Science and Technology Library

Chapter 305 Holographic Game

Lin Zhiyuan was also a little nervous. The meeting table was filled with senior executives from March Ant. They only had some talent for software research and development. As one of the technical backbones of the Chinese character programming department, he was allowed to participate in this meeting.This is the first time to participate in this level of conference.

He is proficient in software, so he is mainly responsible for the ecological development of mobile phones and computer systems.This time he naturally joined the holographic ecological development plan.

Walking onto the small podium at the back of the meeting room, Lin Zhiyuan settled down before speaking: "As for the issue of holographic ecological applications, my personal idea is to start with the most popular type of software-games."

After entering the state, Lin Zhiyuan did not start to be so nervous.

"The survey shows that more than 80% of domestic smartphones have games installed on them. Game software is also one of the most frequently used and time-consuming software. That is, eight out of ten people use their phones to play games. Our user base is mainly between 18-40 years old, so we can start with the game application in the holographic ecological application, which can meet the needs of users to the greatest extent.

The popularization of holographic projectors and holographic mobile phones has given us a new development environment-holographic games.At present, there are mainly three types that are most suitable for making holographic games.

The first is a chess and card tower defense game, the second is a stand-alone game, similar to the classic competitive fighting game of the "King of Fighters", and the third is an online game, which is similar to the game modes of Glory of the King, League of Legends and Dota. It is most suitable for holographic game development.

These three types of games have a common feature, the map venue is a limited platform.In this regard, holographic projection can perfectly shape the game map. In the past few days, I have simply made a holographic Summoner Canyon map similar to the "king"."

After Lin Zhiyuan finished speaking, a huge canyon map appeared on the holographic projection platform in the middle of the conference table.Mountains, rivers, canyons, grasses, woods, wild monsters, clouds and fog in the obscured field of view are all three-dimensional maps of holographic projection, giving people an urge to experience them immediately.

The high-levels on the field have bright eyes. This is a good direction. If this game is launched, their holographic equipment will be pushed to a new height.

"Holographic games can bring people a more realistic gaming experience. Holographic games are between traditional online games and virtual reality games. It brings out the real game scenes. Both visual effects and other senses far exceed Looking at the LCD screen without layering.

It can be single, or multiple people can gather together to play the game in the dark, looking down at the map. This is a kind of ancient war, where the generals deduced the sand table and discussed strategies to break the enemy.

Holographic games can perfectly combine computer games and board games. In addition to playing games, it also allows friends to interact face-to-face. The gaming experience will be better than that of a cold computer.So holographic games, I think there will be very good prospects..."

Lin Zhiyuan's idea caused Chang Shan's senior officials to nod frequently.If you use hologram to make games, it is indeed much better than traditional game experience.

And now young people all like games, so this idea is very marketable.

It's just the game business, for them, it is still a blank field, and Zhao Min has to decide whether to enter this field.

Lin Zhiyuan finished his thoughts and returned to his seat.He doesn't know what others think, but as a young man, he is also a game lover and he has a lot of inspiration in this regard.

This was a free-talking meeting, so he put out these ideas that he thought were good.

"Not bad."

Sitting down, Wei Zhe gave Lin Zhiyuan a thumbs up.The Chinese character programming department has always been an important software research and development department of Marchant Company.

The Chinese programming language has become famous since the'clown virus' incident and has become a programming language necessary for top hackers and high-speed computer technology. It is also the recognized highest level language among all current computer languages.

Those who can enter the Chinese character programming department of the marching ant are all proficient in Chinese character programming language and top experts in technology.Lin Zhiyuan has the best talent, huge potential, and usually has many ghost ideas. That's why Wei Zhe brought him over to participate in this meeting. He didn't expect Lin Zhiyuan to give him a huge surprise.

Seeing Wei Zhe's approval, Lin Zhiyuan was in a very good mood.

"Who has any other ideas about the'Artificial Intelligence+' plan and holographic ecological applications?" Zhao Min asked.

Today’s meeting is to get more ideas. Wang Sijia and Lin Zhiyuan have good ideas, but others may not have other better ideas. After all, they are all professionals.

After Zhao Min finished speaking, other senior executives also began to explain their ideas.

Everyone starts to enter the state, record the ideas they are interested in, and when they enter the discussion, they can also be prepared.

After an hour, almost everyone who had some ideas spoke out their ideas.Many of them expanded and supplemented the ideas of Wang Sijia and Lin Zhiyuan.

"Who else has any other ideas?" Zhao Min asked after everyone stopped.

"That... President, I have one!"

A somewhat timid voice sounded, and everyone walked around and saw Lin Shu sitting next to Wei Zhe.

From the moment Lin Shu entered the conference room, he didn't have much to say when he sat in his seat, watching other people explain all the time.Faced with this kind of scene, she was still a little timid, but now the meeting is nearing the end, if she doesn't say anything, she might have no chance, so she mustered the courage to speak.

Seeing Lin Shu, several senior executives were a little surprised.

Lin Shu is too young, about 20 years old, a girl, with a tender and young face, like a student who has not graduated.

Is it that the Chinese character programming department is headed by such young people?It was Lin Zhiyuan just now, and now there is a younger Lin Shu.

Seeing Lin Shu, people who didn't know each other started to ask Lin Shu's identity.

Xiao Yu and Zhao Min are no strangers to Lin Shu, but they know that Lin Shu is one of the few people who were personally invited by Chen Mo to join the company.

The root of the'clown virus' that shocked the world was the antivirus software that Lin Shu accidentally programmed.Now that anti-virus software has been transformed into the professional anti-virus software of March Ant Company.

"Your name is Lin Shu, right?" Zhao Min asked.

"President, know me." Lin Shu didn't expect the president to know her and became nervous.

"You are the only backbone of our company who is still a student of programming technology, and the boss personally invited in. How could I not know." Zhao Min smiled gently: "Don't be nervous, just say anything if you have any ideas."

As soon as Zhao Min's words came out, everyone on the court was a little surprised. In the company, there were not many people appreciated by the boss. I didn't expect that this girl who seemed only 20 years old was invited by the boss himself.

"Okay... OK." Lin Shu hurriedly got up from his position, trot to the small podium, sorted out his nervous emotions, and then said: "Actually I have two...two ideas, one is about'artificial intelligence +' The planned one is a holographic ecological application. The idea is similar to that of Director Wang and Lin Zhiyuan, but there is a little difference."