Self-proclaimed! An Ordinary Demonic Hero’s life ~ The Result of Creating a Cheat Dungeon Despite Being a B-class Demon
Episode 6 warmth of air pocket
I was diving for only one hour from daytime, so when I returned from my teenage dungeon, the outside was still bright.
"I can go to the castle town or the castle store."
If you think carefully, until now, I've only been going back and forth between my own dungeon, the super-special advance class, and the dungeons of successive demon kings.
This is easy, but
...... It would be too routine work.
Even when I was in my hometown, I went to many more places.
So let's use this free time to get a little more travel.
When I was walking along the entrance on the first floor of Demon Castle,
"Yeah, Chrono. Is the lecture already over today?"
A dragon man, who brought some classmates, came to talk.
A man with a stubborn face, with a dragon-like tail.
Certainly, my name is Cody.
"Fortunately, it ended early, Cody."
When I said my name, she looked happy.
Apparently my memory was correct.
"Oh, did you remember the name? I'm honored."
"You will remember my name"
"I can't forget the name of the man who made the biggest dungeon ever, because it was so prominent."
"I didn't want to be noticeable, but did Cody finish the lecture?"
When he heard, Cody nodded while hitting his arm.
"Yeah. I was squeezed in the special advance class and my muscle soreness was gone, but it ended normally. I will go to the castle's public bath and take a rest."
"No, we're fine so much. Rather, isn't Chrono harder? He says he's taking a special lecture by the Demon King."
So that's it. Is the story of the ultra-special advance class externally regarded as a special lecture?
I didn't know what it was like because I suddenly stopped attending the special advance class, but I was relieved that it was not caught as bad.
"But there's quite a lot of stories about the Demon King's special lectures."
"Well, there are so many ages in this castle, the rumors go around too quickly. It's very busy and I have little free time."
What about that area? I'm working a lot to solve the slave problem, but without that problem, I think I'm going to be normal. However,
"It's a fact that I'm busy, but I feel like I'll end early if there are no problems."
"Is that so, is it free today?"
"Oh, so I just wanted to look around the castle."
He said, after a moment's surprise, he immediately looked at his classmates behind him. And
"Yes, Chrono. We're going to guide you!"
He said that with his classmates behind him.
"Well, aren't the Cody going to the public baths to get along with you?"
"No, we can go anytime, anywhere, but is Chrono busy with the Demon King even in the special advance class? The vampire princess in the cafeteria was worried that" Chrono always seems to be hard " That was it. "
"Is Sofia saying that?"
"Oh, the girls in the special advance class are always listening and the chrono is hard and the story is spreading throughout the class."
Is that so. It's been a huge spread.
I'm sure he's busy, but searching for dungeons isn't that hard, so did he worry too much? Although,
...... It's a great story to be worried.
When I thought so, Cody's words continued,
"So, we, too, thought that if our classmates were tough, we might be able to help a little."
"What to help?"
"Yeah, but I'm weaker than the chrono, so I didn't know what could be done, and until now I could only see it from a distance. Let's do it-Chrono? "
I looked down at Cody's words. And
"... I'm going to cry"
"Oh, hey, Chrono !? okay?"
Tears spilled from the edge of my eyes without thinking of sudden tenderness.
I made an air pocket and thought that it was subtly avoided, but that my misunderstanding was mixed.
She seems to have a really nice and nice classmate.
Then I turn to the Cody and gladly wipe the tears.
"Oh, yeah. Thank you, Cody. Everyone. I can just accept that word.
The classmate, who was a little confused, turned into a happy face,
"Oh, okay. I understand. Leave it to Demon Castle for the time being. We've been around for a long time and we're familiar!"
Then, along with my classmates who began to lose their air pockets, I decided to go around the castle.