Self-cultivation of the villain prince

The Villain's Self-cultivation Chapter 14

She still knows how to deal with licking dogs!

It was a last resort to find a place to hide before. At that time, their wives were peeping, and their natures were completely different, and their daughters had been robbing their bodies of control.

"Hmm... As the saying goes, seeing words is like seeing people, let's see how that kid's words are..."

At this time Xie Yu had left the desk, Liu Ningshuang had no scruples, and immediately walked to Xie Yu's desk in an open manner.

"Martial arts!"

At first glance.

Good word!

The silver painting on the iron hook is three points into the bone, which is a bit of a famous style.

And because of his high position for a long time, the words he wrote also contained some domineering meanings, which made it clear that he was unwilling to be mediocre.

Hungry for martial arts?Very good, it is a good thing to have weaknesses, as long as you don't be a martial idiot!

Liu Ningshuang nodded, currently she is still satisfied.

But if she continued to look down, she was a little confused by the following content.

City novels?

Dangdang Wuyou Wang still has this leisurely heart?

But to be honest, seeing Liu Ningshuang, the word martial arts in the front, felt a little boring, but she became interested in seeing this novel.

Reading on later, because it was the first chapter that explained the background of the story, she hadn't seen anything in a short time.

Until the next sentence.

"A Bin secretly lifted the hem of her skirt..."

She swallowed quietly. After working in this industry for many years, she can naturally see what type of article this is.

But the curiosity of being a "comrade" still made her read the rest of the text.

What a kid!This is what you wrote!Blind your good words!

And... it's actually pretty good, and it's a little worse than my old lady.

Liu Ningshuang was embarrassed for a while, she was borrowing her daughter's body at this time, not only the innocence of a girl, but also the charming and gorgeous appearance of a woman.

This time her mood fluctuated so greatly that even Hua Yidie, who only said that I wanted revenge, woke up and looked at the paper full of words on the desk with her mother.

Somehow, seeing her daughter ignorantly reading the unintelligible text, the innocence conveyed through the soul suddenly gave Liu Ningshuang a different kind of excitement.

She pursed her somewhat dry lips, and completely let go of her mind to answer her daughter's doubts.


Soul and body are inseparable.

If a body is packed with two souls, no matter who is the leader, unless there is a special method, all the feelings of the two will be shared, and the body will respond accordingly.

Liu Ningshuang can block her true thoughts for a short time, but she cannot stop her daughter's emotions and thoughts.

What's more, she just let go of her spiritual shield, and her daughter's soul has returned to a common state.


Something embarrassing happened!

The body has reacted!

The souls of the mother and daughter also experienced double the pleasure of shame because of the shared senses.

Orange candlelight.

A girl who buries her head in the book and studies hard and paints and paints from time to time.

The girl's delicate and pretty face was suspiciously flushed, and her eyes contained charming.

If I remember correctly, the paper she was holding... it was the first episode of young Abin...

At this time, Xie Yu was suddenly stunned.

He thought of the snail girl in folk mythology.

The protagonist of the story is also a young man named Xie. One day, he picked up a snail in the field and raised it in a water tank at home.In order to repay the young man, the snail girl would go out to clean the house and make food every day. Later, she was discovered by the young man, so she married him.

What about this girl?

Oh, I get it!

You are Huang Shu girl!

In return, I would come out of the book every day to help me write a book!

Standing at the mountain and river screen, Xie Yu pretended to be dumbfounded. He rubbed his eyes, then turned and slipped away: "Sorry, this king went to the wrong room!"

"Worry King, you still don't know that a disaster is coming?"

The tone is indifferent but reveals an indisputable majesty, quite the master style in the story.

It would be better if there were no small yellow books on the table.

"Dare to ask the girl what advice?"

Seeing that the other party was not hostile, Xie Yu stopped.

The distance between the two of them has been opened a lot, Xie Yu has no time to call the guards or grab the door and flee.

He could see that the opponent's cultivation was similar to his, so he didn't need to be too scared.

Of course, if this girl is an expert who knows how to keep faces, he will be able to open the distance again to the same result.

"It's calm, well-founded, and I haven't been scared to flee, it's not bad..." Liu Ningshuang commented.

Who are you?

Looks younger than me, how old-fashioned?

Xie Yu couldn't recognize that the person in front of him was his concubine, the imaginary enemy in his heart.

The ancient times were not as high-tech as the modern ones. The only way to understand the appearance of strangers was to draw pictures by others, and the pictures were usually distorted, and there was a big gap between the paper man and the real man.