See Jigu's Food Fighting Daily Fan

Chapter 636 Sifang Talk

There is Mashe Ping, just walk, Hetman's secretary Joseph is edited a message with a copy of the mobile phone and sent it out.

In the next moment, the mobile phone of Charlotte in the room was suddenly rang.

Charlotte took out the phone and found a short message.

[The room and the big meal have been prepared for one hour, I am waiting for you in the presidential suite with horse hillas.

The name and phone number displayed on the message are there in Mazhenping.

Charlotte came out and immediately took a favorite dress from the wardrobe.

After changing the clothes, Charlotte hurriedly walked out of the clouds, at the door, just met the Elisa who was going to go.

"Miss Charlotte, this time you hurriedly going?"

Charlotte did not hide: "Today, Philosoping said that I would like to ask me to eat a big meal at the presidential suite with Ma Hillas. I just sent a message. The position has been fixed, about me in the past"

"Hey ~ is this."

Elisa did not doubt, because Ma Zi Ping made Fujikai, many students who have made Fujikang exceeded the car out of school.

So, Elisa invited: "Just, I have to go there with horse hillas. If you don't mind, let's take my car, because today is just talking about business, don't make a cuisine, so today, Senluo is not going. Do a companion together. "

Charlotte has accepted the invitation of Elisa. After all, Elisa's car is much better.

Then, the two went to the horse hillas.

After arriving at HiLlas, a waiter dressed up, there was a waiter to dress up and took the Charlotte. Elisa did not care, directly reported the name, and head to the top floor under the leader. s room.

When Elisa entered the room, there was a horse, and it was waiting there.

Elisa looked at it and found that Hetman has not come yet, some uncomfortable complaints: "Let us wait for him here, Mr. Yin, it seems that our parties are not wrong. Nothing to apologize is, "

There is Ma Yin Zhengqi: "Hetman is my disciple, although the behavior may be a little jumping, but it is still a very capable person, the old man believes that he will handle proper."

Elisa two hands: "Well, since the old blondor you said, I believe you once."

After waiting for a while, Hetman took the secretary Josefen gone in the scary leadership.

When I saw Ma Yixin and Elisa, Hetman immediately apologized: "It's not embarrassed, let two have been waiting, this is really great, no matter whether it is shopping or dining, it is The world's top level, I'm not careful, I have forgotten the time, please also take a lot of attention. "

Elisa glanced at Herman: "Oh? Both this festival, you still have a mood to visit the mall, the daring is very fat."

Herman once again smiled: "Haha, it is really embarrassed, I'm sorry."

On the one side, Herman also sat down and waited his secretary Joseph, and then opened: "So, let's talk about it now."

At this time, there is a horse and then reached out to break his words: "I have waited for a long time, then wait for a while, just waiting for your time, I called a person, and the calculation time is coming. Waiting for another, let's go. "

There is a horse, the voice of the room, and the door of the room came to knocking the sound.

"Oh? It seems that it is already here." Come in. "

With the opening of the horse, Silvia's father Vincent Van Hossen came in from the door.

There are Ma Yixin: "This is Vincent Fan Hosenqing, although he has not seen it, everyone should have heard it, this resort project can be carried out, and he will lose him in Philmi repair. Help good offices. "

Hertman got your enthusiasm to hold Vincent's hand: "You are Van Hosenqing? The famous is like a thunder."

"You are not bad, Hyrlink's entrepreneur, is the marriage contracter of Charlotte, who will become a royal family in the future."

After a few people, Vincent also sat down.

There are Ma Yinxiang: "Since people are aligned, let's start talking about it. This resort project is jointly cooperated with Hayserlin, Philmons, and Ma Group and Bartli. , Hetman, you have a leak, talk about it. "

Hetmann nodded: "Yes, I am very sorry, this thing is that there are people in my hand and outsiders."

Elisa asked: "What is the power?"

Herman sighs: "The other party is obviously prepared, I have not been able to open the traitor's mouth."

Vincent has guessed the results: "Is the traitor yourself? Is it still extinguished?"

Hetman's low head: "Yes, it is very simply very simply, and it is a long time."

At the beginning, I feel that Hertman's unhappy Eliza snorted: "Hey! This is your word you, who knows that you have no trial traitors, even if there is any so-called traitor, I am If you are skeptical, even if you really have, it is also your hand, no matter how you say that you are also difficult to escape. So, from the beginning, your kind of thing is not your own attitude, it makes me very unhappy! "

Hetman brow slightly wrinkled, just wanted to solve it, there is a horse and then take the lead: "Miss Eliza, now it is not a responsibility, we are now a rope, the grasshopper, should be together to intensive It's hard to get difficulties, but you can guess each other. "

Elisha 's' s, no more, but stare at Hetman, indicating that he will continue.

Hetman continued: "The other party's purpose In addition to the nuclear weapons storage library itself, there should be use this nuclear weapon storage library to let the adjacent Hayserlin and Phili cultivate mutual suspects to destroy the friendship between the two countries. It means inside. The person in charge of this hheather is me, and I am also a fiance of Charlotte's princess, and Mr. Wenzte is a righteous relationship of Hefeier, and this is very It is possible for people to think about this series of things that may be bored in both parties. "

Wensen said: "It's really a nonsense, this kind of trick of the child is draced the public, and the other party really thinks that the people in the world can't see it? Little people should have a Limited! "

There is a horses and sorrows: "It is really a trick to lie to the child, but it is already enough to make a wave of public opinion. Hetman, as the Miss Eliza said, this time, this time, you caught the wolf. Hetman, although this person is very powerful but in some places, it is true, it is easy to be deceived, you should be careful, remember that I have said to you, holding money and power, it is dangerous Often accompany your own body. "

Hetman lowered again: "Yes, the disciples follow teach."

After that, 4 people talk about some measures to deal with it. There are Ma Yixin and Elisa that, in order not to let others mistakenly think that there is a horse group and Bartli's deep involvement, it is a matter of urgency to have all local horses and All of Batri's dispatching employees all safely evacuated.

Moreover, according to Hetman, there have been several media to capture the clues of this incident, in case of reporting, the situation in the two countries will not say that there will be a small wind wave in the world.

There is not much time for them to control the situation.