See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 547 Mysterious Youth I am X

"The second game is about to begin, please ask both the players to prepare."

When the two returned to the arena, there was just in the radio sounded the voice of Senlo.

One is seriously said: "It is just that the second game has begun. I must take this opportunity to observe the opponent."

On the side, Mei Yu smiled: "Allah, I suddenly get people feel reliabarily?"

Meiyu, who was clear at this time, suddenly gotting this kind of mentality, I was very happy, but listened to the one-ear, but I have become a discourse.

I saw him turning his head and said, while said: "I heard that this bonus has 5000W knives. I have this money, I believe that Liang Shanbo's economic situation will not be sturdy, and the beauty is not used. In order to live labor, I have promised the elders to win the game, so of course, I can't put it ... loose ... σ (д д ;) wow !!! "

I haven't finished it, I suddenly screamed when I saw the players in the field.

At this time, the two-party opponents have all been embarrassed, and the two sides of the war is a young man dressed in the Thai boxer, but the other party, but a relaxed green and obedient with gold long hair, burly Tall, there is also a monster of a federal knight mask. In addition to the mask on the face, other things do not have the clothes that have just broken into the stool, even the clothes are not exchanged.

The audience looked at the two people in the field.

"Hey, isn't that the old man just? How can he play it as a player?"

"I don't know, maybe there is a special arrangement there, let's wait for a good play."

"It is also, this time the game seems to be surprised."


In the radio, Senluo self-introduction: "The second game, first of all, the Hurricane Thai boxer's big shirts and self-proclaimed mythical braces 20 years old, I am X-player, of course, because I am X-player In the team, only him alone, so if you lose, he lost the qualifications of his team. "

I heard here, and I'm angry in the field, I screaming: "I believe you! Long! What do you do there! I understand it, you have not planned to make me win a win from the beginning. No! "

My stream X-loaded model is like a head: "Ah? This little brother, where did we meet? Will it be what you recognize?"

"(> dish <) Your guy !!! Is it still?"

On the one side, the anger and one of the anger should be rushed to the platform, but they can just take a range of audiences, and they have been taken by two guards.

One of the guards said that it is impatient: "How is it you, you will have more opinions, you will hinder the progress of the game, you will cancel your game qualification!"

It is unwilling to guard the guilty gun, calling the Senlo on the explanation: "What do you do? How do you do things? This game can spit the place where I don't know why!"

Senluo is not happy to look at the audience and one: "Kid, you are teaching me? I have said, I am regular ..."

"(╬ ╬ ¯) Give me a mouth! Don't want to use this to say this, this competition is not only allowed to participate in people who don't exceed 20 years old? How to look at the mask on the stage is the old man! "

This time, I have always always been a very rare strong strength of Iwenno, and even if I don't even give the opportunity to put words directly.

"Your guy, dare to have a young master in the majestic, do you want to live?"

Robert, Robert, Robert, was scrapped by Senluo. I saw that Senlo took out an application order, and no matter what I didn't see, pinch it in my hand. Shake, then said: "But the age of the X-player declared is 20 years old."

One does not justice: "Ha? Is your eyes doing the glass beads? Can you see his beard? Where is the 20-year-old person coming so long!"

Two hands in Senlo: "But he said that it was part of the mask."

"Do you can't hear this obvious lying?"

This time, Senlo chooses directly to ignore the other: "Cough, after the young accident just now, let us return to the competition, the second game, now officially started!"

Fortna in the unconpected look at the two people smiled in the field: "Hahaha, I didn't expect that I can see invincible superman's battle. This time you [dark] give me The surprise is not small. However, let's let the monsters come, the competition will not be messy by him? "

Senli nodded: "Reassured, I have an inch, this is what I thought after thinking, you only enjoy the game."

At the same time, there is no understanding of the big shirts on the stage to understand what kind of characters are confrontation, and the proud: "Although I don't know what the organizer thinks, just kill an old man can advance the next Wheel competition, we really smoke to the sign, old, how can you still send it, is it still spent? "

The voice of the sweaton is falling, and the two eyes of our streams are large, and the masks are difficult to block.

"This youth, you have to call me big brother!"

The big shirt is a cold, the prior hair has rushed over.

"You will take the wooden man in this line, see me to send you into the coffin!"

Said, the big shirt Kelitis lifted a pre-kick to play my stream X.

Corresponding to him, my stream X is to wait for the defensive scene, who I didn't expect, the big shirt Kelitis rushed to the flow of X, suddenly, suddenly the foot, the whole person "" In front of my stream X, I fell to my stream X.

In the radio, Senlo saw this scene and fun: "Oh, this is what is going on, the big shirt Kelitis player seems to fall, this is flat! I didn't expect that he did not appear. Cute in the born. "

As his voice falls, the audience has exploded.

Some inexplicable big shirts look at the unique colors, I feel that my face is somewhat can't live, so I want to turn over, but I haven't waited for him to stand straight, I only feel the ankle, and the whole person is again again. I fell on the ground.

"Ah, how do I fall again?"

Unfinished sweaters Kasei will then try a few times, can never get upright.