"All right... resume exploration"

Once back home, charge the arrows, and the third layer again.

Standing at the entrance, I put a romantic crossbow back in my hand.

The "supreme porn book” I just obtained has been properly left at home, and there is no risk in my exploration from here.

Nevertheless, I don't like to take the damage, and let's concentrate on exploring.

(For now, based on the shape of the map, should I turn right at first...)

The smartphone screen shows a map that's about half filled.

After all, the third layer also seems to have a square of four hundred metres, and what has been revealed so far is mainly on its left.

The right side is almost unexplored.

I take the first branch to the right and walk straight along the wall to the right.

Eventually, I could see the entrance to the small room I discovered yesterday.


Pass vigilantly.

The Keeper knocked him down, but it's also possible that a different monster is accidentally entering the small room and that he pops out.

... but the fear seemed useless.

Inside the small room, there was just an empty chest.

(I've never had two enemies in a small room before... I wonder if any monsters other than the Keeper would ever be allowed in...)

I go down the aisle, discussing it in my head.

Nevertheless, I can't say that I've had a lot of experience in the small room, and there's no way I can come to a clear conclusion.

I decided to stop thinking and concentrate on exploring.

But then...


I notice some little noise repeating itself rhythmically.

Gradually... obviously, the sound is getting closer.

From the front.

There's a bend about ten meters away, but they're hearing it from up ahead.

("Dungeon Runner"...!

Immediately find out who the sound is and put the "romantic crossbow” in front of it.

Perhaps this is a footstep running down the aisle.

Nothing else comes to mind, and I'm probably sure of it.

”Dungeon Runner" is a kangaroo-shaped monster, so its footsteps also seem to have a characteristic rhythm: tan, tan, tan.

The sound kept getting closer and closer...... Eventually, out of the bend, something powerful and brown popped up.



Something brown that crashed into the wall and squealed because it was running too fast.

Definitely, ”Dungeon Runner."

I calm down and set my sights on my enemies who are coming this way even as I slow down.

You don't have to shoot in a hurry.

With my offensive power now, if I hit it, I could defeat it in one blow, or at least stop the movement.

The worst part is they take the arrows off and get approached while reloading.



Is it a threat to this one, ”Dungeon Runner" who comes forward with a fierce squeal?

But I slowly pulled the trigger without fear.


Arrows are fired at high speeds and fly to ”Dungeon Runner” in a straight line under precise aim.




An arrow pierces his chest, and the "Dungeon Runner" falls back to blow.

I pulled the lever of the "romantic crossbow” with a grunt, OK, and loaded the next arrow.

If you get up, I'll just knock another shot in.

I will never allow you to approach me.

... but they didn't need to be prepared for it.

The ”Dungeon Runner" stuffy his legs and then slowly stopped moving and turned into a particle of light.

"... All right"

Finally put down the "romantic crossbow” and snort alone.


The ”Dungeon Runner” approaching us at a fierce speed was horrible, but it was good to be able to fight well without disrupting the pace on it.

You can call it a battle with 100 points.

I wipe the sweat that's seeping through me now, and I take my smartphone again.

It's time to start exploring.


Enough, twenty, thirty as it is......

Fortunately, without encountering any enemies, the exploration proceeds and the map is filled in smoothly.

And before I discovered the last little room, I got to the center of the floor.

(Hmm... I knew the entrance to the next hierarchy would be here...)

What appeared in front of me was a long, descending staircase.

It's the entrance to the fourth floor.

As usual, it's blowing towards the back as the wind invites this one.


Naturally, turn your back on the stairs and resume exploring the third level.

There's got to be one more item on the third tier, and it's a little impotent to challenge the fourth tier alone with high enemy levels.

Today it would be a good idea to focus on exploring the third tier.

I went a little back the way I came and took the last branch in a different direction.

If we go down this aisle, we're going to be able to fill in the map blank for good.

(... Still, how far the hell is this dungeon going on? The notebook only had data up to the fifth layer...)

It's been a long time since I've had doubts about the dungeon itself as I go down the aisle.

The third tier is almost finished with the offense, and will probably move on to the fourth tier tomorrow.

At this rate, we'll be able to get to the fifth floor as soon as possible.

But beyond that, what is happening?

Are we going to end up on the fifth level, or are we going to continue on with the sixth and seventh levels?

If it were to continue, how far is it?

There's so much I don't know.

(Well, I guess it's useless to think about it... because the number of floors affects the number of items as it is...... If you end up on the fifth tier, you might not be able to waste much of the item either)

There are three items per floor.

That means that if the dungeon is finished on the fifth level, there are only seven items left.

If you consume it too easily, there is also the possibility that you will regret it later.

Well, items with ∞ usable times will always be on hand......

(But the number of times you can use it seems to be inversely proportional to the effect of the item...)

Reflect on the items you have obtained so far.

Items with ∞ times are four: "Destiny Feeling Umbrella," ”Lucky Band," ”Romantic Crossbow," and "Supreme Porn Book”.

What they have in common is that they are not directly linked to LV ups.

None of it works to make a girl care about it, but it doesn't directly induce sex.

If you use it, the LV rises immediately. Not a single thing.

And contrary to them, ”candles calling for the night” or ”extracts of thirst” that would surely raise the LV were less usable.

Probably reduced the number of times for a powerful minute.

If those could have been used as many times as possible, that would have made exploring easier.


But that's when my legs stopped picky.

A slightly longer passage at the corner.

Behind it was a familiar entrance.

(Small room...... Now, is the third tier complete?)

I'll, okay, get in the mood, kill the signs and get close to the entrance.

A sneak peek inside...... there was still a crate and a monster.

Is that red, round look, the "first balloon”?

The level is… 15.

The highest level in the third tier is appropriate at the end.


Lurk your breath and align the aiming of the Love Crossbow with the center of the First Balloon, which turns its back here.

There are four arrows left, and there is room.

He's the highest-level enemy, and he wouldn't mind two shots.

I'll reload soon. I'll stiffen my abdomen and calm my breathing.

And when I took enough time to stabilize my aim, I slowly pulled the trigger.



Fire sounds I'm no longer used to hearing.

The arrows flew exactly as they aimed and pierced the middle of the enemy's throat.

But the "first balloon” doesn't burst.

Again, the LV is only high and seems to be durable.


The "first balloon" turns around and approaches us drifting through the universe.

Surprisingly fast.

Seeing the fangled mouth violently open, it looks like it's about to snap over here.

But I calmly pull the lever on the Love Crossbow and load the next bullet.

Then he hung it in the mouth of the ”first balloon” that approached him, releasing two arrows.


Loud bursting sound.

I stumbled on it by accident... but when I opened my eyes, I didn't see another "eye balloon” there.

When I look at the floor, the peppered red thing is turning into a particle of light.

... Apparently, I could win.


Sigh and lower the "romantic crossbow”.

Until now, the ”first balloon” has been quite powerful.

If I wasn't used to fighting, I would have run weird over there and done the opposite damage feathers.

In that sense, it was a critical battle.

Nevertheless, victory is victory.

I went inside the small room and opened the crate lid to confirm the loot.


"... Hourglass?

Inside the crate, the usual instructions and a small hourglass.

I immediately took the instructions and read the contents.

"The Hourglass of Stagnation," an hourglass that can stop any subject from thinking. The effect is activated by staring at the object and placing it with a strong "stop" in mind. Duration is thirty minutes. Number of times available: once '