Science and Technology Library

Chapter 719 Principal Chen Mo

As soon as Chen Mo left the lecture hall, a group of reporters had already waited in an orderly manner at the door. Seeing Chen Mo coming out, they called out to ask.

Upon seeing this, Chen Mo also stopped and pressed his hand to signal everyone to calm down.

The scene subsided slightly.

A recent reporter hurriedly said: "President Chen Mo, why did you create the Wushuang Forum?"

Black Hawk and others stood in front of Chen Mo, maintained the order of the scene, took a small microphone and handed it to Chen Mo.

"Ordinary people need a better platform and channel to understand the progress of science and technology, and to narrow the distance between technology and ordinary people's lives, so as to make the speed of technological development faster.

Let science and technology be closer to ordinary people instead of being out of reach for ordinary people. In the future, let ordinary students chase science with a star-chasing attitude, and science will win."

As soon as Chen Mo finished answering, another reporter began to rush to ask questions.

"President Chen Mo, what do you think of Wushuang University who often admits students with partial subjects, low scores and some special skills?"

Chen Mo looked at the reporter who asked the question and smiled politely.

"I have thought about this question. In my school, there are no poor students. Even if the grades are not good, the students admitted by our school must have one aspect of talents and skills that the school appreciates, so the students who enter Wushuang University, in my None of them are ordinary students.

Even if one or two enter Wushuang University by luck, that luck is part of their strength.Today the school is their luck, maybe tomorrow they will be the luck of the school."

"Don't you worry about the poor performance and quality of students and failing to keep up with their studies, thus affecting the quality of students in the university?"

"If a school only relies on the students with the best academic performance to maintain the strength of the school, it is not that the school is strong, but the students are excellent. Because her students are the part with the best performance before entering the school, and the school should be strong. , Of course.

If you are afraid that some students have low scores and are not good enough, and you are afraid of losing excellent students, the school will become ordinary, and you will not even have the confidence to make your students better. This school is not really strong.

I believe in the education and teaching abilities of Wushuang University. Even if students have ordinary talents, Wushuang University has the confidence to make students outstanding.As a university, we are not looking at whether the students themselves are excellent, but to make them better. This is our task."

Some reporters on the court looked bright and fell into thinking.

The Wushuang University students who were onlookers began to applaud wildly, with pride on their faces.This is their school, this is their principal.

"Then how do you see some unfair problems in education today?"

"There is only one thing in the world that is absolutely fair, and that is death."

"You mentioned conscious super artificial intelligence in your speech. When you develop super artificial intelligence, are you not afraid that artificial intelligence will get out of control? Will super artificial intelligence not cause a crisis to mankind?"

"There is no absolutely good or absolutely bad tool in the world. Good or bad depends on the person using the tool. If the mass-energy equation is used well, it is a nuclear power plant. If it is not used, it is a nuclear weapon that destroys mankind. Artificial intelligence is used properly, it It is the greatest boost to the rapid development of mankind, and the key lies in the people who use it, not its own quality."

"But super artificial intelligence is conscious? Will it actively betray humans?"

"No, the creation process of quantum consciousness is very special. Cutting off this possibility from the source, it is a kind and intelligent life, very friendly to us."

Chen Mo is not worried that the super artificial intelligence in his hands will destroy mankind.

At present, only he has mastered the methods and technologies to create quantum consciousness. When super artificial intelligence technology is popularized, quantum computers have already been fully popularized in the future. In the future, quantum encryption, networks and information will be very safe, and artificial intelligence cannot control networks and create large-scale network intrusions.

"Why are you so sure?"

"Because it was created by me."

"Your lecture is over. Some people have already opposed super artificial intelligence on the Internet. What do you think?"

Chen Mo smiled slightly and said without hesitation: "Anyone has the right to accept and reject. If you worry about the sun exploding and destroying the sun, it is no different from the end of the world. In the future, the marching ant group will develop a super artificial intelligence research standard for research. Use reference."

"How was super artificial intelligence created?"

"This is a technical secret."

Chen Mo stretched his finger to his mouth, made a booing gesture, smiled politely at the reporters, turned and left, Mo Nu followed him.

A group of reporters who have not finished asking questions are left behind.

There are too many questions. If Chen Mo stands here to answer, I am afraid that tomorrow, there will be endless questions.


The Wushuang Forum's forum process includes the opening ceremony of the Wushuang Forum, the Wushuang Award, thematic lectures, the awards dinner, the Wushuang dialogue, the release of scientific and technological achievements, the scientific and technological exhibition, the debate of young scientists, the future prospects and the closing ceremony of the forum.

The forum lasts for three days, with different content arrangements every day.

However, Chen Mo just held the first Wushuang Forum and only announced the establishment of the Wushuang Award. The results of the Wushuang Award have not yet been selected, so there is no Wushuang Award presentation and dinner.

In the future, Chen Mo will not appear in thematic lectures. In this link, the Wushuang Award winner will come on stage to popularize his own research topics for ordinary audiences.

The topic does not have to be very many formulas, mainly ordinary people can understand.

Chen Mo talked about and approached the live webcast in plain language just now, which is to bring these sciences closer to ordinary people.

The purpose of the forum is to promote science.

The most eye-catching feature of this Wushuang Forum is the science and technology exhibition area.

Because the world is at war, it is not convenient for companies from other countries to send high-tech products to the exhibition. Therefore, at the exhibition area of ​​Wushuang Forum, only the March Ant Group and several top domestic companies send their products to the exhibition.

There are exhibition areas for physics, chemical materials, biology, medicine, mathematics, computers, robotics, energy, etc., all full of various top technology products.

Steel armors and superluminal quantum communication devices that have long been exposed, new materials as small as one cubic centimeter, and nail-sized chips.

It almost contains the world's top technology of the marching ant group.

Wushuang University is on holiday today. In the exhibition area, students from various colleges of Wushuang University gathered to watch the latest technology products.

The position of the steel armor is almost impenetrable, and everyone is vying to take a photo.

"The principal is here."

"The principal is here."


Excited shouts resounded throughout the exhibition area.

For a moment, all the students who were still watching various technologies turned their heads and surrounded Chen Mo.

In their eyes, Chen Mo, a principal who rarely shows up, was a god-like figure.

Chen Mo signaled that Black Eagle and the others don't have to stop these students: "Classmates, I am not a panda, don't watch, what should I do?"

"Principal, we want to take a photo with you." A bold boy shouted.

"this is okay."

Chen Mo took the selfie stick of a girl next to him, and the classmates at the back consciously rushed over and stuffed himself into the camera.

Ten minutes later, after taking a few photos and signing his name, Chen Mo managed to escape and came to the front of the steel armor.

"That classmate wants to try on the armor?" Chen Mo asked, touching the armor.


"I am I."

"Principal, I..."


The crazy screams shook the entire exhibition area.

It was already night when Chen Mo left Wushuang University with Wushuang and Xiaoyu.

The first day of Wushuang Forum's activities ended. Chen Mo has already stated everything that Chen Mo needs to say. Then there will be other people who will preside over the forum to continue. When the curtain ends, another closing speech will do.

When she returned to the villa, Mo Nu told Chen Mo the good news: The oxygen generator that captures and decomposes carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide is complete.