Marching ant group.

Departments are still performing their duties, like huge and orderly machines.

The conference room at the headquarters is solemn.

On the holographic light curtain in the middle of the conference table, the news of the successful test of American controlled nuclear fusion technology is suspended.

Zhao Min's expression was as relaxed as ever, with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, like the big sister next door.

In front of her, Li Lingfeng, Julie, Yang Mingzhe, Zhang Yi, Lao Luo, Li Ruoxi, Wang Hai, Zhong Lei and others gathered together and sat in danger.They are all high-level officials in the materials, energy, machinery, and infrastructure sectors under the marching ant group.

Now any of them is a big boss in the world, but at this conference table, they dare not neglect.Everyone has a meticulous expression and a calm and calm expression. It is almost a unified impression given to the outside world by the senior army ants.

Chen Mo is conducting research and experiments all year round, and Zhao Min manages the affairs of the company.

And Zhao Min's calm and strong style almost affects the entire management of the company, creating the calm and composed style of the senior leaders of the March Ant Group.The enthusiasm present, including Yang Mingzhe and others, was almost all the management promoted by Zhao Min.Even if Wang Hai and Zhong Lei were soldiers and were promoted by Chen Mo, they did not dare to question Zhao Min's orders.

The company's various product releases have just passed, and now there will be new big moves.

Everyone on the court looked a little expectant.

"Just now, a message came from above, allowing the exit of the controlled nuclear fusion power station."


There was a commotion in the conference room, and many senior executives were surprised.They all know what it means to be allowed to export controlled nuclear fusion power stations.

Yang Mingzhe licked his dry lips and grinned.He is one of the oldest managements on the court, but after entering this management team, he has found the energy full of energy when he was young: "Good opportunity."

"It's really a good opportunity." Li Ruoxi nodded in agreement. The Outer Space Resources Development Department of the Flying Ant Space Center controls the helium-3 mined from the moon. They have already stocked enough helium-3 to wait for the popularization of controlled nuclear fusion technology.

Everyone in the meeting room was extremely excited and a little lively.

Zhao Min listened to the discussion and did not stop.

The key to the success of the US controlled nuclear fusion test is that the permission to export controlled nuclear fusion power stations is clearly allowing them to seize the international market, begin to popularize controlled nuclear fusion technology, and take the lead in layout.

The era of unlimited clean energy has begun.

The decision given above has always been a signal they have been waiting for, and it is also a signal that many countries in the world have been waiting for.

The benefits and market of controlled nuclear fusion energy are the projects with the greatest benefit among their next projects.The popularization of controlled nuclear fusion technology, in addition to the money earned from technology exports, there is a steady stream of helium-3 orders.

Any successful construction of a controlled nuclear fusion power station requires the purchase of helium-3. In contrast, this fuel is the most profitable.The wider the popularity of controlled nuclear fusion technology, the greater the benefits to their company.

As early as when Chen Mo and Zhao Min decided to sell normal temperature superconducting materials, they guessed that there would be breakthroughs in controlled nuclear fusion technology in other countries.

Zhao Min has been waiting for this day.

They control the core materials and technologies for the construction of controlled nuclear fusion devices, and they have a monopoly on the world's only helium-3 mining technology.Zhao Min has been racking his brains to plan how to grab enough benefits in this energy revolution.

If it were Chen Mo, what would he do now?

Thinking of Chen Mo, Zhao Min's mouth unconsciously showed a smile.

That man, as if all problems were not problems, possessed infinite wisdom, only what he didn't want to do, there was nothing he could not do, and he would definitely be able to handle such things with ease.

At first sight Chen Mo was wrong for life.

This is the true portrayal of her now.

Zhao Min retracted his thoughts, focused his eyes on the conference room again, and glanced at the management.

That man has unlimited possibilities, no matter which step he takes in the end, she can at least build a business empire for him.

A solid foundation for helping his plan.

Feeling Zhao Min's firm gaze, the originally lively meeting room gradually became quieter, everyone's eyes were on Zhao Min, waiting for her next order.

"The original project plan is in your hands. I believe you are already thoroughly familiar with the next plan. I will not add it again."

Zhao Min narrowed his smile, and Shen Su's voice echoed in the meeting room.The atmosphere in the meeting room, which was full of joy, became more exciting.

"This time our goal is to win orders for nuclear fusion power stations in Europe, Southeast Asia, South America, the Arab region, and Africa. As much as we can get. I only need one result. Any country that wants to cooperate with us to build nuclear fusion power stations In the reasonable price range, I will get the order for me. In the underdeveloped countries in Africa and South America, it is okay to let them exchange the veins."

Zhao Min's voice is beyond doubt.

When the meeting room was over, everyone else left with their work. Wang Hai and Zhong Lei followed Zhao Min to the president's office.

They are managing soldiers' equipment overseas, and this time they are not just coming back to attend the meeting.

"I'm looking for you back this time. There is an important thing. What you hear next is not allowed to be disclosed to a third person besides me and the boss. Do you understand?"

Hearing Zhao Min's extremely solemn voice, the two immediately straightened their waists, not daring to relax.Even at the meeting just now, Zhao Min didn't have such a serious tone.

"Understood." The two said in unison, as if they were taking orders when they returned to the army.

"How does the boss treat you?"

"The grace of knowledge."

"Bo Le."

Wang Hai and Zhong Lei’s answers are different, but they have the same meaning.

Zhao Min nodded slightly, very satisfied with their answers.

"You should understand the truth that the wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind must destroy it. The company is too large. We have a safe environment for development at home, but foreign countries are different. The era of change is about to begin, and history tells us that change means war. Once chaotic, overseas assets may directly become the first target of foreign forces. We need to have our own capabilities to protect our assets."

The two did not move, and listened to Zhao Min's words quietly.

"So, after my boss and I decided, there are tasks for you to do."

Zhao Min paused, his expression more serious than ever.The two of them were full of energy. They had never seen Zhao Min with such an expression. The task to be said must be no trivial matter.

"You go back to Africa and develop a fighting force."

Wang Hai and Zhong Lei stiffened, then their eyes skyrocketed.


On the other hand, just after the meeting, the marching ant group involved in the construction of controlled nuclear fusion power stations, and it began to be busier than ever.

In the past, this situation was impossible.

This time is different. The senior management has issued several notices to all departments involved in the construction of controlled nuclear fusion power stations to fully produce related products.The preparations made in the previous training of accumulated talents finally came in handy at this moment.

Huaxia Nuclear Power Group is more like a racing engine. Once started, it starts to run wildly.

A joint notice from March Ant Group and China Nuclear Power Group caused a global uproar.

Huaxia allows the export of controlled nuclear fusion power stations.