Science and Technology Library

Chapter 1079 - Who can tell me what's happening?

"What's going on? Can someone tell me what's happening?"

The general star of the White Star Civilization stared at the miserable state of the Blue Earth Galaxy and roared, he was driven mad by the sight of the radar observation. The good dark matter warehouse, no enemy fleet invasion, no abnormality, but in just two hours, it was attacked by his own weapons and turned into a ruin.

He also didn't expect that such a bizarre scene would occur here, which was the safest hinterland of the White Star civilization.

One planet's dark matter depot exploded, it could still be explained, now it was the whole galaxy, hundreds of millions of dark matter depot planets destroyed at the same time, the loss of countless dark matter.

How to explain to the superiors?

The White Star civilization general star cursed under his breath, now the picture is a bit weird, no one knows what happened to make a galaxy, in just a few hours, turn into ruins.

Space weapons and light speed weapons cover bombardment, are not so quickly destroyed.

A top war department attack, in such a strict defense of the Blue Earth Galaxy, also can not be so quickly all destroyed, and without a little forewarning.

What was even more bizarre was that all the millions of battle soldiers stationed in the Blue Earth Star System died and the defenses stationed there blew themselves up.

They even wanted to investigate the data, it became much harder.

It was said that there were countless weird things of all kinds in the universe, and he had seen many of them, but after hundreds of years in the military, he had never experienced such a weird 'war'. He didn't even know what the enemy was, and his own turf turned into ruins.

Only if one's own territory has all the troops in the defense line detonate their weapons at the same time, can a situation of destruction occur so quickly.

Could it be that a traitor had appeared?

The gaze of the general stars of the White Star Civilization began to flicker indefinitely.

But even if a traitor appeared, it was impossible for millions of war soldiers to betray at the same time and also launch an attack on the dark matter warehouse planet at the same time.

They racked their brains, but they could not imagine that Chen Mo could have the ability to control an entire galaxy, that kind of ability, beyond their current imagination.

The other generals around them were all silent, not daring to imagine all this.

At the same time, they do not dare to imagine, is the next responsibility.

They are not the front line here, yet the damage is worse than the front line.

A dark matter warehouse galaxy, which required years or even decades of construction to be fully formed, was now destroyed in a few hours.

The atmosphere was terribly quiet, they even heard each other's breathing.

When the responsibility came down, all of them would be punished.

"My Lord, contact from above." A correspondent broke the dead silence with trepidation.


"The dark matter warehouse was destroyed?" Dinanmiro couldn't believe his ears, the good stellar fortress and the dark matter warehouse were destroyed for no reason?

Originally, he was focusing on the war against the marching ants.

Dinanye united with the White Star Civilization and launched an attack on the marching ants from the direction of An's Super Galaxy Cluster. Instead of choosing to attack Dinanye, he turned his head and launched an attack against the marching ants from the Mako Rainbow Bridge.

His purpose was to join the feast of annexing the Marching Ants and the Ten Cities Alliance, and turning back to the war to settle, he could unite with the Black Pupil Civilization and target the joint effort of the White Star Civilization and Dinanye.

There is no reason to miss this feast of the Marching Ants - Ten Cities Alliance when they did not participate in the feast of the Underworld Body Civilization's partition.

At the same time, he also wanted to grow the Black Forest to reach the scale of the Dark Forest civilization back then.

It had to be said that the defense of the marching ant group was really strong, the spatial connector connected to the whole star field, and the support was fast enough to make them go through all the trouble of not taking down the Makou Rainbow Bridge.

The results of the battle were not there, but now the ministry told him that the dozens of dark matter depots around the battlefield of Makwu Hongqiao were all destroyed.

The dark matter depots on the front line were destroyed, and the consequence was the lack of materials for manufacturing interstellar warships on the fault line.

For the consuming interstellar war, without star battleships, it is comparable to fighting with eagles without wings.

"How was it destroyed? Who can tell me what happened?" Dinanmiro browsed through the information obtained, the column of the cause of destruction, a blank.

"Suspected spatial turbulence."

"Suspected spatial turbulence?" Dinanmiro was exasperated and slammed the information in his hand on the ground: "You mean the space turbulence destroyed dozens of my dark matter depots and stellar fortresses? Does space turbulence have eyes?"

The ministers did not dare to speak again.

They themselves knew that the reason of space turbulence was too far-fetched.

One warehouse being destroyed by space turbulence could be a coincidence, but dozens of warehouses with different divisions in different locations, destroying one after another in a short period of time, and in chronological order, space turbulence could not be so precise, it was an uncontrolled random event.

But they can't find out any other reason, and that's what's scary.

The idea of the enemy silently destroying dozens of their tightly defended forts was too terrifying, and their radar did not detect a massive enemy invasion.

"Let the intelligence department in three days, find out the cause, if they can't, the minister of intelligence will go home and retire." Dinanmiro said with a sullen face.


The minister wanted to say something but stopped.

Dinanmiro looked at his appearance and spoke coldly, "If you have something to say, say it."

"What about the battlefield at the Makou Hongqiao? The marching ant group suddenly increased their offensive and launched a counterattack against us, seemingly knowing that our dark matter depot was destroyed, they are weak afterwards." The subordinate said cautiously.

"Let Erbone decide, he is the general." Dinanmillo waved his big hand and told him to back off.

Only when the ministers all left did Dinanmiro darken his face and ponder about this incident. Here, it revealed weirdness everywhere, and he was sure that it was definitely man-made and most likely related to the marching ant group.


Arashi received news from both the boss and the ink lady and was in a very happy mood. Especially at the boss's place, the results of the war were so great that it was enough to make the White Star civilization's flesh ache for a long time.

Now it was the stage where the war broke out and was going into white heat.

The Violet Wei civilization and the Black Pupil civilization also fought, and it was said that the battle between Fatty Luo and Diem, the two top genius generals, was exceptionally fierce. This also made them marching ants relieved.

The Black Pupil Civilization was being held back by the Violet Violet Civilization, which put much less pressure on their marching ants, which was good news for them.

The Thunder God Civilization, on the other hand, was annexing the Underfire Civilization, and was also fighting with another up-and-coming power.

The Thousand Star Empire.

After all the powers in the Land of a Thousand Stars were annexed by the Sauron Alliance, they reached the Great Alliance of a Thousand Stars and then united with the Dark Star Empire in the Land of Chaos to form the new Empire of a Thousand Stars.

The Thousand Star Empire was once a glorious top-level power that called out to God-level civilizations and split under the siege of God-level civilizations. Now the re-emergence of the Thousand Star Empire was an incomparable surprise to many top powers.

Almost shortly after the announcement, the Thor civilization was eyeing the fat piece of meat that was the Thousand Star Empire, and war broke out between the two without surprise.

As for the events behind the Thousand Star Empire, Arashi just laughed and kept his mouth shut.

The Nebula Alliance, on the other side, is fighting with the Black Pupil Civilization, while trying to defend itself against the White Star Civilization's attacks. Each power, fighting on multiple sides, now that the period of great chaos has begun, the alliance with each other, is the only backing they can trust.

The most important thing for the marching ants now is this war with the White Star civilization Gulu Hongqiao.

As long as they take the Gulu Rainbow Bridge and defend it, they can cut off the connection between the White Star Civilization and the Ten Cities Alliance star field, and they can also transfer the war department of the Undertaker to support the Order and attack the Black Pupil Civilization.

If this battle is won, the marching ant group will become a veritable giant.

Arashi was sober, and the more critical the moment, the more careful he had to be. He had already asked the Operations Department to prepare and start projecting the direction of the next universe situation.

As time went on, the war would become more and more bitter.

It was a war that would change the landscape of the universe.