Shaman’s Awakening

Chapter 58 Surveillance Video

The police car drove to a county not far from Sujiang City, and stopped at the door of a hotel at the moment.

The policeman opened the door from the car and went into the hotel. It was now in the afternoon. There was no guest except the receptionist in the hotel lobby. The woman was still a little nervous to see a group of people with official hats entering the hotel.

"Hello, we are from the Sujiang City Public Security Bureau, come here to investigate a case, and ask the lady to help cooperate." The captain walked to the front desk and directly explained the intention.

"We found that these two people have room opening records here, and some questions need your help to answer." The captain put the two ID cards on the counter.

In a place like the hotel, people come and go every day, and it is not fixed. The reception desk receives many guests every day. Naturally, she will not deliberately remember someone, but when she sees two copies of ID cards on the counter.

Soon I remembered one of them, this man named Jiang Han, she has a deep memory, because this man is really a little... she doesn't know how to describe it.

However, through the expression on her face, the captain can see that this man is only afraid of Jiang Han's impression, which is a good thing.

"Do you recognize him?" the captain asked.

"Well, I recognize that although there are many hotel guests, it is still a little special like him." This receptionist happened to be the one who received Jiang Han and Su Yuxin that night.

"What do you mean? What's the matter?" When the captain heard the words, he was afraid that the prisoner was not special.

"This...I...I don't know how to say it. You can see it by looking at the hotel surveillance." The receptionist Zhang Kouzhiwu for a while, and finally didn't know how to explain it.

Captain Su and a kind of police officer listened to the clouds and clouds. It was natural to see the picture from the monitor. The captain and Su father followed the woman to the monitoring room.

The automatic destruction time of hotel surveillance video is generally set at one month. Some high-end hotels have higher requirements and can be stored for up to three months. The small hotels in this county are set at seven days for various reasons.

Jiang Han and Su Yuxin's check-in time must be within seven days, and the surveillance video is still intact. When they came to the monitoring room, the receptionist called the team leader to monitor the floor of Jiang Han Su Yuxin that night.

Since the evening, they have been fast-forwarding. Soon they saw Jiang Han and Su Yuxin appearing on that floor. When they saw this scene, Su's father's reaction was obviously not small.

"It's a mistake to see this kid, how could Yu Xin do? Alas..." Seeing Su's reaction, the reception woman smiled, she didn't know Su's identity, and she laughed because she was sure Su Su was misunderstood. What's wrong.

Father Su glanced at the woman, her face unhappy, and the captain glanced at her, but she didn't speak, so she kept moving forward.

In the video, they saw that Jiang Han and Su Yuxin entered the room. The video continued to play. It didn't take long for Jiang Han to walk out of the room and walk around for a few steps before sitting cross-legged at the door. Down.

After monitoring, he took out his phone and fiddled with it for a while, and then kept it untouched. The video was moving forward in high magnification, and then he saw Jiang Han taking out his phone again, and then he stood up.

Soon after, Su Yuxin walked out of the room neatly dressed and the two went downstairs.

"Then they left." The video about Jiang Han and Su Yuxin is even over here, and all the traces they have left in this hotel.

"He just stayed at the door for a whole night?" Su Su was surprised, but he didn't expect that someone would do it.

"Yes, it was raining that night, they came to open the room, a bit tweaked, this kind of shy little couple I saw too much, told them there is only one room, looking for help to help them, when I saw this , I can’t believe it at all." Looking at the woman,

This kind of front desk is afraid to create opportunities for many young couples, but it does not mean that there is anything wrong, but instead makes her look more humane, and may also receive a lot of five-star praise for it.

"Mayor Su, I think the chance of this kid abducting your daughter should be very small." Everyone would be surprised to see such a surveillance video.

A boy came out with a beautiful girl and didn't know what the reason was because he opened the room and entered the room, but the boy voluntarily withdrew and even sat at the door all night.

Assuming that a boy who can do this must have considerable self-control, so even if he stays in the room, he will not do anything out of the will of the girl.

Generally speaking, this kind of male student can rule out the motive of committing crimes. As for whether there will be other motives, and then analyze it, this information is still insufficient, but fortunately, there is Jiang Han's trend.

Jiang Han's background had been known before they came. All the information from family to internship has been passed through, and he has not found any bad records. From childhood to big, he is a thorough good student.

"It should have nothing to do with him. Yu Xin mentioned this young man. I think it's still very good. In this way, I can only start from other places. I still have to go back." Can only be handed over to the police station.

"Mayor Su, you can rest assured that we will do our best to handle the case. We will notify you as soon as there is news." The captain left the hotel with the police officer, preparing to return to Sujiang.

Dongjiang Town.

Continue to go up the stream, Jiang Han has already investigated all the problematic ingredients. He let the fat man leave because it is important.

He didn't know exactly what the virus involved in this incident was, but now that he saw the growth of these precious ingredients, he not only determined that the matter was artificial, but also determined how the virus might work.

It’s not without foundation. He has seen Su Yuxin using traditional Chinese medicine. Her lungs have black gas. Combined with the location of these food ingredients, Jiang Han concluded that according to his medical knowledge, this virus makes people comatose must be related to the pericardium .

The lungs are close to the heart, and black gas invades the pericardium from the lungs. The macroscopic manifestation of this in vivo effect is to make people comatose and shock.

However, this kind of black gas cannot be detected by medical devices, so it is impossible to confirm the diagnosis. According to the knowledge gained from breaking through the second level of air enlightenment, treatment of this disease requires most of the technology learned by the heart.

Letting the fat man go is to let him prepare the equipment necessary for the technology. It is not easy to find the initiator of this matter now, but even if it is found, it also needs a means to treat the person who has been infected, so what the fat man needs to do is very urgent.