See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 93 Senra vs. Kuga Teruki (in cooking)

Seeing that the two sides are in place, Kawashima Rei took the microphone and announced: "Before the start of the competition, I will confirm one last time. This time the theme of eating halberd is celestial cuisine, and the main ingredient is tofu. If my senior loses for a long time, I will hand it in. The title of Yuyuan Yueshijie and the activity room of the Tianchao Cuisine Research Association, and the name of the Tianchao Cuisine Research Association was changed to the Spicy Cuisine Research Association. If Senra-kun loses, he must hand over the full set that has been lost. For the recipes of the Man-Han Feast, pay the corresponding amount, and also disband the newly established World Culinary Research Association. Are there any objections between the two parties?"

"I have no opinion!" x2

"So, start eating halberd!"

Hearing the beginning of the horn sounded, after a long time I took the lead in Zhaoji, and saw that he opened the two containers on his cooking table, revealing two kinds of tofu with bright colors and distinct black and white.

The king of taste at the judging seat exclaimed, “As expected to be the Totsuki Ten Jie, in addition to ordinary white tofu, he also prepared rare black tofu. If I read it right, it should be in Japanese kaiseki cuisine. Black sesame tofu is often used as a starter."

For a long time, I Zhaoji smiled and said, "As expected, you can see it by just looking at it. You are right. This is Suzuki Lantern, one of the four farmers in the Agriculture, Forestry and Food Processing Department. It uses chickpeas. Black sesame tofu is a special blend of black soybeans and black sesame seeds in an excellent ratio. How about it, Junior Brother Senluo, you are not the only one who knows Sitiannong. As a top ten, I also know it."

Tamako in the stands clenched her fists with a dark face: "That rotten girl actually did something out of the ordinary. After you go back, you must take care of her."

Other people on the side discouraged: "Well, forget Tamako, you have to believe in Sen Luo, he is not someone who will lose because of such a small matter."

On the court, Sen Luo saw Ji Jiu I took out the novel ingredients, and clapped his hands: "As expected of my senior, you are not as simple as an ordinary dwarf. Let you see my ingredients too."

After speaking, Sun Luo also took out two containers. The moment Sun Luo opened the container, one of the containers emitted a dazzling white light, which caused the audience in the stands to squint.

The light dissipated, and the tofu in the container revealed its true colors.The tofu has sharp edges and corners, the surface is as smooth as a mirror, the color is white as jade, and it is noble and generous like white jade marble.

Otani Ritang stood up in surprise: "This tofu is really beautiful. This is the first time I have seen tofu with such a texture. The gloss is so good that it can reflect the lights in the field and even reflect people's Looks!"

Sen Luo introduced: "It's a coincidence that my senior, I also prepared two kinds of tofu today. One is the bean-flavored salted tofu made by the ancient method and the spring water of Lingfeng Fuji. The other is It’s made with distilled water and soy milk that has been repeatedly filtered. It’s ultra-high-purity soft tofu. But you can’t even trust your own craftsmanship. You have to rely on other people’s help to complete the tofu production. It's a good deal."

"Cut, no matter how much you brag about, to put it bluntly, there are two kinds of white tofu, and the ingredients are comparable, the next cooking is the highlight."

With that said, after a long time I took out the kitchen knife and started to cut up the tofu.The neat knifeman won rounds of applause from the audience.

The emcee Kawashima Rei explained in a timely manner: "For a long time, my predecessors are really amazing knife skills. Under his neat knife skills, the perfect black and white tofu was cut into square dice pieces at once. On the other hand, Sun Luo Here you are...this, this is!"

Following Kawashima Rei's words, the audience looked in Senluo's direction. At this moment, two emerald green mountain knives were turning in Senluo's hands like fans, slashing at the tofu on the cutting board in front of them.

Under Sunro’s chopping, most of the tofu instantly collapsed, transformed into different shapes and fell into different basins with water. Some of them were cut into slices, and some became square. Cube.

Finally, Sen Luo picked up a part of the tofu left on the chopping board and put it into the water. When the tofu met the water, it turned into hair-like filaments and spread out in the basin.

The audience was really frightened to see Sun Luo's superb workmanship, and the judges also looked at it.

General Wei looked straight at his eyes: "It's too powerful. Using two knives to perform several different knife skills at the same time, is this really something that humans can do?"

Otani Ritang is also similar to him: "I know that the last piece of tofu shredded is the knife skill of Huaiyang cuisine Vance Tofu. It is said that this knife skill alone needs to be practiced for at least 15 years to finely cut tofu. Like hair. How old is he, he is really a monster."

Weiwang saw the difference in the details of Senluo: "Look, Senluojun’s two emerald green knives are made of bamboo. Using a bamboo kitchen knife to split the tofu can prevent iron from scratching the tofu. Secondly, it can also prevent the tofu from being stained with the smell of ironware, and it can also make the tofu have a slight bamboo fragrance. What a thoughtful detail treatment."

After cutting the tofu, Sen Luo did not stop. He put a part of the tofu cut into cubes into a grinder to re-beat into a slurry, and then mixed the prepared seafood broth in it, and put it in the real air conditioning after mixing. In the machine.

On the other hand, Kuga Teruki didn't seem to be influenced by Sen Luo's gorgeous knife work. After he cut the tofu, he entered the tofu cooking process.

Sure enough, what he was cooking was Mapo Tofu, which is the most representative of Sichuan cuisine. He added peanut oil to the wok, then heated the pan on high heat. After the oil heated up, he sprinkled a lot of minced chili in the pan.

Then, Jiuwa Teruki poured the first ground beef into the pot and cooked it with chili, and when the ground beef was burnt until crisp, he added bean paste, tempeh, minced garlic, chili powder, and soy sauce to the pot. Saute the seasonings such as, salt, etc., add the broth to mix, and finally put the tofu in.

The stimulating red and spicy smell instantly filled the audience, constantly stimulating the senses of everyone, and drawing the audience's attention to him again.

Seeing the reaction of the audience, I looked at Sunro triumphantly for a long time: "Do you know? Everyone will sweat profusely after eating my food, but even so, everyone will continue to eat. It’s the best feeling to see everyone eating my food while breathing. It’s the power of spicy flavor! How about it, Junior Brother Senluo, your food has been properly lost in terms of flavor. Give it to me."

At this time, Senro cooked the tofu milk in the real air conditioning machine. He did not pay attention to it for a long time. He took out the tofu milk, and added the crab roe of hairy crabs to the prepared tofu milk, and then used a spoon to spoon the tofu milk. Scooped into the prepared alginic acid.

Then, just like making artificial fish roe, the alginic acid forms a film on the surface of the tofu milk, which perfectly wraps the tofu milk and turns it into cute glutinous rice balls.

"Nanana...Nani, everyone, please see what happened on Senluojun's cooking table."

Kawashima Rei's yelling drew the audience's attention to Senra again.At this time, after all the preparations were completed, Sun Luo also started the final cooking stage. I saw Sun Luo lined up five pots on the stove and started cooking 5 different things at the same time.At this time, Sen Luo looked hideous in the light of the fire, like an asura with three heads and six arms.

"Look at it, the student who was in transition can control 5 pots at the same time!"

"Look at his pot, there is soup, stir-fry and noodles. It turns out that he wants to make tofu noodles!"

"It's unbelievable, even if it's a celestial cuisine called flame cooking, such firework skills are unheard of!"


After the stir-fry, Sun Luo first poured the fried noodles into the plate, and then put 3 different sauces on top.Then he thickened the Vance Tofu soup with water starch, put it in the soup bowl, and placed it next to the fried noodles.

Just when Senluo was loading the plate, Jiuga Teruki also entered the finishing stage. After opening the lid, he added a handful of green onion and a handful of garlic leaves to the pot, and then thickened the mapo with water starch. The tofu is poured into a small casserole, and then a large amount of pepper powder is sprinkled on it. The last spoonful of hot sesame oil is poured on the top of the mapo tofu, which raises the fragrance of the mapo tofu to another level.

"Time is up! Both parties end here!"

Following Kawashima Rei's announcement, Mori and Kuga Teruki stopped their movements at the same time.