Numerous accommodations exist in the free city of Gallarier.

Because it is the heart of the maritime trade, and there are baths and martial arts arenas certified by the Church, which are crowded with tourists.

One hotel in its accommodation, 'Halcure'.

Says the owner, a former member of the mercenary regiment launched by Oythurst, also lord of Gallarier, the hotel boasts a popularity to contend for one or two of the well-served and non-aristocratic accommodations, such as cheap and many delicious dishes.

There was a line of Haidou and the others in one of the rooms of this hotel.

"So when will the Demons come?"

Cee crosses the chair without even trying to hide her grump.

Seeing such a sissy, the crystal smiles bitterly.

"The Witch of Time said today or tomorrow."

I know what you're talking about.

Sy arms up.

"How long do we have to stay here?

"Until they attack, right?" The Witch of Time "says that the future is easy to change, and if we move poorly, so will the demon race."

Now I answer as the blossom night takes care of the knife pulled out of my sheath. Not a boneless bay knife, like one day. It is a Japanese sword born in a country that is not Japan, made by manufacturing technology that was cultivated in a country called this world.

"Ugh, I know that, too!

Sy roars like she's rotten.

Seeing that makes the blossom night laugh crunchy.

"I don't know when it's coming. So I just have to stay here?

"But... I don't know what to say."

"I can't stop thinking if I'm not moving my body,"

"Seems like Si."

Crystal and Blossom Night laughed at her, and Sy blushes.

"Hey, Haidou...!

Now he tried to ask Haidou, and Xi mumbled.


I was staring.

I was staring at the sky from the glass window of the hotel.

It's not like there's anything in the sky that you can see through the glass window. I'm not even pointing it at the demon clan that says it's coming today or tomorrow.

(Yong... who the hell are you?

Together, they were summoned by Japan and directed to Yashiroyu, a boy without magic but who was therefore to follow a different path.

(| Descending AdventI want to believe it's not. But I can't believe I can go about the magically-enhanced motion of Sy... I don't think he's very ordinary)

One incident told me the other day by Sy that she met Yong all over the city was not very believable.

(Besides, Sister, who says she knew about | Descending Advent, is also concerned.... before Yong knew it | Descending AdventGet involved in something... damn, all the bad imaginations swell)

I am reminded of the figure of courage I saw in Lizwadia.

By then, was it enough to line up with Sister? Or a long time ago, that young guild chief said he planted an escort, but what if at that time?

"... I am"


"If he falls into the devil tribe, will he have the sword?"

That was not what I told anyone. Towards me, were you prepared?

But in the bloom night Jing, the three of Xi were wary of the meaning of the word that spilled out of Haidou.

Nothing, there was no word to hang.

The silence surrounds the area.

After that painful silence, the girl uttered words.

"'| I, thirsty for soul Seoul Dysaia'... Kate, Kate answered the eagle question"

All along, a gray girl sitting in a chair in the corner of the room the whole time captures Kaito with those gray eyes.

"Be your sword. That's the eagle's, role."

"Analogy… even with a true sword against him"

I could see something in the grey girl's eyes, strong emotions.

The outcome of Ebsal's second war ended in Ebsal's victory with an overwhelming difference as easy to imagine.

Though not for a moment, as in the first battle, Ebsal with play (the real meaning of the name to say play) deliberately ate the opponent's moves because the opponent's fistfighter was strong inside, and copied back exactly what he had eaten to win.

Cheats or all.

Are you cheesy with the Lord's acquaintances?

Pymon, don't say you're cheesy or anything.

"Fist Saint, is that it? I mean, Dada didn't call me."

Mr. Torre nods firmly in an excited way. Something's wrong. I feel like Ebsal's bastard took my shares.

"It's almost the same motion, but the speed and power are out of step.... a move I just think I knew originally"

Lilyl Lee explains using "The Sorcery of Time".

But whether you knew it originally or not. Opponent's move, that was the type of move that destroyed his gut. I think it resembled a move to say a dot hole or something. It was like a Doujin fist.

Such a tough move, that Ebsal practiced right away...... I might. There's just something about him that's stoic about fighting.

But I had this weird feeling, along with a bad feeling.

That son of a bitch fucked up on that spot, absolutely.

"Oh, my goodness, Hirofu, Hirofu"

How many skewers do you have in your hands, Bernadette? Birds on cows, roasted squid on grilled corn, apple candy on cotton bread, skewer dough on chocolate bananas, we still have them!?

And before the second battle of Quon, each of us was at liberty.


"Either eat your mouth or talk."

"Shabby shabby shabby"

"Choice of eaters, you bastard!!

"Yu's apprentice, says his daughter, has a winning eye for him?

Lilyl Lee takes over Bernadette's words.

No, I don't.

On the other hand, I deny it.

"... that's a hard assessment, Yu."

You have no choice, Mr. Torre.

Quon is strong. But no matter how you stand upside down as it is now, it's not suitable for Ebsal.

"Mr. Torre, fight against humanity's most powerful Leonhardt to win, there is?

"... that Leonhardt, you're talking about that Aotearoa knight, Leonhardt Classion, aren't you?

Mr. Torre looks at me with his jitsu eyes.

Yeah, nodding, Mr. Torre shook his neck sideways after he sighed loudly.

"You can't win. If you ask me, it's a monster that crosses with the Duke."

"'Even a duke opponent can't lose,' to be exact, what, but, well, for now, if you stand upside down in a normal person, you won't win. I can't win from the front either."

Of course, no holy sword is a big premise.

"Even if it is that Spirit King Class Spirit that Quon served, perhaps an icy magic match will raise the armament to Leonhardt. So, Leo's bastard can fight with his sword without chanting and advanced magic. It's already cheesy, cheesy.... So when I fought Ebsal, I was so strong that I had the illusion that I was fighting Leonhardt." Softly control rigidity "or" Rigorously cut off softness "are often said, but you can handle both so much that you don't know which one you're good at, and your opponent can change the way you fight.... is greatly unleashed by physical ability, skill, and talent. This is the difference in power that can't be overridden if you're not as impotent as' Stop Time 'anymore."

Though I was surprised to hear all the first things about coming to this city and being a fist saint and a prince of Balanchel, at the same time I was immediately convinced.

Because as Ebsal said to me, "I thought I'd give you a name right away," I also thought, "I don't look like an anonymous fighter, no matter how you look at it".

"There are no winnable elements. It won't be a battle."

"Mr. Yashiro was trying to teach me, even if 'iron slaughter' could be used, is it?

"Even if there is, you can't win. 'Iron Slash' just makes the blade go through any hard opponent. No damage if you hit it."

A depressing Bernadette, but I think this game will be a big plus for Quon.

Kuon is full of talent. He also has a fighting spirit that won't give in to adversity. The guy who says that doesn't end up just falling.

He has the tenacity to jump and gain momentum for the fall.

"Ma'am, your game with Ebsal is next, you focus on the game in front of you first. If we lose the next game, the conversation we've had will be a total waste."

If you look, Kuon and his opponents come up in the ring surrounded by the sea.

The opponent dressed in a bright white robe is two times larger than the back of a quon. I haven't been there for two meters, but it's the inside size.

"Quon saa! You can't lose. Yikes!!

As Bernadette raised her voice and cheered in the noisy audience, Quon's ears picked up and turned to the seat where we were.

Boulder Quon's ear, I didn't know I would pick up Bernadette's voice in this big cheer......

Waving at us lightly, Quon turned to his opponent.