"Time is up! Everyone stop their hands!"

The signal for the end of the specified time for the project sounded, and a burst of unwilling wailing broke out in each venue again. Those unqualified students were sent out of the venue in the triumphant eyes of the winners.

The guests also returned to their accommodation under the guidance of the resort attendants.

In meeting place A, Kohei Suzaki, who had been hanging on for a lifetime just now, returned to his daily smile, and saw that he hummed at Nakiri Erina on the countertop next to him and raised a thumb.

This kind of behavior is no different from ridicule in Nagiri Erina's eyes, so Nagiri Erina immediately exploded: "(Sa <) What is your [How, did you see!] expression? What's going on! Hurry up and finish the task barely, and the number of sets has not even reached half of mine. What are you proud of!"

It’s no wonder Erina Nagiri feels uncomfortable. The first place in this project is undoubtedly Sunra. In this project, Sunra has completed an amazing 500+ copies, breaking the previous Dojima Gin’s legacy. Historical records, and Erina Nagiri’s performance is second only to Mori. Although he was robbed of many guests by Kohei Suma in the last half hour, he still completed 407 copies.

At this moment, a white-haired Nageki Alice jumped out from the side and pointed to Kopira's nose and said, "Your results really surprised me. When I saw you were going to do something like that last night When cooking, I guessed that your plate count would never exceed double digits, but I didn’t expect you to use that juggling-like cooking to make it to the end."

"You are not right. Alice Sang, the skill of the chef is an indispensable part of cooking. If you blindly pursue the latest theories and the most advanced equipment and ignore the training of basic skills, then your cooking will be like The castles in the sky are ordinary. Although there may not be any problems in a short period of time, defects will be exposed one day, and at that time, the higher the climb, the worse the fall."

Alice looked in the original direction of the voice: "Ah, Senrosang, have you also come to see Kohei-kun? I will remember your advice."

Senluo nodded: "Haha, I ended up early there. I will come and have a look after finishing up. Although I disagree with your theory, you are right about one thing. For this topic, Xingping-kun was choosing cooking. It was destined to be a failure. Although he barely passed the exam relying on his own skills in the end, failure is a failure in the final analysis. Fortunately, Ping-kun, you still didn't listen to what I said to you during the parting yesterday. How? Have you experienced it a bit?"

"(~▽)~Ahaha, Seng Luo, you are right, this time is really a failure. I was so anxious at the time. Ignorance is really terrifying. Next time I will definitely think about it, but this time it’s nothing. I didn't get it, at least this time I got the experience of failure, didn't I?"

"(=ω=;) Xinghei-kun, I can't hear the slightest awakening feeling in your words. Is it my illusion? Well, forget it, I've said it too, you can do it yourself. Say goodbye.

After Moriru left, Alice Nakiri and Erina Nagiri also turned to bid farewell to Sakuma Kohei. Seeing Sakuma Kohei alone, Tian Suohui, Takumi and others who had a close relationship with him rushed in front of him.

"Chuang Zhenjun, it's great that you can pass the level!"

"Yes, Koping-kun, I'm so worried about you."

"Xingping, why are you doing things so unplanned, I'm so anxious to watch from the side."


Everyone talked a lot, and Xingping was speechless, so he had to apologize.

At this moment, Dojima Gin's voice rang again on the radio: "Students who have completed 200 dishes, please note that the next topic will be carried out in 4 hours. Before that, it was a rest time. Those who have finished packing can be dissolved. ."

"Ah, why is this? Doesn't it mean that I can only sleep for a little more than 3 hours! Yes, I almost forgot, the accommodation training is not over yet!"

The announcement on the radio gave those students who were still immersed in the joy of passing a shock, reminding them that the residential training was not over yet.

So a group of students, in order to get as much sleep as possible, speed up to clean up their stove, dragging lead-filled legs to their room.

After 4 hours, the nightmarish residential training started on time. The students who had not had enough rest tolerated their sleepiness and ushered in the afternoon challenge.In this short afternoon, many people were eliminated.

As the sun sets, the students after a tiring day are called to the hotel lobby again, but there is still nothing written in the accommodation training guide.This kind of routine caused waves of anxiety in the hearts of the students who had passed through the breakfast hell.

In the fearful waiting, the students greeted Dojima Gin with a straight suit and a serious face.

Just listen to him holding the microphone and say: "Very good, everyone is here! Before entering the topic, I want to say a few words. So far, 352 students have been eliminated, and now only 628 are left. This fact is cruel, but this training is actually the epitome of the profession of chefs. When facing unknown situations, you must remain calm. After you become a chef, you will have greater pressure waiting for you. Survive the night tormented by anxiety and depression, deal with all kinds of sudden emergencies, and rack your brains to restore the situation."

The students in the audience were deeply moved by Dojima Gin's words and nodded unceasingly.

On the stage, Dojima Gin went on to say: "As a chef, my life is like wandering alone on the wild winds. The more you pursue the ultimate, the harder the way forward, and the destination will be more elusive. Sometimes it may wait for your attention. At that time, you have reached the top of a barren mountain and stopped moving, and there may even be no way back. However, I hope you don’t forget one thing, that is, there is peace by your side. Your friends who share the same joys and sorrows, these partners will eventually inspire and help you who embark on the journey. Here, I sincerely wish everyone a prosperous martial arts! Then, let us start the last part of this accommodation training ."

Upon hearing this, the students in the hall wailed.

At this moment, the door of the banquet hall next to the hall suddenly opened, and two rows of hotel waiters walked out of the door under the leadership of Tokihiko Sakuma, and bowed to the students and made a [please ] Gesture.

"Welcome everyone!"

Unknown people looked at Dojima Ginda on the stage, and only listened to him explain: "The so-called last link of the accommodation training is a small banquet to celebrate the end of the accommodation training. From now on, what you will taste A set of our dishes. I’m here to announce to all the survivors, congratulations on passing all the topics of the accommodation training. Now you can enjoy it!"

In an instant, everyone's wailing turned into cheers, and a group of people stormed into the banquet hall like wolves.

I have to say that the cooking level of people who can graduate from Yuanyue is not ordinary superb. After eating the unique set meal in the world in front of me, everyone was extremely excited, and some even shed tears.

After a full meal, the students returned to their rooms and took a hot bath comfortably. The chess and card props they brought were finally used. Everyone found their best friends and fought together until dawn. .

Early the next morning, the students packed up and saluted and boarded the luxury bus that came, and embarked on the journey back to Yuanyue.