Science and Technology Library

Chapter 948 The Movement Path of Life in the Fourth Dimension

The function of the space interferometer prevents the surrounding area of ​​Hongqiao from being bombed by space weapons.

In this position, both sides need to start a battle of positions, head-on head-on.

Even so, the offensive of the Pluto civilization is still very fierce.

Kong Fan would not be so naive to think that their warhead can beat the warhead of the underworld civilization.Although they are top civilizations, the quality of their soldiers and machine technology cannot be compared with god-level civilizations.

All around Hongqiao, choosing crowded tactics is undoubtedly the best strategy.At any cost, we must also defend the Hongqiao, so that the meditation civilization cannot enter the Sloan Great Wall.

The means of the god-level civilization, they all know that once the opponent enters the Sloan Great Wall, the Sloan civilization will become a cosmic ruin.

Fortunately, with the home court advantage, the entire arsenal of the Sloan civilization is rushing to work, transporting intelligent machinery and war robots to the Baiwu Hongqiao side.

Kong Fan glanced at the holographic video on the battlefield, and various data flashed continuously on it, and the pressure on the battlefield was not small.

The opponent's intelligent machines and war robots are too strong, and the anti-matter ammunition is sufficient, and their war robots are consumed very seriously. If this continues, it will not last long.

Soldiers are the last line of defense, and they cannot go up easily.

"Is the smart machine delivered?"

"I just came here." The subordinate replied immediately with a solemn expression.

"All put on it."


Mingyue Liuhua's expression was not very good, and the toughness of the Sloan Great Wall was beyond her expectation.

But thinking about it, this is normal.

The Sloan Great Wall is considered a middle-level top civilization in the universe. It is not surprising that it has such strength.

The other party obviously did not hesitate to pay.

However, after fully understanding the strength of the Sloan Great Wall, she was not worried.The opponent's war robots and anti-matter munitions are not as sufficient as them.Not to mention the warhead, the ordinary warhead of the meditation civilization is not weaker than the warhead of the top civilization.

The foundation of a god-level civilization is not comparable to other civilizations. Even if the Sloan Great Wall is a top civilization, it is only a relatively large prey in Mingyue Liuhua's eyes.

The capture of Hongqiao is only a matter of time.

Suddenly, Mingyue Liuhua had a look, and on the battlefield, a steady stream of intelligent machinery was sent in again.She is also the general star of the Pluto civilization, this situation naturally understands the meaning of life.

"War of attrition?" Mingyue Liuhua sneered, using the home court advantage to fight attrition. In his opinion, it was just a dying struggle.

There is no essential difference between dying fast and dying slower.She is bound to win the Sloan Great Wall, not for anything else, just for the clan leader of Ming Ah.For Ming Ah, she can do anything at all costs.

"Increase the offensive and let them see that bugs are always bugs. Struggling a bit will not change their destiny."


"Ming Tu, all the top civilizations participating in the Tianxing Festival have been confirmed." Lin Zhu passed a list of videos to the men around him.

If the life of the Ming body civilization is here, you can definitely recognize that the man is the Ming Tu who disappeared from the Sloan Great Wall.

The holographic list flickered in front of Ming Tu's eyes, and a piece of information was memorized in his mind.

"Ming Tu, why don't we look for a god-level civilization?" Lin Zhu asked.

"I can't find it. Except for the endless sea, the god-level civilization is all the same." Ming Tu shook his head slightly, without expression on his face, as if endless indifference.

"The top civilization may not be willing to offend the meditation civilization." Lin Zhu looked solemn.

His good friend had a miserable experience, and when Lin Zhu was contacted, he was also full of indignation.

Ming Tu is a robot.

Yes, Ming Tu, known as the top star of the meditation civilization, is a robot.The worst thing is that Ming Tu's consciousness was originally the consciousness of a humanoid life form.

A life body consciousness that once had flesh and blood is imprisoned in a body that has no perception and no temperature. How terrifying is that suffering.

But Ming Tu has been able to persist in it for hundreds of years. This will can already be described as horror.

In order to explore the pattern of artificial intelligence consciousness and life immortality, the meditation civilization uses living bodies to experiment, kill living bodies, use the fear of the moment of life and death to maximize consciousness, and try to enter the quantum chip of the machine.

Countless lives were killed by the meditation civilization in the experiment, and Ming Tu was the only lucky one to preserve the consciousness intact. The others either died or partially entered the quantum chip, then went crazy, losing consciousness and being controlled by the program.

Now that Ming Tu's consciousness is trapped in the quantum chip, there is no temperature of the original life body, no sense of touch, or perception.

After hundreds of years of suffering, it is conceivable how high Ming Tu's hatred of the Ming body civilization is.In the Ming body civilization, Ming Tu did not dare to show it. As soon as he had a chance to come out, Ming Tu chose to defect.

But if he ruined his body and chip, and died like this, Ming Tu was not reconciled.

Pluto civilization has not yet been destroyed.

Now, he wants to find a civilization that can derive his consciousness from this cold machine body.

It is impossible for him to find a god-level civilization, so he can only find a powerful top civilization.This time the Star Festival, there are many talents, so he chose to come here.

"That's why I'm looking for someone who dares to offend them, who has strong life science technology." Ming Tu's eyes kept flashing in the holographic video frequency, and soon the video frequency was turned off.


Back at the manor, Chen Mo plunged into the study.

In the Star Stele Forest, the moment of inspiration communicated his thoughts during this period of time, and various thoughts about the state of existence of life in the fourth dimension are now flooding.

He needs to digest those inspirations and ideas.

The consciousness of the fourth-dimensional life, an unprecedented existence, is also a blank point of life in the universe, a height that has never been reached.

Objects in the first dimension can only perceive one dimension.For example, a bug walking along a rope, and an object leaving the rope will disappear from the first dimension of the bug’s vision.

Objects in the second dimension can only perceive two dimensions. Assuming it is a ground plane, when a three-dimensional moving bird flies into the sky, it will disappear from the view of the object in the second dimension.

The existence of the fourth dimension means that the life of the fourth dimension moves in the fourth dimension. When the movement path of the fourth dimension intersects the third dimension space, it will appear in front of the third dimension like a ghost, and then In an instant, disappeared into the vision of the third dimension life like a ghost.

What is the path of motion of the hypothetical fourth-dimensional life?

The time axis of life is elongated as the movement path of life in the fourth dimension, so when life in the fourth dimension is moving, a certain moment appears at the time point of'now', and it intersects with the life in the third dimension momentarily, and then ghost Generally disappeared in the timeline of the'past' and the'future'.

Life in the fourth dimension moves freely in the time dimension.

The second dimension to the third dimension is to break free from the restriction of the height of space, and the third dimension to the fourth dimension, from the current understanding of the research, is to break free from the shackles of the time dimension, beyond the time dimension.

However, there are very few current researches on the time dimension.

How does life in the fourth dimension think?How does the fourth dimension work?What is the world seen in the fourth dimension?Assuming that life in the fourth dimension can control time, how does it control time?

Several questions came to Chen Mo's mind.

This is the question he most urgently wants to know.

Especially the first question is to figure out how to think about life in the fourth dimension, then the following questions are much simpler.

After spending a whole day in the study, Chen Mo came out.

"How is it?" Xiaoyu asked in a soft voice, seeing Chen Mo coming out, walking around, pushing Chen Mo's wheelchair.

"It's a bit rewarding," Chen Mo said.

"Are you sure to go to the banquet of the Mu's Sky Star family tonight? Will there be a problem? Now your identity as the wanted criminal of the Ziwei civilization has been exposed." Xiao Yu asked with some worry.

"The Mu's Tianxing family banquet, it's okay to see the excitement. As for the identity issue, don't bother about it, the woman from Ziwei Civilization already knows that it won't matter if it is exposed."

Chen Mo didn't care, and after thinking about it, he spoke again.

"It's okay if you are idle anyway, let's go to the Star Stele Forest again to find inspiration, maybe there will be unexpected gains."