Self-cultivation of passerby male protagonist

Self-cultivation of a Passerby Male Lead Chapter 316

"But it doesn't matter how many people come, because if this trick doesn't match you, then it's my defeat."

"Is this pity?"

"No, this is a rule. Since it's something you set, you must always follow it, so... be careful."

Reimeng's hands drooped, floating quietly in the air, the Yubi charm gradually lost its light, sinking into the darkness like the afterglow of the setting sun, leaving only the faint gaze that did not dissipate.

In the atmosphere of dead silence that was deliberately created, only Reimu whispered like a dream:

""Dream is born""

Chapter 44 Who Is the One Who Opens

"Dream, born...?"

Chewing on the four words spit out from Lingmeng's mouth, Gu Ming felt slightly taken aback. These seemingly ordinary four words actually seemed to have some special power to make her heart palpitations.

Even with the ability to read minds, he couldn't see any clues of the so-called "dream born" in Reimu's heart at this moment.

Maybe Reimu's final spell card was not too special, or maybe... some kind of special power interfered with her ability.

However, in Gu Ming Dijue's eyes, there was no change in Reimu at this moment, at least no change was visible on the surface.

"Is this your trump card?"


Copying the already dim imperial coins and magic charms, Reimeng said indifferently:

"This is the strongest skill I can use under the rules, but it's not clear how effective it can be against you."

"What do you mean...?"

"It means literally."

Reimeng smiled. In an instant, seven afterimages of yin and yang jade suddenly appeared in her body. These yin and yang jade formed by the aggregation of spiritual power quietly formed strange shapes behind Reimu:

"come on!"

From extreme silence to extreme movement, Reimeng attacked Gu Ming Dijue with the seven yin and yang jade that appeared behind him. The other party just frowned in confusion and then easily drew away Reimeng’s attack according to the thoughts he read.



The huge impact that almost detonated within ten steps of her made Gu Mingdi feel that her brain was a bit blank for a while, and the terrifying air wave pushed her far away, and she was still a little bit unstoppable.


Gu Mingdi felt surprised and looked back at the spiritual storm that was still surging behind her. Of course, her surprise was not that Reimu's attack almost hit her, but that this attack even Reimu himself was within range!

If it weren't for such close-range blasting or suicide attacks, Reimu could get away no matter how fast she was.

Is this witch crazy?Actually want to exchange life with her?No, it's wrong, that's...!

"You, you are not injured?"

Gu Mingdi felt that he could hardly believe his eyes. In the middle of the raging spiritual storm, Reimu actually floated intact.

Not only that, she actually rushed towards herself once again with the yin and yang jade behind her——



A familiar scene happened. Reimeng narrowed the distance with Gu Ming Dijue, and then detonated the Yin Yang jade behind her. This time she could not completely escape, and the huge destructive power made her feel embarrassed.

But on the other hand, Reimu, who was closer to the center of the explosion than her, was not damaged at all.

"How is this possible, could it be..."

Gu Mingdi felt his eyes condensed slightly, raised his hand to condense his demon power into the shape of a barrage, launched his first attack, and then a strange scene appeared.

I saw that Reimu rushed directly at the barrage shot by her without hesitation, and then her attack passed through Reimu's body without any hindrance.


Gu Mingdi felt that the barrage seemed to penetrate an intangible projection, without any influence on Reimu, and fell straight on the floor behind her.


At this moment, there was no need for Reimeng to hide. Gu Mingdi felt that the temptation just now had proved that she had roughly sensed what kind of skill her "dream innate" was.

"The existence that cannot be interfered..."

Gu Mingdi felt incredulously looking at the witch in front of her. It turned out that her mind-reading ability was not a problem, nor was there anything wrong with her attack, but that Reimu had become an uninterrupted existence in this space.

Existence that cannot be interfered physically or mentally.

Is that the trump card? This witch has become a existence that cannot be interfered by foreign objects, but at the same time she can interfere with foreign objects.

"If this continues."

Will lose.

But in an instant, Gu Mingdi felt that she had come to this conclusion. This didn't make her feel much disappointed. Even though her strength was not strong, her style of play was the four or two strokes.

It was impossible for Reimu to defeat it purely by violent means that was almost cheating.

It's just that if she had to surrender so simply, she was a little afraid, after all, she had already driven Reimu to a desperate situation before, and the reversal too quickly made her a little caught off guard.

Her mind-reading ability is extremely powerful. She is the only way to defeat her with strength and skill. Reimu did exactly that. She has lost her chances of winning, but compared to conceding defeat easily, she feels I may still have a chance.

"...Are there five more?"


Reimeng was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that in a rush, Gu Mingdi felt that she could grasp the key so quickly. This extraordinary calmness was really terrifying.

"It seems that I guessed right."

Gu Mingdi felt that her eyes flickered. Even though mind-reading seemed to have no effect on Reimu at this time, she still came to the conclusion from the other's expression.

Reimu's dream is indeed inherently powerful, or terrifying, but it is not completely invincible. Just like Reimu himself said earlier, this is the strongest skill "under the rules".


Gu Mingdi felt that he glanced at the two yin and yang jade that had become dull behind Lingmeng: