--Return to time.

Even though it is the capital of the racial kingdom, Izuki Castle, it is a little larger than a castle.

At the corner of the mansion is the bedroom of Lilith, the first princess of the racial kingdom.

"This is enough hypnosis, isn't it?

"Yes, that's fine."

A maid girl answers Lilith's question.

Lilith sits on the bedroom bed and peeks into the blurry maid nono's face with interest.

The maid Length Nono did not react to Lilith standing in front of her.

From the standpoint, it was disrespectful for Nono to sit down and interact with her lord, Lilith, and even more so, to keep sitting on her bed. From the standpoint of maid captain, it was a courtesy attitude of the flies of May.

But there was a good reason for this.

Lilith thanked Yume, a girl dressed in a maid's clothes, to make sure she was safe and hypnotized.

"Yume, thank you for playing the" SR, Hypnosis "card safely."

"No! The princess ordered it!

Nikoniko smiles and is Lilith's maid Yume - to be precise, "UR, the second shadow (double shadow)" says. Benefit (gift) A fake Yume created by the Infinite Gacha card.

"UR, second shadow (double shadow)" - a shadow that appears to the user in a state that resembles the shape. It is a level that reproduces even the clothes you are wearing, and the words and habits are indistinguishable from the person themselves. It is a level that reproduces even the benefits while being degraded.

By this fake joke, the nono was hypnotized with a "SR, Hypnotic" card.

"SR, Hypnosis" is a card that allows you to hypnotize your opponent, manipulate them as you please, and extract information. However, it is painful for high level opponents, and during hypnosis, an anomaly is detected at a glance by a third party looking at it because of its blurry expression. It is by no means a universal card.

So, why did Lilith hypnotize her beloved maid, Nono?

"First of all, you have to prove the innocence of my next-of-kin, Nono.... I don't really feel like it's necessary."

Lilith worked with the Writers at the Six Principality Conference a few years later to abolish her father, the current King of the Race (Human) Kingdom, and plan to sit on the throne of the King of the Race (Human) Kingdom, the top of the country.

I am not aiming for the throne of the King with my own selfish desires.

At present, the race (human) kingdom looks like an independent country with face-to-face sovereignty, but in fact, no import and export tariffs can be determined without the permission of the other five kinds. If the people of the country want it, they can sell it at a low price, and even the king can't decide on his own livestock state.

The current king and prince's brother have given up and accepted the situation, but only Lilith has the idea of changing the status quo.

Therefore, with the help of the Writers, they are putting themselves at the top of the country, trying to change the status quo and improve the status of race (human).

But it's not as simple as taking the throne by force of the Wrights.

Because inside, grass, messengers, and spies from all over the country are mixed up in the race kingdom.

Unless we eliminate the enemies of other countries, even if Lilith forcibly becomes the king of race (human) kingdom and pushes for reform, the ministers do not agree and the policy does not proceed, and we must continue to be vigilant against assassinations, kidnappings, etc. by poison killings, etc.

Above all, it is impossible to run the state in such a state.

To do this, Lilith uses the power of lights to use Infinite Loot Cards to identify spies and eliminate them underwater.

Therefore, she first hypnotized with the "SR, Hypnotic" card in cooperation with Fake Yume to prove the innocence of her most trusted nonsense.

Lilith flies instructions to fake Yume.

"Yume, please don't wait outside the door for anyone else to come. If you try to get in, give me a signal and I'll stop you for a little while."

"I understand."

Fake Yume saluted as Yume said and went outside the door.

(It's really not just the figure, it's the habits, the movements, the way we talk, all together, and if there's a real sense of humor here, it's going to make your head crawl...)

My head is going to be confused, but it's ironic that the only thing I can believe in in this castle is the fake Yume, which is changing with the power of "UR, the second shadow (Double Shadow)".

Lilith regains consciousness and turns back to nonsense.

"... well, I've been together since I was a kid, and I'm like a sister, so I can't be close, but I need to be careful. Now, let me ask you a few questions. Can you be honest with me?

"... I see."

The sleeper sitting at the edge of the bed responded more slowly than usual.

Lilith asks confidently.

"Nono, you're not from another country."

"...... no"

"I guess. I've been dating since I was a kid. If you're in the dark, somewhere you'll find me, huh?

Because it was an unexpected answer, Lilith's brain rejected it and was slow to recognize it.

Lilith asked again.

"You're not from another country, are you?

"... no. Nono is one of the magic kingdoms."

Blue Sky Thunder - Lilith collapsed instantly in shock.

The fallen vibrations and sounds were fortunately not noticed except by the fake Yume who was outside the door, and she managed to get into the room to nurse Lilith and calm her feelings.

After that, Lilith sat in the chair and repeated the question to Nono, again waiting for the fake Yume outside the door.

The Nono clan has long been ordered by the Land of the Magus to serve as an infiltrator into the race (human) kingdom.

"If Lilith hurts the Magus kingdom from the blue sense of justice, she was going to assassinate him with her own hands."

"Nono has been dating Lilith since she was a young child and has a feeling of love beyond the barrier of subordination, but she couldn't beat the imprinted mission and family love. If we don't kill them by the hand of the non, they'll kill us all, including ourselves."

Besides the nono, the Magus Kingdomman has infiltrated as the maid, the inferior man, and some as the person responsible for the state operation. I also knew five other kinds of candidates. I'm not going to confirm it, so I'm just a candidate. "

When I finished listening to the street, Lilith held her head.

"Well, I didn't think that not only nonsense, but also other kingdoms were swallowing up into the race (human) kingdom so far... I was ready, but it was too deep!

The maid chief, Nono, who thought it was a safety pie, was pretty sure.

I admired her like my sister for many years, but in order to gain the throne of the king, it was necessary to ensure the safety of Lilith's own surroundings, and I had to wave a great deal to get the peace of the country.

Worst of all, her family must be convicted and executed, not just nonsense.

"... why, why are you doing this between other countries? Don't you have love for your country's race (human) kingdom...."

Lilith naturally shed tears.

The treachery of a nonsense who trusted her most and admired her as a sister, the pain and grief of having to kill such a woman with one's own hands in order to preserve the independence of the race (human) kingdom.

A girl would break her heart and choose to give up reform and live quietly if she hadn't listened to everything - but she was Lilith, the first princess of the race kingdom.

When you exhale a single grief, you bite your back teeth and raise your face.

In those eyes, I was prepared to "kill" even my sister and the opponent I admired, if they were to save the kingdom of race (human) from a healthy state and the status of race (human) from a place called livestock.

"I'm going to end this suffering for me... Even if I were to kill you with my own hands...!

To do so, Lilith firmly insisted that "we must definitely get rid of the demons that save the race (human) kingdom."