See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 570 Fortner, pawn

Seeing the coming, Fortner screamed: "It is you! Wu Senlu! It is impossible, how can you know that I am here, I have been looking for!"

Compared with Furtna's surprise, the situation of peaks turned back to the situation made the people of those disciples.

"Well, because listening to your nourish raising girls say you especially likes to have martial arts talents, say this, the most right place in the island is here, I just hold it. The mentality came over to touch the luck, I didn't expect it to happen. "

Looking at the benefits of Senlo, Fortner's teeth, he didn't expect that his kind of raised child was actually thriving, but he still did not give up.

"Hey, you don't think you have already set me, in order to prevent the sudden situation, I have already prepared it, and I have a few more people who come here with me. They are now in I have been standing outside, I know that you are very strong, but the double box is difficult to fight, as long as they can't fight, even if you can't ask. "

While thinking that I would like to escape to the place where you have been waiting, there will be no life, Fortner turned, and two words do not say that they will escape, and they have not seen the expression of Senli face.

On the way to escape, Fortner shouted: "Fortna kid, I gave you so much money, it is when you play, come over to help me kill the [dark] little ghost!"

However, after a scorpion, he did not hear any expectations, and he didn't see half of the people to come to Fortner, and a bad premise is tapped.

When he came to the medical facility, he was surprised to find that there were no more than a few pits outside the cement floor outside the medical facility, and there were a few bodies that were lying in the tuning.

The bean sweat drums are constantly incorporated from Fortner's forehead: "Amount ... this ... What is going on?"

At this time, the voice of Senlo passed from Fortner: "Fortner, I have to say that you think about it, what you call these people still have two brushes, how much is My strength has made some contributions, but after all, I want to be strong. "

On the other hand, Senlo also stretched his hand and thumb to him, and made a gesture.

Fortna is extremely ugly: "Hey ... is it ..."

Senlo is nod: "Yes, before coming to you, I saw that these people got out of this outside, looked at the eyes, I will pick them up."

At this time, Fortner's mentality is a bit a bit: "When you pick up? You are talking about stupid! These are all the real price of the price of the price of the big price hire! Even if you are too powerful, they may also move little. I haven't been killed by you! "

The helplessness of Senlo: "Even if you say this, the truth is the case, the people are also the level, can be hired by this small money, the strength is like this, then say, dry away When they move, still there, maybe you see so many talents are too excited, I didn't care. "

Fortner clearly couldn't accept this reason for him to find him, and the arrogant and ruined: "Hey! Just solve my kid, don't be very proud of the little ghost! Fortna uncle, I am more than they have to exist. ! "

On the one side, Fortner waved his five fingers with the fist of the gemstone ring, hit it from Senlo.

"Accele! Daddy!"

The fist is in the end of the body, and the side of the lightweight is hiding. At the same time, the Senlo will reach out to the front of the front of the arms, his fist is uncontrolled to rub the Senlo's clothes. On the ground, a big pit was opened on the ground behind the Senluce.

The other hand of Senlo immediately pressed the back of Fortner, and his head was slammed into the pit.

Subsequently, Senlo kneeling, holding his head from the pit, staring at his face, and asked: "How to Fortner Mr., now you still feel that you can win me? If you know, you will have your bank account, the real estate property and the safe password, and maybe I can give you a happy. "

"The bad little ghost, this uncle is the black giggle, how can it be so simple to succumb to you!"

Said, Fortner struggled to struggle behind the Senlo, and a note hookped his mind to the back of Senlo.

"Yeah, you really can't see the situation."

Sen Luo sighed a sigh of breath, and the head is a sneak next to it, and it is easy to escape the sneak attack of Fortner, then reach the Fortner's arm, and the blood is coming to gather in the palm, the palm is in force, "" Denaded Fortner's arm in one sudden.

"I asked again, you said it is not said."

Fortner is also hard: "Hey, I have to die now, I have to die, I want my property and resources, dream! Even if I let the FBI group, I will not give you."

Senlosong Kaifen's head is sigh: "Hey ~ It's trouble."

Immediately, Senluo stood up and looked at Fortner. Mobilize the dynamic and quiet seconds of the body, and the hands of the fist, one left and one left and one side of the sun in Fortna's head.

"Waves the heart wave shock!"

Next, Senlo's double boxing stopped there in a place where there is still a centimeter from Fortner. The two completely opposite breath fluctuations are in the future of Senlo's fists, and one left and right Eff9 the brain of Fortner.

Under such an attack, after the moment, Futner is in front of Senlo, and the eyes lost highlights.

"How, can you say it now?"

Fortner looked at Senlo, nodded, and then told Yesranda's information on all assets.

After getting the desired information, Senluo directly took out the mobile phone to contact [dark], and report some information that can be operated first, [Dark] After getting information, naturally someone will go forward before.

After the report is completed, Senlo has some disdainful : "I have gotten to my hand, you have no use, let me send you to the road."

The voice falls, and Senlo flew jumped to half empty, a round kick kicked Fortner's head.

Fortner's headless body slowly fell, indicating that a black superstar is already falling.

After Senluo, after Fytena, he turned to the castle who lived in Fortner. In the safe of the living castle.