Seiun wo Kakeru

Look at Age's piece at the reception.

From the standpoint of being a lord, a man named Age was a man of great value and also high risk.

How to use this man, that's where I sifted my arms as a lord.

At first I was wondering if it would be a good idea to force him to follow, but I see he has fangs as well as being gentle.

Considering the possibility of becoming the worst beast you can handle and fangs over here, it's better to pay for your own pocket, even if you make some compromises.

For Nazioni, Age was such a presence.

When did that happen and I began to think it was better to take an active side.

Beyond Nazioni's expectations, Age was attractive and dangerous.

If you turn to your enemies, it's only a loss, and if you're on your side, it's a great force.

Then it would be smarter to aggressively change your treatment to your body.

As a skin sensation, I was fortunate that I was not the opposite person.

If I realized it, I was to promise kinship treatment.

The reception was hosted by Nazioni himself.

Will he come in person or will he come in surrogate at one of the major events that brings together village chiefs and their deputies from all over the island?

How exciting is the celebration item?

In those places, it was a good opportunity to weigh their minds.

Especially now, because the east side smells so bad...

Even if taxes are imposed in the same way, there can be a difference in the development of villages.

Especially on the western side, the development of the village of Siena has been remarkable, and accordingly the village of Mostri has also benefited greatly from the transaction.

Vanguard and others on the east side would be a pretty uninteresting situation.

We can't let it develop into a war.

It's peace I finally grabbed.

No peace of mind and no development.

As a Nazioni, I almost wanted to build a stable foundation and let my son succeed me.

So I was surprised when I heard Age could do something about this dangerous situation.

Of course you're not sure, but it would be convenient if it could be used as a reception offering.

A blacksmith, so I thought I'd just work on metal, creating new things one after the other, a chunk of unexpectedness.

I was quite excited about what means I was going to take.

When I heard the story, it was Nazioni's real sense of what it was like to do that when it came to performing and trying out.

Age is not a born samurai.

From Nazioni, thought and knowledge are only threats, and I don't remember the threat against removing Age himself.

When I say we do a dance, it's not a big deal.

I thought so.

"What is this..."

"Hmm, that's an unexpected move."

"This is not a move that can be made with a burning blade. It's a pretty neatly trained move. How the hell did you get it?

"Well, I haven't heard you have actual experience..."

"There's no way I'd overlook the one who's making that move."

I'm talking to Franco, but it was shocking.

Age grabs the farmers of the village of Siena and throws them, and grabs them and throws them repeatedly.

The move is quick and sharp, and I can't see a moment's delay.

Nevertheless, Age does not see any disturbance in breathing.

Instead, he appears to be moving consciously and sparingly.

How much of a force would this be if you moved as hard as you could while holding your breath?

A fallen opponent on the battlefield is very susceptible to stabbing todomes.

If Age himself lets his opponent roll and someone stabs Todome, it will be a force to the point of horror.

Besides, the movements of the villagers in the role being attacked are the same as advances on the battlefield.

Of course there is a difference in whether or not you have some kind of weapon in your hand, but if you get close range, the long stuff gets in the way instead.

"What would happen if I dealt with him...?

"Please stop. I'd be in trouble in case."

"Heh heh, do you even think there's something in case"

"In the case of Master Nazioni, you will fight from the horse, so you will not be able to throw, but if we are only in one condition, we wonder if there is a risk of that"

"... as a single warrior, I'd love to play with one hand."

"Please really stop. If anything happens to you right now, you can imagine what happens next, right?

Franco has been staring at me for real, so I gave up inviting him into the group of hands, thinking it was a shame.

I think it's going to be a pretty good fight, unfortunately.

Saying that, Age instantly threw a tree jar as big as Nazioni, called Filippo.

This is awesome.

In Age and Filippo, the difference is as much as 30 cm in height and 40 kg in weight.

Differences in stature are historical in comparison.

Filippo can't be thrown with a half-breed figure.

It was only natural that there had been a major twist in the reception hall.

That said, for those who do not know the nature of the battle, there will also be something to consider as pretending to be thrown (...) rather than strength.

About that, the way the little one threw a big man twice made an impression on his appearance.

"Well, fuck you anyway!

Ghazir in the village of Lililka?

Apparently, it's not funny how the Ages get their attention.

They don't understand what it means to wear a ketch at a lord-led reception.

Totally abominable man. Shall I throw him at you?

Nazioni was staring at Ghazir with a chill, but when he wondered if the Ghazir had risen, he ran out toward Age.

It was Franco who panicked.

"Dear Nazioni!

"Leave him alone. Age will do something about it."

He kicked the chair and stood up, gazing at Nazioni with a faded look, but Nazioni himself was reassured instead.

It was a threat if it disturbed the scene and was only at the tip of the mouth, but if it moved, it could be eliminated.

Probably not going to be Age's opponent.

Agee threw Ghazir so he could answer Nazioni's expectations.

... Can we win if we compete with each other by throwing?

A brilliant move, throwing a broken center of gravity with little grabbing of the opponent, just a weight move.

Age's high level of skill doesn't give him a chance to win even as a Nazioni.

"Damn, that's brilliant..."

"Seriously, you did what Master Nazioni predicted. Did you see this sight?


When you start applauding, the applause boils down to others to follow.

Let's praise you honestly here.

I missed the dreaded man and let him enter into my nostalgia because he was my own arm like no other.

All you have to do is pay him well to prevent disobedience.

As someone who is committed to honesty, you can give them what they are looking for, so it is easy to understand as someone who stands above them.

He'll give it back to me multiple times.

Nazioni decided once again to use Age heavily in his heart.