I accept one invitation. [M]

Hand-written on paper, the person is going to write carefully but the letters are slightly off, a childish letter with a rounded writing style.

It was Yume, my real sister, and Nazna, my men, who wrote it.

There used to be a time when I couldn't get enough time to face Yume, who had just been protected to the lowest level of "Naruto".

As a result, she was left lonely after an unfamiliar environment, making her grandly obstinate.

I'm not apologizing for that, but I thought, 'Do you have anything you want or want to eat? I'll give you whatever Yume wants,' he suggested.

In response to this question, she replied, 'I want to grow flowers and cook'.

I listen to my sister's favors, and I prepare places to grow flowers, seeds, etc. I also arranged for a place to cook and ingredients, and a fairy maid as a teacher.

Yume was completely in the mood for this present, growing flowers and studying cooking.

The result was achieved for now, so he invited me to a tea party with an autograph letter - that's why.

Looking at Yume's flowers, she and Nazna enjoy a tea party with handmade treats (dishes)...

(Whatever the yume, is it Nazna's dish...)

Yume while her real sister is surprisingly clever and does basically anything. When I was lucky enough to be picked up by the racial (human) kingdom, I did my job as an apprentice maid without difficulty.

Meanwhile, Nazna can be very dependable in battle too... but honestly, the food is unknown.

Does Yume and Nazna have the right wavelength or are they close?

Nevertheless, I didn't know Yume would be impressed until Nazna to cook......

(There's a fairy maid as a teacher, and she won't come out with anything she can't eat...)

Worst, consolidate your readiness to survive with level 9999 resistance.

Nazna is very reliable in battle......

I moved to the "Botanical Garden of Yume" compartment at a specified time, with a little anxiety in my heart.

"Ha-ha, there you are!

"Thank you, master, for coming -!

Yume, Nazna welcomes me well.

I smiled and replied.

"Thanks for inviting me. I'm going to enjoy the Yume Botanical Gardens and the Naznas today."

"Yume's Botanical Garden" is a big name, but it's nothing like that.

Assign one of the lower sections of the 'Naruto' to Yume and move with soil from the ground. I just gave them plant seeds and stuff.

Nevertheless, it became known as the 'Botanical Garden' at some point because it is only slightly larger to call it the 'flowerbed'.

Yume pulls me over and looks around at the planted flowers first.

I don't know the name, but colorful flowers are blooming.

Flowers found and brought in on the ground, flowers blooming from seeds, seedlings, etc. obtained from my favor (gift), Infinite Gacha, etc. are disturbed.

Yume showed me his favorite flower of all.

"Yume, this is my favorite. It's called" Walnut Orchid. "

"This is a flower from my bounty, Infinite Gacha."

Regularly white, red and other flowers line the stems.

It was somewhat impressive because it looked luxurious.

Yume agrees to be in a good mood.

"That's right. I like the flowers that you put out for me because they're beautiful."

"I'm glad you said that."

I've been stubborn because I haven't seen him for a long time. Yume was in a very good mood and feeling better, and I'm happy too.

Nazna called Yume and me in conversation.

"Your husband! I planted the flowers I found on the ground! Make sure you take a look!

She pulls an empty hand and heads to the next flower.

Ahead of me on my way - there was a giant 'flower' blooming.

It is about 2 m long and has basic flower elements such as stems, petals and leaves, but everything is larger than normal.

It just looked more like a plant monster than a flower.

The center of the flower cracks thoroughly, and if you are a puppy or kitten-sized animal, it is powerful that you are likely to drink it round.

"... this isn't a plant monster or anything, is it?

I ask Nazna unexpectedly.

She replied laughingly.

"Your husband Jordan is hilarious! Whatever you think, it's a plant! You're not supposed to bring in a plant monster that puts your sister in danger!

"Thank you, Nazna sister!

"I'm your sister! Your sister's safety needs to be properly considered!

Nazna stretches her big chest and assures her.

(Sure, it looks like a normal plant as far as appraisal goes, so are you okay... Even dangerous plant monsters would be safe if Nazna was on their side.)

Nevertheless I had no idea such huge plants existed......

(Plants are to the extent that I touched them a little in terms of medicinal herbs, alchemy relationships, but maybe that would be interesting if I learned them as a full-scale study...) and I think about that.

There were other plants that Nazna brought in from the ground, which she also looked around.

Yume is usually centered on beautiful flowers, but Nazna was gathering around strange plants.

This feels more like a "Nazna Botanical Garden" than a "Yume Botanical Garden", but they are comfortable and enjoying it, so there seems to be no problem.

Really Yume, Nazna is a good friend.

After a thorough look at the Botanical Gardens, there will be a tea party, the next fate.

There was a space in the center of the botanical garden where fairy maids were finishing preparing for the tea party.

Tea leaves are herbal teas grown by Yume and tea contracts are handmade cookies by Nazna and the two of us.

"Yeah, it's delicious. Is this round the one made by Yume?

"I did my best to bake it for you! So, this is the one your sister Nazna made. How's it going?

"Yeah, I have a cousin with a slightly thinner shape than Nazna's, but it's fragrant and delicious. And don't let this herbal tea calm you down. Thanks, Yume, Nazna"

"Ugh, some of them burned a little and failed, but next time I'll make them look prettier! I want your husband to tell your sister that it's even better. Good luck with that!

"Yes, that's the intention, Nazna sister. Let's stick together!

The three of us surround the table and talk about eating sweets and drinking herbal tea without stirring.

Both the herbal tea and the cookies were usually delicious.

(Good. Don't tell the two of you that you didn't have to rely on your level 9999 tolerance, strength, and resistance...) and that you relieved yourself with your heart.

But Yume and Nazna are really close.

Yume only had two older brothers, so maybe being a sister is fresh.

"Delicious, ho! Let's all have another tea party!

"Oh, right. Sometimes this is good..."

Relax and be free from the busy of temporary work.

This was how I was able to have a tea party with Yume and Nazna safely and happily.