At the moment when he saw the burn, Ning Meng's eyes narrowed.

However, Zhang Keke hurriedly retracted his arm, pulled down his sleeve, shrunk his neck, and curled up in a small corner.

Ning Meng asked: "What's going on?"

The scald is obviously a circle. Such a standard round shape looks like it was burned with smoke.

She grew up in an orphanage, and some of the adopted children will encounter bad families and will also be subjected to domestic violence, so she is very sensitive to such wounds.

Zhang Keke shook his head without speaking, timid and timid.

Seeing her not to say, Ning Meng can't force her, only to look at her a few times.

At this time, Huang Cheng and Su Ye just came back from the outside after finishing the toilet.

Huang Cheng said, "Alas, when I just went to the toilet, I left a small note in the compartment."

Su Ye was stunned and asked, "What are you doing?"

Huang Cheng smiled and said: "Find a girlfriend, leave my contact information, if a girl is interested in me, you can add me!"

After he finished speaking, he raised his head slightly and said with a smile: "Don't think I'm smart. I'm not looking at the small advertisements everywhere in the toilet. Isn't it the inspiration that suddenly sprouted!"

Ning Meng didn't want to pierce his thoughts, but he endured it, but he said: "Your idea is right, but if you put the note in the men's toilet, will any girl see it?"

Huang Cheng:??

Su Ye: ...

"Hahahahaha!" Everyone laughed again.

After a class in the afternoon, everyone was drowsy.

After the first class, Huo Beichen, who had been sleeping on his stomach, looked up.

Su Ye, next to him, couldn't help but whistle: "Senior Lord woke up early today!"

Huo Beichen's eyes were a little hazy.

I used to go to class to sleep because I couldn't sleep all night, so I could only sleep during the day.

But he slept well last night, which made him a little sleepless in the morning, and it was more sleepy this afternoon.

He sat upright, and the tall body made the small table look small.

His two legs rested freely on the bar under the table, and immediately yawned.

Although he couldn't sleep, it was two months. This was his sleeping time, so people seemed a little sleepy and confused. With this look, Su Ye let out a sigh and said, "Go out?"


Huo Beichen responded at random, stood up, put his hands in his pockets, and walked slowly out.

Su Ye took something out of the schoolbag and clutched Huo Beichen out in his palm.

This is obviously a bad thing I plan to do!

Ning Meng's thoughts were no longer on Zhang Keke. She stood up quietly, followed the two people, and saw them go downstairs to a corner in the back where no one noticed.

Ning Meng:??

What shameful thing did these two people hide in secret?

Ning Meng followed the past, and as soon as she passed, she smelled a smell of smoke in the air.

Ning Meng: ...

She walked two steps quickly and saw Su Ye and Huo Beichen hiding there smoking.

Su Ye was nothing. He coughed up by the smoke and his eyes were red. Huo Beichen leaned against the wall at will, holding tobacco with both hands. After taking a free sip, he spit out an eye circle.

Amidst the smoke, the young man's thin figure was a bit lonely, and the eyes that were always awake were slightly pulled, with a worldly atmosphere.

That posture is so handsome!!

Ning Meng was amazed by the young Huo Beichen first, and then immediately reacted...

This is school!!

Is Huo Beichen just an adult?

Surprisingly hiding here and smoking?!

She took two quick steps and came to them.

After hearing the footsteps, Su Ye was still a little flustered, but when she saw it, Su Ye's eyes narrowed again and she was about to speak. Ning Meng suddenly opened his mouth at him: "Did you catch a cold?"

Su Ye took another sip and coughed twice. "How do you know? Is my voice now full of magnetism and particularly nice?"

Ning Meng: "Oh, no, your nostrils are smoking."

Su Ye: ...!

Su Ye was choked directly.

When he coughed violently, he saw that Ning Meng walked in front of Huo Beichen, pulled out the smoke in his hand, and threw it on the ground, stepped on it with his feet, and then dragged his arm: "Cousin, you this The classmate has a whale in his head."

Su Ye:?

"What do you mean?"

Ning Meng sighed: "Look, there's a vast ocean in my head, I can't even understand these words, what a pity!"

Su Ye:!!!


This is how he reacted. This man was scolding him for getting water in his head!

Su Ye was about to speak, and he saw Ning Mengxu nagging: "Although I don't have a mother, the dean taught me from an early age, don't play with a fool, cousin, go, we go to class, but don't play with him again. Now."

I don't learn well at a young age, what kind of smoke!!

She just saw the situation just now. Su Ye called out Huo Beichen. The little leaf eight years later was a gentle person, but how was it so bad eight years ago!

Ning Meng dragged Huo Beichen away.

Su Ye is planning to sue her, but sees Huo Beichen, a tall man who has always been unwilling to be disciplined, dragged by her, and he obediently follows behind her, and walks slowly to the classroom together.

While walking, he also said: "Oh."

Su Ye:???

Lord, you winked when you were gushed, and I will save you!!

Ning Meng dragged Huo Beichen back to the classroom. Huo Beichen's footsteps were loose, but his eyes fell on the girl's hand pulling his sweater.

She whispered while walking: "It's too much! How can Xiao Suye bring you away? And you, he smokes you and you smoke, if you are sleepy, I'll buy you coffee!"

"Smoking is harmful to health, do you know that it is also a pain to quit smoking after you become addicted!"

"If you are not energetic, continue to sleep. I came here to help you listen to the lesson. You can rest assured that I will mark the key points. My lord will be going to Qingbei University in the future!"


Huo Beichen:??

Huo Beichen glanced at her, although he said that his goal was indeed Qingbei University, but in the past two months, he had gone to sleep in class, and it was decadent. Even the class teacher Liu did not believe that he was so capable. This girl even thought so. Rise up to him?

After returning to the classroom, continue the class.

In the last class in the afternoon, Huo Beichen left school as usual.

Ning Meng looked at the content on the podium and recorded it completely. After school, she thought that Huo Beichen would disappear for two hours each time before returning home. She is now going back and waiting for him for an hour outside. In classrooms.

The students walked away slowly. At the end, after the classroom was almost empty, she suddenly heard Zhang Keco's sobbing sound.