"It is only 1 hour and 52 minutes before the igniter hits Mars."

In the outer space, the "igniter" asteroid flying at high speed is flying towards Mars at high speed.After the mechanical column completes the predetermined trajectory correction of the'igniter', it is also flying with the'igniter'.

Outside of Mars, the three space planes, Tiannv, Shennv and Tianyi, have already loaded the necessary things and arrived at the predetermined location to wait.

Everything is underway in accordance with the Mars transformation plan.

On the holographic platform of the laboratory, the images of the two planets are also projected, as well as the virtual orbits of the two planets.

The purpose of this impact is to make the liquid layer of the Martian mantle flow up, and the molten iron in the star body will flow, friction and convection with the solid metal ball in the core of the earth, thereby activating the Martian magnetic field.

Now the preparations are complete, just waiting for the asteroid to hit Mars in 1 hour and 50 minutes.

Recalculating the orbit again, confirming that there is no problem with the orbit, Chen Mo sat in a chair and began to wait.

Zhao Min and Xiao Yu were also there, sitting beside Chen Mo and waiting quietly. They are the few people who really know the Mars project and are now ready to witness this historical moment.

Some important probes equipped with ion thrusters on Mars, far beyond the solar system, immediately stopped working after receiving instructions, the thrusters were turned on, and they escaped the surface of Mars and entered the outer space of Mars.

An hour and a half passed quickly, and the time for the'igniter' to hit Mars was getting closer and closer.

"The igniter is about to hit Mars, and the mechanical column will leave the companion."

Following the instructions of the built-in artificial intelligence, the mechanical pillars flying around the igniter asteroid start to slow down, leave the range of the igniter asteroid, and stay out of space.

The impact began.

An unprecedented artificially controlled asteroid impact on a planet is starting.

Outside of space, a huge asteroid can be seen falling towards the equatorial orbit of Mars at high speed.


A major earthquake that shook the entire Mars, Mars was like a shaken egg, and the molten iron near the solidification inside the star accelerated its flow at that moment.

The sea of ​​flames spread at a crazy speed, flooding the entire Mars, the sleeping volcano erupted at that moment, the jet of smoke covered the sky, and the magma flowed meanderingly.

The flow of liquid layers deep in the earth's crust, major earthquakes, accompanied by ground collapse and mountain uplift.The underground liquid water ice layer was exposed and turned into white mist at that moment, and water vapor evaporated.

Suddenly the tragic song from the depths of the long river of time echoes in my ears, and Mars, which has been sleeping for hundreds of millions of years, wakes up at this moment, humming softly, tragic and passionate.

In the laboratory, various video data sent back from the Martian satellites are being played, as if the scene of the doomsday, which shocked Zhao Min and Xiao Yu, with a touch and joy from the depths of their souls.

They seemed to see the starting point of the creation of the gods.

"The Martian magnetic field is detected."

Mo Nu's voice seemed like a natural sound, causing Chen Mo's clenched fist to loosen, unconsciously relieved.At this moment, he felt a kind of sublimation from the depths of his soul, and there was an unspeakable aura in his temperament.

The Martian magnetic field was successfully activated.

This is just the beginning.

Seeing the data from the satellite, the Martian magnetic field has not reached the required strength.

"According to the plan, drop planetary bombs." Chen Mo exhaled.

Earthquakes on Mars, super volcanic eruptions continue, smoke and gas envelope the entire planet, and occasionally lightning can be seen.

The Celestial Woman has already been waiting in Mars' space orbit, and received an instruction from the Earth. The second step of the instruction is activated. The time has come to add a scoop of water to Mars, an already hot oil pan.

Planetary bombs, as the name suggests, are used to blow up planets.A super nuclear fusion bomb that uses helium-3 as fuel is enough to destroy an island nation.If needed, more powerful planetary bombs can be made.

To be on the safe side, Chen Mo designed the planetary bomb into two parts. The core and the ignition device were separated to avoid accidents. When needed, they were combined.

Now is the time to use it.

The planetary bomb was assembled in the Sky Lady and is now ready to be dropped on the location of the asteroid impact to accelerate the activity of liquid movement inside Mars.Increase the strength of the Martian magnetic field and make the crustal activities more active.

As long as the sparks are not blown up, or the equivalent is too high, there will be no big problem.

Ten planetary bombs are placed in suitable positions, which is more beneficial to the transformation of Mars.

The two-meter-diameter planetary bomb was thrown from the Celestial, and under the impetus of the ion engine, it flew down quickly towards the point where the asteroid hit Mars.

Boom boom boom...

Ten terrifying explosions swept across the entire asteroid impact crater, like pouring a scoop of water in a pan, landslides and ground cracks, and the surrounding volcanoes erupted even more crazily.

The magnetic field of Mars is increasing.

Still useful.

If necessary, Chen Mo can let the Tiannv drop ten more, but it is enough now.

In the past five years, the preparation of the technology has been completed long ago, only waiting for the asteroid to successfully activate the Martian magnetic field.

Chen Mo looked at the Mars image sent back.

"Mo Nu, now we are building an advanced climate control satellite network system for Mars."

The advanced climate control satellite network system is not a weather satellite in the traditional sense, but a satellite network that can control and create weather.

By deploying satellites carrying high-efficiency lasers to influence the Martian magnetosphere and cosmic radiation to control temperature, combined with ultrasonic satellites and electromagnetic satellites deployed in the atmosphere to form a complete climate control system to induce thunder, spread clouds, and make rain.

If you let Mars confidently evolve and cool down, you don't know how many years it will take, so Chen Mo had to use this method to accelerate the cooling of the Martian surface.

However, the number of satellites needed is a bit more, more than 10,000, with different heights and different functions, covering the entire Martian space.

In order to avoid accidents caused by the impact of the asteroid impact, Chen Mo chose to network the climate control system after the asteroid successfully hit Mars.

This kind of climate weapon is very terrifying and can cause big troubles. There is a precedent in the world, so there has been a "Convention for the Prohibition of Changing Environmental Technologies" to restrict the development of similar technologies.

Chen Mo will not use this technology on the earth.

The earth now does not use climate control technology at all, it has a complete weather system and atmospheric evolution.

"Next is waiting." Chen Mo said.

"For Mars, this project is tantamount to Pangu Kaitian. You are the'Pangu'." Zhao Min couldn't help but marvel at last, the shocking mood still not calmed down.

This kind of inhuman means, when Chen Mo proposed to transform the planet a few years ago, she could not think of it.But the scene I saw today, even if she was well-informed and mentally prepared, was still deeply shocked.

To some extent, Chen Mo's methods are comparable to those of gods.

Hearing Zhao Min's exclamation, Xiao Yu was deeply impressed and looked at Chen Mo with almost beaming eyes.

At the moment the asteroid hit Mars and successfully excited the Martian magnetic field, Xiao Yu felt a change in Chen Mo's body, a change in temperament and psychology.At that moment, Xiao Yu really saw a god-like aura from Chen Mo. Now Chen Mo is more handsome and has a mysterious temperament.

"How long will it take to complete the transformation?" Xiao Yu asked.

"I don't know. After the climate control system network is completed, the cooling of the Martian surface can be accelerated. After cooling, it needs a process to transform the soil, purify the water quality, transform the atmosphere, plant vegetation, and achieve human livable conditions."

Chen Mo looked at the Mars in the video where the sky was enveloped by volcanic ash and various gases.The current Mars has long been completely different, without any trace of the previous one.