After a few minutes
Explosion sounded from the room next to the reception.
When the door to the next room opened, Liza came out with smoke.
"Keho, hey, this is useless. I can't release it because my mothercore is in control."
"Are you a Demon King?"
"It's the first invention. It's so rugged that it can't be broken, and there are too many black boxes that can't be dismantled.
Lisa continues, wiping the soot around her face.
"Well, fortunately, the effect of a dominant contract was light."
"Is there mild observance of orders?"
Still, I don't know how mild it is.
"Well, really scary guys control and shut down all the power of their opponents, or shut down their life activities. That's the level of lightness. ――Do you feel like Sophia can manipulate your body?
"When I was hugging Chrono earlier, I felt like I was moving on my own, but it's okay now."
"That's right, it's a mild dominant contract, and that was the only misfortune."
Liza looked around at Sofia's chains and sat down in a chair.
"Once we have confirmed the current situation, what will we do now ... I want Chrono and Sofia to create a support system with all their efforts. Is there anything you want to do?"
"That's right .... Anyway, it would be helpful if I could keep this secret externally."
I first answered Liza's question.
Before she arrived, I talked to Sofia a bit, and found that strict secrecy was absolutely necessary for my peace.
"Ah, ah, of course it is!
"Yeah, let's get it right. Sofia-chan is fine, right?"
"Yes. I'm okay with my own, so it's okay to have it open to the public separately, but if I know this, my father may misunderstand and get angry."
"Sophia's father is the king of vampires?"
In Lisa's words, Sofia nodded.
"If Mr. Chrono collides with his angry father ... I guess that Chrono will probably win about 60%, but there is a possibility that this area will be vacant. Regarding domination contracts and enslavement, Please be confidential. "
She seems to be judging very calmly, but I think this kid is overestimating me.
I don't want to fight a man who seems to be strong in the word "Vampire King".
"I mean, I'll run away when that happens?"
I came here because it was a custom for the entire demons and I could spend a year comfortably.
Is there an event to fight against "Vampire King" and accumulate?
If you're not comfortable, you'll escape right away.
If you keep running for about a week, you'll be able to get to the countryside.
"This is absolutely a secret. It's only known to me and the Demon King for now."
"That's right. That's the best thing. And the thing to release it is that it's not that stuck so badly."
"Huh? Is that so?"
I should have said that it was impossible to manage the mother core. Is there any other way?
"If you dive into the Demon King's dungeon, I think there will be ways to unlock it and tools that can be unlocked. In particular, the second generation Demon King's dungeon, which analyzed the power of the first Demon King, will unlock the power of the first Demon King. There are many such things. "
Sophia opened her eyes and was surprised at Lisa's words.
"Well, is it the Demon King's dungeon? Oh, that's a legendary place where even the place is now concealed, right?"
Was the Demon King's dungeon a legendary class? I now know more.
"It's that dungeon. So I'll do my best to find a tool to break the dominant contract. I'm sorry for the meantime, but I'm sorry for a while ... It will take shape, but I ’m really sorry? ”
Liza bowed down to me and Sofia.
Sophia smiled and shook her head.
"Oh, no, I'm fine. I knew Mr. Chrono wasn't a strange commander and he was talking."
Where does this child trust me?
I'm worried that I should be more suspicious of people.
"Well, sure, I don't want to give you any strange orders. If you keep me confidential, that's fine, Liza."
Liza raised her head. There is relief on his face,
"Thank you. I'll do whatever I can to help you! Say anything!"
Liza tightly gripped me and Sofia's hand.
His hands were a bit cold.
She felt that she was nervous and nervous that she felt Liza's temperature,
"Ah, and let's get ahead of schedule and get Sophia-chan to go into the super-specialty class from now on. I was thinking that after the various education, because it's the top two, it's good."
"Cho, super special advance, class? Uh, what is it?"
Sofia was always asking questions like me.
It doesn't seem to be generally known.
"A super special class is me and a few demons. It's a special group that includes Chrono. It's an important class that runs this school."
"Is there such a terrible place, Mr. Chrono?"
I entered yesterday.
"It's ridiculous to be in such a place from day one ..."
"Yes, that's why Chrono will be Sophia's senior."
"Oh, that's what it is. Thank you, Chrono-senpai."
"I don't know how to call it something, but well, well."
So, on the second day of entering the super special advance class, it seems that I got a princess junior as a classmate.