had always thought he was very close to the frontier of mathematics, especially when the Ark agreed to include him in the subject of mathematical unification theory, and he was convinced that he would soon become a one-sided scholar.
Now, however, his pride is in being struck by incomplete skin.
In front of these real cowmen, it takes a lot of work not to say anything but to understand what they're talking about.
He is a strong player of the Faye Prize...
Horror, horror!
His eyes stared at the white board and the season swallowed his mouth and said, "Brother... how did you get the k value in Formula 8? I don't see why. ”
“Don't ask, focus.” Staring at the white board, He Changwen's expression was full of weight.
I thought I disturbed my brother's thinking, and Jimmy shut up and stopped talking.
After a while, I saw He Changwen suddenly frowned, flanked his head, and asked Han Mengqi beside him in a low voice.
“What is the equation used to push Formula 2 out of Formula 1? Have you seen it? ”
"... that's just Way's theory," said Monkey Han. ”
Zimmer: "…”
The Ark proposes a framework for resolving the entire proposition.
Schultz's approach, on the other hand, gives a perfected answer to a specific question in the overall framework.
In fact, it was the famous Beilinson-Bloch conjecture in algebraic geometry that preceded the establishment of that line of expression.
It's not an easy thing to solve, and it's actually what's bothering Schultz all year.
If there was no way to prove that even Beilinson-Bloch's assumptions were unsuccessful, then his proposed approach, known as "Fold”, would be meaningless.
But it's hard to fathom, there's an ark here, and Schultz isn't very worried.
Problems of this level will certainly not be harder than Lehman thought.
Especially for an ark.
No one is better at solving certification problems than he is.
Discussions continued.
Just as the ark proposed a way to relate the higher order K-group of elliptical curve E to the resolution of invariant variables, thus resolving the Beilinson-Bloch conjecture, the phone in the pocket suddenly shook.
Though not wanting to answer the phone at this time, to avoid delaying important things, the Ark looked at the incoming call display.
When I saw that the call was from my sister, Ark was thinking about something that was supposed to be happening over at Sky Tech, so I pointed to my phone.
“I went out to pick up the phone, at work. ”
Schultz smiled and said, "No, I just need a little time to think about the idea you mentioned. ”
The ark nodded and turned to the hallway outside the office, pressing the connection button, before he could say hello, he heard Sister's voice rushing from across the street.
“Look at the neck! ”