Science and Technology Library

Chapter 440 Chen Mo said

"Mr. Chen Mo, do you think it's a bit too early to talk about the future city?" The one who stood up and asked the question was a Western elite, who looked like it was the management of a certain company.

After Chen Mo's speech was finished, the people in the audience below began to be uneasy.For many people, the smart city described by Chen Mo is still far away.

"It's not early, to give you a concept of time. In the next five years, if there is no accident, Binhai City will be built into the embryonic form of a smart city."

Chen Mo denied shook his head and said.

"A unified artificial intelligence platform has emerged. Our company's'artificial intelligence +'platform is to build an intelligent core. Urban brain, artificial intelligence + transportation, artificial intelligence + building, artificial intelligence + electrical appliances, artificial intelligence + office, artificial intelligence + Life, etc., these are no longer movies.

Our company headquarters and staff dormitories have all realized the concept of'artificial intelligence +'. This concept is being promoted to Binhai City and even the entire city of China.

According to our statistics, after Binhai City launched the smart transportation project, the average waiting time for citizens at sidewalk traffic lights has dropped by 15 seconds than before. In a city with several million people, this is a terrifying number.

The traffic jam rate in Binhai City has dropped by more than 70% over the same period of previous years.Even at the peak of commuting, there will be no large-scale traffic jams.Urban road infrastructure is fully utilized under the analysis of big data and artificial intelligence.And then, as long as unmanned transportation becomes popular, the foundation of a smart city will be formed, and this day will not be too far away."

Chen Mo's words caused a commotion below.

Looking at the hands raised by everyone, Chen Mo nodded another person to stand up.

"Mr. Chen Mo, we all know that Gates, Musk and other bigwigs and many experts have said that they are worried that artificial intelligence will bring crisis to mankind. Why are you so sure that artificial intelligence will not bring crisis to mankind? Smart cities, don’t you worry that artificial intelligence will control and destroy mankind?"

"Why am I more certain than them? Because I am more professional than them. Let's be crazy. The artificial intelligence of March Ant Company is the most advanced. I am the person who knows artificial intelligence best."

Chen Mo answered that this question was not the first time he heard.

"Artificial intelligence brings a crisis to mankind? It is possible, but the probability is pitiful. There are countless things that destroy mankind, a special mutant virus, a large meteorite hitting the earth, nuclear war, the earth's own climate mutation, from the universe Radiation, or the sudden appearance of three extraterrestrials.

There is a probability that artificial intelligence will destroy humans, but according to statistical calculations, this probability is about the same as tomorrow is the end of the world.You have to be clear, it is impossible for humans to hand over nuclear warheads to artificial intelligence control, and science fiction movies are all deceptive.

Whether it will bring a crisis to mankind is determined by human ability.Strictly speaking, artificial intelligence is just a tool created by humans, a tool that makes humans powerful.

In the barbaric era, ancestors created tools to overcome nature to survive and evolve, create swords and spears and slaughter them in war. Are they destroying mankind with swords and spears?No, these tools just make humans stronger.What destroys mankind is mankind's own desire and madness, and has nothing to do with tools, even if they are advanced tools.

People will be killed if the gun is misfired or the car is out of control. Human beings are the first to find the cause and repair the damaged tool. It is impossible to let it go out of control.Will human beings abolish all cars because they occasionally lose control and hit people to death?impossible.

The artificial intelligence in the movie is completely out of control. The probability of creating robots to kill humans is about the same as that of all nuclear bombs suddenly exploding together.

Artificial intelligence is the best tool for future universe development, interstellar exploration.Human beings want to be stronger, relying on a weak body and limited strength, it is impossible to detect the infinite starry sky.Artificial intelligence is an inevitable trend.If you are worried that artificial intelligence will destroy mankind, you might as well worry about whether artificial intelligence will replace your job tomorrow. This idea is more practical."

There was applause from below.Chen Mo's metaphors are all right, making it impossible to refute, and very convincing.

Soon, another figure stood up, and after receiving the microphone, the person who stood up spoke.

"Mr. Chen Mo, as far as I know, you Huaxia, you are the first to win the Nobel Prize in Physics. Why does your country have so few Nobel Prizes in natural sciences? Does this mean that your country's education is very backward? Science and technology is very backward? "The person who spoke, there was a kind of ridicule in his voice.

Suddenly jumping to this question, Chen Mo was taken aback for a moment, and did not put the other party's mocking tone to his heart.

"Actually, this is also the question I want to ask. I dare to ask you why our country has won so few Nobel Prizes? Is our education backward? Is our country underdeveloped in science and technology?"

Chen Mo directly shook his head.

"If Huaxia Education is lagging behind, then why has it been among the best in the world in terms of scientific and technological achievements and economic achievements in the short span of more than 40 years since China opened its doors? Even some scientific and technological fields have become the leader? Is this what a backward education can achieve? Those who say that Huaxia Education is backward do not understand Huaxia, but are just a frog at the bottom of the well."

Chen Mo's words were spread throughout the venue through simultaneous interpretation.Hearing the irony in the answer, the person who stood up to ask the question flushed, and felt that the eyes around him were sneered, as if he was looking at the clown.

Ignoring his reaction, Chen Mo continued to speak.

"As for why Huaxia won so few Nobel Prizes? Have you thought about the reasons?"

Chen Mo paused, everyone on the court fell into silence, thinking about Chen Mo's words and also thinking about the reasons.

"First of all, the science and technology tree of natural sciences is based on education and economy, and its achievements are branches and branches, as well as leaves and flowers. The Nobel Prize is just a good one unintentionally borrowed from the science and technology tree. Sweeter fruits. Will you deny all the fruits on this tree because of the few good fruits?"

As soon as Chen Mo's voice fell, many people nodded and thunderous applause.

The Nobel Prize is just one of the outstanding scientific achievements after all, and does not represent all.They recognize the Nobel Prize, but they all know that the Nobel Prize does not represent the overall level of a country.

Sweden, Switzerland and other countries have more Nobel Prizes in natural sciences than Russia, let alone China.But does this mean that the level of science and technology in these countries is more advanced than these two countries?Totally impossible.

And some things in the Nobel Prize are not easy for Chen Mo to break.

In the 40 years after the Russian October Revolution, there were still more than a dozen years in which the United States and the Soviet Union fought for hegemony. The Soviet Union's natural science Nobel Prizes were all blank.Especially during the Cold War, the Soviet Union's scientific and technological strength once surpassed the United States, and a steady stream of new technologies were discovered, but there was no Nobel Prize. The United States won many awards during the same period.

These are very obvious evidence.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Russia's relations with all parties improved, and the blowout of awards, these performances are even more obvious.

It is said that science and technology know no borders, but scientists have nationalities and it is impossible to achieve technology without borders.

There are no Huaxia scientists on the Nobel Prize committee. Why are there few Huaxia natural science awards?Is there any technology or not even a person who recommends and speaks for it? How can I get an award?The prejudice against China in the West is not a day or two.

In the eyes of many people, the Nobel Prize is not fair, but an award influenced by politics.

These offensive remarks, Chen Mo will not speak publicly on this stage, just keep it in his heart.

"The second reason is that the research and development of modern top technology is no longer the era of individual heroes. The winners of the Nobel Prize can only be shared by a limited number of two or three people. As far as I know, the research and development of China's top technology fields, Mainly based on teams. A top team can range from five or six people to hundreds of people.

The credit for the results developed by the team goes to two or three people, which is not in line with reality.

Take insulin as an example. When Huaxia synthesized insulin, Huaxia did not apply for the Nobel Prize in that year because the number of R&D teams exceeded the upper limit of the Nobel Prize.It is unacceptable to attribute the collective achievements to a few people.

Now one or two people have developed advanced technologies that lead the world in science and technology, very few, especially in the context of our Huaxia emphasizes teamwork.I am an exception. I cannot judge our mainstream background in China based on my personal circumstances, let alone deny China's education system because of the lack of Nobel Prizes. This idea is very ignorant."

There is another reason, Chen Mo did not say.

The top domestic technology, unless some irrelevant basic theories, other core technologies, are not allowed to be written as papers for publication because of concerns about technology leakage.

The disclosure of technology in the paper is not new.

Most of the top domestic teams are R&D teams in the official system. They will not publish the top technical papers for a Nobel Prize.

At this moment, everyone was silent, and many scholars nodded in agreement.

Because they all know that the Nobel Prize does not represent the world's highest level of technology, but only more advanced and practical technology.

The world's top technology fields, such as nuclear fusion, quantum technology, artificial intelligence, satellites, lasers, etc., are all developed by teamwork.The most advanced technological achievements in the world rarely appear on the stage of the Nobel Prize.

Even the epoch-making theory of relativity did not win the Nobel Prize.Hawking is known as a generation of giants, but until he left, there was no Nobel Prize.