Seirei no Moribito

Longevity fate ②

Rainfoot was getting stronger and stronger, although thunder would not be the only thing that would blow.

Eve, who was preparing tea in a private room of low value with qualities that he did not think were part of a royal family addressed to the Lord in service, casually looked out the window over the main neighborhood where the previously reported battle between the "protectors” and the triplets between the "Elves" and the "Knights of the King's Capital" would be taking place,

"... this is"

I picked up a voice that was lost and disappeared by the sound of rain.

Deechrist, who looked up at the depressingly rainy sky, glanced at Eve not only to say that it was unusual for him to speak a private language at work,


"... Dear Dee. Would you step aside, please, because I'm a little out of the way?

I said, "Let's go. What are you talking about?"

Diechrist accidentally abhors his voice to the sudden rumbling, and Teng himself, who rummaged against him, does not even care about the usual, pulling the chair he was sitting in and physically evading him.

Diechrist, who was making a scene, dropped the book from his hand, surprised that Eve had spoken and executed it.

"... Eve, what did you hear?

Silently, Diechrist asked Eve as royalty as she quietly developed her vigilance.

Eve turned her back on the door at a certain distance from the window,

"... Dear Dee. I was wondering what it would be like to hide a book like that under a bet..."

"No!? That's where we pursue Eve's attitude from the story! Why should I be questioned..."

"By the way, I was in the way when I made betting, so the Deacon disposed of it all"

"Don't dispose of the Lord's personal belongings on your own! No, that's a pretty valuable item! What have you done, Deacon..."

It was a routine for the two of us to follow each other, knowing we were out of the way.

Behind his brain, Eve unintentionally laughed with her nose, imagining the sophisticated laughter of a senior deacon growing a bright white jawbeard, even more imagining Deechrist being hit by Cotempan,

"Dear Dee. We have a report."

"Before that, what's the laugh now? Eve, you, imagined what."

"No, nothing. I was just thinking about how Dea was being hit by the deacon."

"Is that the cause!

After he exchanged a catch ball of such conversation, Eve allowed him to resume work, which was on the way to lining up on the table he was sheltering with, and pour tea.

As the hot air rises, the sweet smell of tea drifts around,

"... a storm has arrived, Dear Dee"

"... a colored“ protector "?

perceived the meaning of the dizzy words. Dee encouraged Eve to continue with a cup of tea,

"Black and red... it looks like black is chasing former Chairman Eileen and red is looking for the rest of the“ tribute ""

"Is the" Spirit Tree "still bound to the" Tribute "? Sure, Eileen's potential is comparable to that of" color wings "... but is that why the two wings are obsessed until they put their power into it? There's plenty of time. Also, if you grow it from scratch, it's faster to catch it, right?

"I agree with you that there's time, but if you ask me if it's worth it, I won't hesitate to snort."

Dee began to think about what Eve meant when she didn't give a negative opinion.

"... Eileen's potential, plus two special powers... no, the“ Spirit Tree ”craves a special“ tribute ”? A pawn loyal to himself, a power of war...... no way, the suppression of the criminal forces is the aim?

"I'm sorry, Master Dee. I thought so, too."

After successfully making tea, Eve still sits face to face dignified with no respect for the Lord and begins drinking tea.

Eve, who paid the hand that Deekrist extended and cheeked on the sweets you were looking for,

"This treat is confident, so even Dear Dee won't just give it to you."

"Are you really my samurai?... It's getting suspicious, but well. Are you going to settle with the offending forces, that is, the 'Elves' who have been fighting over the years, the 'Spirit Tree'?"

"We don't have a leader anymore... Ning Ro, who has had it for hundreds of years."

Exhale in a small sigh, slightly changing your expression and whining.

"... they, whose girlfriends are gone, are losing their teeth. My companions disappeared one after the other because I burned into hatred and just challenged my emotions to fight the" protectors "... I lost my cool judgment and misjudged the situation because I had accumulated too much emotion... another unforgettable tragedy has arisen."

"... but still move on. I can assure you that you are still human. I lost my emotions... just a doll, not being self-conscious. Eve regrets what happened back then and is giving me a hand. It may be meant to be a sin, but it is the undisputed heart of Eve..."

Diechrist speaks forcefully,

"... if all of us could split up like Eve, this situation could still have gotten better..." "The Spirit Tree” side of the staff and the rest of us. "

"... Yep. She's..."

Eve closed again as soon as she opened her mouth with some gentle glance,

"... I was about to be bonded by Master Dee. I don't know how much legal harem I can make, but I can't believe I'm involved... Dear Dee, I missed it."

"... I have a lot to say, but let's keep it quiet."

With blue muscles floating between his eyebrows, Deekrist stills his anger by allowing reason to mobilize in total.

I smiled slightly at his mouth that Eve was an honest man like that,

"And, well, leave the joke at this position"

"Come on, it's gonna be beautiful."

"Well, well."

Pours new tea into an empty teacup and Eve finally gets to the point.

"... Dear Dee. I'm here with Dee to make the Revolution a success. But other fellow…… compatriots, the 'Elves', do not have a clear purpose. Previously, Master Gloeidin, the head of the inner circle, was creating a purpose for her compatriots… but she died and no one emerged with the qualities and guidance that could become a new leader, and gradually her compatriots began to expose the emotions that they were pushing with reason."

"What does that have to do with this dispute?

"There's a lot of it, Dear Dee. My companions today only live by their hatred and obsession with the" Spirit Tree ”. Even though there were better ways to stop this“ tribute ", we were just caught in the immediate event and ended up going a long way."

"... that the result is this mess?

"Not all of them, but at least the fact that the land is once again a battlefield must have been avoided."

Diechrist nodded at the harsh allegations told from Eve's mouth,

"The journey. I mean, if we don't solve the underlying problem, it doesn't make sense."

"Yep. So, back to the first mysterious act"

head spinning fast. Mainly Eve looked at the window satisfactorily,

"You can come in, Serra"

That's what I threw my voice at.

Almost at the same time Deechrist lurks his eyebrows, the window opens all by itself and the rain enters the room,

- Well, don't hesitate to interrupt, Eve.

While blinking, he stood next to the two of them.

The unfamiliar Deechrist is upset by behavior that normal people could never do, and conversely, Eve, who was used to it, takes a seat and confronts him.

Deep green dark hair, inorganic eyes like a raw glass ball.

With the illusion of being in front of a doll, a beautiful face is he who can be described as a boy and a young man with a strange appearance, lacking anything of humanity behind his back.

"It's been over a decade since you've exchanged words in person like this, Serra. How have you been?

Called senior by Elise and the others, Serra, who is rarely good at combat among the "Elves," gently pinched between Eve's greetings,

"... as usual, it's one unchanged day at a time, Eve. … that's what makes you look good and above all"

answered with a pale voice with no emotion at all.

Deekrist held his head with his hands on his forehead that Eve had increased in conversation with each other in a respectful manner without moving his expression.

"... fast, Serra. Why did you say that? Although“ Black Wings ”and“ Red Lotus ”have appeared together, they should be able to handle it adequately..."

Eve bumped into some doubts about Serra's whining she heard.

Serra closed her mouth as if she was thinking of something with her gaze straight towards Eve,

"... I said... oh, is that it? It doesn't make any particular sense."

"- Our loss has been decided. It's not funny that there's no point in saying that."

Even though faceless is the usual sera, Eve questions him with a slight infiltration of anger in his voice when he answers that there is no point in keeping words like that in his mouth.

"Serra, you haven't forgotten our purpose."

"Down with the Spirit Tree as the Elves."

Serra answered instantly without getting lost.

"Then let's dare ask on top of that. Serra, what exactly is your hope?

Eve has been a less emotional person on the table since his first encounter with him.

But it's not like he wasn't extremely human to this point.

Eve bumps another question, saying that while he knows why he's changed, he just gets an answer that doesn't get guidelines where he asks anyway,

"... there was no such thing from the beginning, Eve"

Serra shrugs lightly as she stares at the dishes arranged on her desk.

"We've been insane from the start... and that's why we've lived and will continue to live as' Elves'. It doesn't matter to us whether we win or lose. Just act like haters… that's how we live as Elves."

"... you've changed, too, Serra. When Chris was here, I didn't give him that cold answer."

"... Come on, what do you think"

to Eve's inquiry. Serra still clouded the scene with an ambiguous reply,

"Eve, this battle will end with our defeat, but we've served our purpose, so I'm going to go home to" Inside the Elves "once and for all."

"... in the beginning, when you take action?

We'll discuss the jade wings.

to that name emanating from Selah's mouth. Eve took a small breath,

"... ok. I'll leave that to Serra and the others."

"... See you later. Good luck, Eve."

Just like when she came, Serra abruptly disappeared.

Eve glanced out the window to follow Serra like that, and Diechrist, who didn't pinch his mouth while they were talking,

"... is that also the 'Elves' who are hate-insane?

"... I don't acknowledge Serra herself, but it's enough from our point of view. Selah is a pattern in which self has collapsed insanely into hatred. It is my duty as an 'elf' to bind Serra... after all, 'Elf' also needs a new leader, as this country needs a new leader, Dear Dee"

"I mean, you were inviting Eve, what's that?

"It's a much harder solicitation to understand, isn't it?... Well, I got lost for a moment"

"You're making me want to question your loyalty, Eve."

"It's a joke, Master Dee"

Eve approached the window with a rag in one hand to blow the window that had been wet by the rain,

"... Dear Dear Deekrist, I'm just one of you serving right now. Until the last moment of your death I pledge my allegiance to you."

"... from time to time, you say that, so I want to believe you, Eve"

"Hehe, that's an honor"

Unlike Selah, Eve does move her hand with a grin on its face.

Eve overlooked as a bystander only, occasionally frowning at the battle sounds disputed by the rain and their conversations,

"... Dear Dee. This fight, apparently, is going to take longer than I thought."

"... that doesn't mean we can stick our necks in. This is all teeth itching, Eve...... I'm disgusted with myself for not having enough power to stop me when I say I'm in a barren fight"

"... Dear Dee. Dear Dee, you are strong enough. However, that strength should not be used in this struggle… that is the heart of the delivery that serves me and Lord Dee"

"I know. But... I really think so. Not yet, neither have I."

"... So let's work together, Dear Dee"

The two looked at each other and smiled in trust,

"... with that said, Dear Dee. This is the book Master Dee hid under his cot, but he said the butler liked it, and it looks like he brought some books to his room, right?

"Can't you just end up with a good vibe, you!?"

It was a scene overflowing with the feeling that it had been ruined somewhere at the end.