Science and Technology Library

Chapter 702 Human Space Conference

Jim looked at the news about Mars and the Marching Ant Group, looking very unwilling.

Their space agency was the first institution to explore Mars, but now the marching ant group has strongly announced the ownership of Mars.

Except for Mars, there are not many planets in the entire solar system suitable for human landing to conduct extraterrestrial research.

The authorities are dealing with wars and have no time to take care of these matters. They are just symbolic opposition. As professionals, they know the seriousness of this.

If the marching ant group really dominates the ownership of Mars, it will be a disaster for the global extraterrestrial research institutions.

When the war is over, China will become the first country to enter the space of the galaxy, enjoying unlimited resources and opportunities.They and other countries' extraterrestrial space research will all be restricted under the rules of the marching ant group.

This will be a huge limitation for their future exploration and development of interstellar space.

"Contact the space research institutions of other countries to initiate an all-mankind cosmic space conference and formulate space rules." Jim made up his mind and said.

He must unite with space experts from all other countries, except China Space Researchers, to oppose the absurd claim of ownership by the marching ant group in order to allow the marching ant group to make concessions.


"Do you want to unite us to put pressure on the marching ant group?"

European Space Agency, Yang Werner heard Jim's words, his eyes flickered and hesitated.

The global space research community is indeed very angry at the fact that the marching ants announced that they will occupy Mars, but with the terrorist technology capabilities of the marching ants group, no one can make waves.

"Now we can only unite, put pressure on the marching ant group, and stand at the commanding heights of morality and rules. Otherwise, the longer time drags on, Mars will be completely transformed, and the outside world will default to their voices and it will be more troublesome. As long as we vote jointly, we will definitely win the commanding heights and the number of people, and other space agencies will definitely agree to our decision."

Jim's solemn voice came over the phone.

Seemingly determined, Yang Werner looked fixed and said: "Okay, where is the place?"


In the island country of Kagoshima, Edo Castle narrowed his eyes when he heard the meeting place, thinking about the pros and cons.

The marching ant group proposed the ownership of Mars, which greatly shocked space research institutions around the world.

However, the marching ant group has the ability to control the orbit of asteroids, which is already a technology that no organization can resist, and there is no way to restrict it.

The only thing that can be done is to suppress the marching ant group at the commanding heights of morality and rules.

Will the marching ant group ignore them? This is a question.

But this seems to be the only way for them to regain the rights and interests that Mars should have. If they do nothing, it is to assume that Mars belongs to the marching ant group, which is not what they want.

At least the commanding heights of public opinion and morality in the world are on their side.

Edo Castle smiled: "Yes."


"Brother Mo."

Mo Nu interrupted Chen Mo who was watching the video.

"The Global Aerospace Agency and space agencies must unite to hold the Human Space Conference, collectively pressure us to reformulate the rules for the use of extraterrestrial space, and the location is in Geneva."

The Mo girl played back the conversation and recordings of Jim and the heads of other agencies.

Chen Mo's expression was not disturbed.

What should come is still coming. If the outside world does not object, it will be impossible.When they claim ownership of Mars, they know that there will be some trouble coming.

"What to do?" Mo Nu asked.

"there is always a solution to a problem."

Chen Mo said briefly and continued to focus on the Mars video.

The barren terrain of Mars for billions of years was devastated beyond recognition as early as the asteroid impact.

In the Mohai, the shimmering sea water, a touch of green has appeared up close.

Water purification bacteria and aerobic bacteria were invested in Mohai. This fungus that can divide and grow rapidly in harsh environments has no natural enemies or restrictions. Under the action of advanced growth agents, it begins to grow and divide wildly.

Now the entire Martian ocean is full of aerobic bacteria and several other modified bacteria, and the situation of the Martian water is rapidly changing.

Nowadays, in the atmosphere of Mars, using instruments for testing the oxygen concentration, the presence of oxygen has been tested. Although the concentration is not high, it does exist.

With the increasing number of aerobic bacteria, the sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are rapidly being consumed, and it will not take long before they reach a concentration suitable for biological survival.

Across the mountains separated from the Mohai, here is a plain.

There used to be gravel, loess, the impact of asteroids, and dust overwhelmed here. Rainwater eroded and moistened the soil.

Today there is a slight change in a land that has never changed.

I don't know when a small grass has appeared on the ground.

Multi-child grass, a kind of grass that reproduces extremely fast. When there is no sunlight, it can survive in the atmosphere with low oxygen concentration, high temperature and low temperature. Once there is sunlight, they can mature in just three days and then reproduce wildly. .

The eternally silent Mars has already shown signs of life.

The most basic living conditions for colonies and plants are formed. When the volcanic ash above the Martian atmosphere is completely cleared and the sun falls on Mars, the plant seeds that Chen Mo puts will begin to grow and reproduce wildly.


That evening, the Global Space Agency and space agencies jointly issued a call to convene the Human Space Conference to discuss and customize new rules for the use of space.

The conference invited global space research institutions to participate, including space research scholars from the Flying Ant Space Center and Chen Mo from the March Ant Group. They also specifically emphasized that Chen Mo must be present.

It seemed that it was intended to expand. As soon as the news came out, the global media began to report frantically.

In just one day, the news of the Space Conference has spread throughout the world.

"Fools know that this is a Hongmen feast for Chen Mo and the marching ant group, and the fool will go to attend."

"If you don't even have the courage to participate in an international conference, then Chen Mo is also a trash, and has the face to claim that Mars is theirs?"

"Mars is originally the property of all mankind, and it only swallows the property belonging to all mankind. Don't you dare to come out to argue?"

"Elite agents around the world are probably staring there. If they can kill Chen Mo there, they will make a lot of money. It depends on whether Chen Mo dares to come in person. If Chen Mo appears, it will be wonderful."

"If he has the courage to attend the meeting, I will convince him."

"I guess Chen Mo dare not. It is natural to be afraid of death. Chen Mo is not stupid. He is so powerful and should cherish his life even more."

"The tortoise is not worthy of having Mars."

"Yes, how can a coward like Chen Mo be worthy of Mars? It's better to hide at home and eat."

"If Chen Mo doesn't dare to pass, he will be ridiculed and laughed at by people all over the world. After all, how do cowards and turtles who are afraid of death deserve to control Mars?"

The entire Internet is all concerned about this matter.

Countless people began to take the rhythm, and there were some booze watching the excitement.

In addition to the wars in various places, the marching ant group announced its ownership of Mars, so the news of the Human Space Congress became the target of almost everyone's attention.

Whether Chen Mo will be there is almost everyone's guess.

If Chen Mo is present, then he may face countless assassinations; if he does not appear, people around the world will not agree with the marching ant group's ownership of Mars, and countless public opinions will make a big fuss here.

At this moment, the eyes of the world are on the marching ant group, waiting for Chen Mo's response.