Science and Technology Library

Chapter 863 We Have A Small Universe

Chen Mo returned.

This news was released by the marching ant group, as if it had grown wings, spreading to the entire earth at a very fast speed.

Those who thought that the marching ant group lacked the backbone and would collapse soon, were completely disappointed at this moment.Heads of countries around the world have sent congratulatory messages to the marching ant group.

Chen Mo was captured by aliens for eight years and returned unharmed.

What has Chen Mo experienced in the alien world over the years?What kind of world is outside the universe?

Many topics have become curious questions for countless people. They quickly made it to the hot search list of well-known social platforms on the earth. The March Ant Group did not give any response. Chen Mo himself did not show up in public, just made one inside the March Ant. Short video speech.

When Chen Mo was on Earth, he was a legend, and he has become a legend of civilization textbook level. On the human network and in books, the topic of Chen Mo has never stopped.

In the age of stars and oceans, the marching ant group monopolized the space jump technology and became an unscrupulous interstellar group.

The strength of human beings on earth is not worth mentioning in front of the marching ant group.

Chen Mo is the founder of the marching ant group and the well-deserved controller. His return means that the marching ant group once again has the backbone and forming a strong cohesion for the entire marching ant group.

When the marching ant group heard the news, they were all excited, and their spirits all changed.


"This is Jing Ge."

Chen Mo introduced to the three women that Jing Ge and the little beast suddenly found the Marching Ant Group headquarters, which surprised him a bit.

The three women have all seen aliens, and they are not surprised to see Jing Ge's appearance.

"Hello, I am He Xiaoyu, Mo's wife. They are my sisters Zhao Min and Mo Nu, just like me."

"Hello, this is Zhao Min."

"I am Mo Nu, and I am Brother Mo's assistant."

The three daughters have met many aliens. The etiquette is in place, and the concise self-introduction makes people feel a lot more friendly and not repulsive.

"Yeah." Jing Ge nodded to them coldly as always, but his eyes stopped for a while on Mo Girl, with perplexity and doubt.

Chen Mo seemed to perceive Jing Ge's doubts: "Mo Nu is an intelligent life evolved from super artificial intelligence. Its consciousness was created by me and has complete life consciousness, but the body is still a machine."


The little beast on Jing Ge's shoulder saw that everyone ignored it, and immediately yelled and jumped onto Chen Mo, his little paw moved, as if introducing himself to the three little fisher girls.

"It's a little beast that I picked up on Qingshui Star. It's a foodie." Chen Mo said.

"Momomo~~" The little beast yelled a few times, protesting against Chen Mo saying that he had picked it up. When he looked at the third girl, his eyes were stunned, and he stretched out his paw to hug.

"What a cute little beast." Xiao Yu's eyes lit up: "Does it let me hold it?"

Xiao Yu hesitated for a moment, stretched out his hand, and saw the little beast not hiding, so he hugged it in his arms.

This little guy has always been scared of life, and still picks people. At present, it is willing to approach the life, and it can count the lives that it is willing to approach. It will occasionally play with Lan, and other people will not approach it at all.

Now he is willing to let Xiao Yu hug, Chen Mo is also happy, and there will be one more play in the future.

"Contact the patriarch." Jing Ge said.

"it is good."

Chen Mo immediately turned on the quantum communication device, allowing Mo Nu to connect to the quantum communication device in the small universe.The data of the communicator is connected. As soon as Chen Mo came back, he asked Mo Nu to take over all previous artificial intelligence.

After a while, the quantum communicator was switched on.

Tuo Li, Tuo Shan Ye Sun appeared in the holographic video, as well as Taki Yue, Mu Shao, Su Si, and Ten Na who manage the Manshan tribe.

When everyone saw Chen Mo and Jing Ge, they were overjoyed.

"Jing Ge, sir." There was joy on Tuoli's face: "Have you returned to your hometown? Sir."

"It took some time, now I'm back, and I will introduce you to some of my family members." Chen Mo pulled the three little fishermen to the camera: "Xiao Yu, Zhao Min and Mo Nu."

"Hello, three ladies." Tuoli's eyes lit up, and he said hello immediately.

He was clever enough to guess the identity of the three women naturally. The husband said that he had a wife before, and the three should all be the wife of the husband.

In Tuoli's view, this is not unusual.

In the past, in the Manshan clan, as long as they were strong enough, they could also marry several wives.In Tuoli's view, a man as powerful as Mr., all this is taken for granted.

"Hello there."

The three little fishermen smiled and looked at Tuo Li more.This little guy looks very smart, and I know it before I introduce it.

On the other side, Taki Yue, Su Si, and Teng Na all looked sad, looking at Chen Mo's eyes, with some regrets, they could only hide sorrow and grief in their hearts, their faces pretending to be nothing.

"Hi Madam." Tuoshan and the others also said hello.

"Now that I have arrived home, I will start to build the space connector tomorrow to open up the channel. Then you will be able to come out. It will take about three months."

"Is there anything at home?" Jing Ge interjected and asked.

Tuoshan thought for a while and shook his head: "There is not much to do, but the management power is not enough. Now Starcraft is developing, and the population in the clan is still too small. They are all developed and managed by robots."

"The population can't make up in a short time. Let the robot manage it first, and the space channel will be opened soon, and there will be many people managing it in the future." Chen Mo exhorted.


Building No. 1 area.

The freezer compartment was slowly unloaded, and was slowly sent into the life freezer under the grasp of the robotic arm.In the freezer compartment lay a silver female life with a pointed face and a look similar to Lan.

She is Lan's daughter, who met an unexpected living dead.

Now move here for better protection, just in case.Until Chen Mo researched out the technique for resurrecting her, and then resurrecting her, this was Chen Mo's promise to Lan.

Seeing her daughter's freezer compartment was put into the freezer, Lan put down her heart and reluctantly left.

"Hello, three ladies."

Seeing Chen Mo, Xiao Yu and others, Lan gave a military salute, and the eyes looking at Chen Mo were somewhat meaningful.No wonder the boss has to come back in a hurry.

"Hello, Mr. Lan." The three daughters of Xiao Yu gave Lan a salute.

Chen Mo returned to business and said solemnly: "Lan, I am going to let you take over the defense of the group. Our marching ant group should take the galaxy as the center and build a large group to withstand the possible crisis."

The grudge between him and the Ziwei Civilization and the Dark Forest Civilization has long been unsolved.Chen Mo's identity has not been revealed now, but it does not mean that it will not be revealed in the future.

If he was discovered by two god-level civilizations in the future, and they were not prepared, the consequences would be disastrous.

Lan's spirit was shocked, and her narrow eyes burst out with terrifying light.It's usually a bit dishonest. When it comes to professional fields, Lan has always been meticulous.

"What weapon technology do we have now? Including strategic weapons."

"Talk about it, don't hide it." Chen Mo said to Mo Nu.

"Strategic weapon technology, currently the most powerful is a space weapon: Netherworld."

Mo Nu released a specially designed weapon, which looked very sci-fi, but the cold gloom contained death.

"It is a weapon that I designed to make a'space earthquake'. After it is activated, it can cause intense space turbulence, tearing the matter where the space shock wave passes into dust particles, including planets. We do it in an inanimate star system. A weapon test. Its power depends on the amount of energy it starts. The predicted maximum damage range is two light years. It is a constant-star space weapon."

Mo Nu released the video, and the entire star system was torn apart by space shocks, and finally turned into dust in the universe.

"This is the most basic space weapon."

Lan nodded with satisfaction. Even the most basic space weapons are still very powerful. Mastering space weapons has surpassed many top civilizations. They can face top civilizations without fear.

"Are there other special weapons?"

"The others are all conventional weapons, after all, there is a super power awakening and development technology mature." Mo Nu said.

"What technique?" Lan shook her body and her voice changed.

"Super power awakening and development technology, this is the super power development technology I researched based on the theory of super power development technology left by Moge."

A test video of a sand-controlling person appeared on the screen in front of everyone.

Volunteers are developing in isolation on Mars, and currently only three women know about the development of the technology.Because of the cosmic news that happened in Shi Ganxing, they were concerned about the horrible influence of superpowers and did not dare to be known by others.

Lan watched the video and was shocked.

Super power development technology is the origin of the Shigan Star War. The seven god-level civilizations all want to get super power awakening and development technology to ensure that their civilization is superior to the others.

Until now, Shi Ganxing is still in a state of complete blockade.Life in the entire galaxy cannot jump in space and can only be isolated in a single star system.

He did not expect that on this remote and unknown planet, he had actually mastered the technology of superpower development.If it spreads out, it will definitely shock the entire universe, and it might become the second Shigan star here.

No wonder the boss is not interested in super power development technology, and did not hesitate to reject the idea of ​​Tong Qing joining hands to obtain technology. They have mastered super power development technology and are mature.

This means that they have the ability to make the entire life of civilization become capable.

Although in the era of the armor system, the role of superpowers and the improvement of strength are not great, but this is a symbol.Moreover, the development of superpowers is accompanied by the development of the brain, and the developers will become smarter. This is a way of life evolution.

As a whole group, the wisdom has been raised to the level of purple life, one can imagine how terrifying it is, and another protoss is born.

After calming down, Lan began to think about how to deal with super power development technology.Without the ability to protect this technology, he will not be exposed, otherwise they will come endless trouble.

"Any other technologies?"

"Dark matter factory, antimatter factory, space port, space curvature spacecraft, etc., you should all know that other weapon technologies are under research and have not yet been completed." Mo Nu said.

"We still have a hole card." Chen Mo suddenly interjected: "We have a small universe."


Lan open your mouth, dumbfounded.