Shepherding Humanity

The first thousand and seventy-one chapters, the emperor descends on the earth


Emperor Zun sat in the underworld, very calm.

Suddenly, Po Meng entered, "Mao jump please see me."

"Come in." The emperor did not open his eyes, still closing his eyes and resting.

After a while, the cat jumped in respectfully and really said: "Your Majesty, this ancient Chinese land is revived again. They want to invite your Majesty to go to the ceremony. It does not take long. It only takes a moment to show your face. This It’s an ancient place, and we still look forward to your visit."

"This is the place where civilization originated. It's because of emotion and reason. You should also take a trip." The emperor sat on the throne and pondered for a moment.


The capital of China.

In a special reception hotel, Mengmei is still taking selfies in her room, broadcasting live to the forum, and preparing for the grand ceremony to begin.

In the room next to the hotel, her parents followed to watch the ceremony. It was a reserved special seat. They felt scared, and it was still incredible.

At this time, not only the parents, but also the seven aunts and eight aunts came to observe the ceremony.

Mengmei’s mother sat in the middle of the crowd, and whispered: “Hi! My girl, I’ve known smart since I was a child. When I was a child, I went to the temple to see Taoist priests. The old Taoist elder grabbed my girl and said there was a fairy. edge!"

"A few months ago, I thought this girl was evil. She always hid in the house, lying on the ground, doing push-ups, practicing muscles, and muttering about her daughter as self-improvement.

I was really scared crazy, this evil thing is more than this,

You said that ordinary people practice muscles and exercise, and it won’t look like anything, but my daughter is different. She is tall and has big muscles like gluten. She looks like the Hulk in the movie. The weight scale has to be heavy!Walking is the same as in an earthquake. At that time, I felt broken. This is an evil!This girl is abandoned, who would dare to marry her?"

Next to him, a relative quickly said, "I asked my son about this. It's called martial arts! A practice method for physical exercise. After you have cultivated to the seventh-order emperor, you will be restored to your normal body shape. Isn’t her daughter very beautiful now, just like a fairy descended to the world... Besides, my son is not bad, he is handsome, graduated from a prestigious foreign school, and has taken over the family’s business. Look at the female daughter..."

"Bah, baah." Mengmei’s mother smiled and cursed: "My daughter, she will soon become a fairy, and she has risen to the sky. She is a god in the sky, and can live for thousands of years. I've been thinking about it for a long time, but now you are, Xianfan is different!

Also don’t look at my girl who looks beautiful now, her skin is as smooth as soft tofu, but now she has to weigh three thousand kilograms, and her skin looks delicate, I actually touched her little face, it was so hard Just like jade, if you can't strike with an iron hammer, your life level has increased, and your body density has increased. You ordinary man, how can you stand it!People poke you with a finger like tofu, this immortal is different!"

The seven aunts and eight aunts next to him were amazing and thought it was amazing.

"It turned out to be like this! This is the reason why Xianfan was different in ancient times!"

They continued to fawn.

This person has ascended to heaven.

His daughter has become a fairy, or in the ancient Chinese mythology world of the seven realms, how noble is the local mother and daughter?

Talking here.

Mengmei heard it next door, her eyelids jumped wildly, this mother was everywhere revealing her old bottom, her black historical form of a few thousand catties at home, can she talk nonsense?

I'm too lazy to bother so much.

After a few hours, it was almost time to start.

After all the complicated ceremonies, live broadcasts on local TV stations, and the person in charge spoke, finally Mengmei gradually took off under countless flashing lights.


Heaven and earth aura gradually swept over.

With the emergence of divine lights, the eighth-order gods are still extremely powerful. After all, they are not in the form of an ant, but a normal human body. As the strongest creature on the planet's surface, the storm caused is very vast.

Mengmei gradually flew up and came to the clouds, all kinds of breath brewing.


The white clouds in the sky are clear.

As if a big hand erased the sand painting, the sky is clear and blue, and there is no cloud in the sky.

Become a fairy!

Become a fairy!

Everyone looked at this scene in shock, in front of the TV and the computer, very surprised.

This scene is too powerful. I used to watch videos and pictures without any real feeling. I now realize the horror in it. This is just an eighth-order god, so terrifying.

This is destined to be a historic scene on the earth, and the earth has officially opened their own historical hymn.

"The cute girl is so angry that she has long guessed that she is a rich girl in reality. A damn local tyrant. She has never killed a chicken. She has always had a pure land in her heart. After all, only rich girls are so idealized. There is a tragedy of Dao Changsheng, and I want to establish a dragon vein, so that all living beings can escape the previous sacred calamity." Looking at the TV, Qiu Mingshan was speechless.

He didn't go to watch the ceremony, still hide his identity and didn't reveal it, because he hasn't become a god, it's better to shrink a little, after all, he doesn't like these things.

Next to him, his girlfriend also looked serious and sat on the sofa, "This emperor has been invited, this is amazing."

"This is normal."

Qiu Mingshan's speed is disapproving, and he is full of confidence: "After all, this is the place of origin. Many ancient people in China have walked out from here, and the super ancient gods have also walked out from here... It must be a bit of expression. It is normal to come and watch the ceremony... It doesn’t take much effort to come here, just a moment, but it’s not normal to come."

Her girlfriend was right to think about it. She watched TV and said silently: "But Mengmei is still single. She has been single for 10,000 years, and she doesn't want to find her a boyfriend."

Everyone is in pairs.

The balloon fish has Du Xue, Qiu Mingshan Cha Su and her two lovers who were originally in reality, the alchemist and Ermin are playing teacher-student love.

Qiu Mingshan's eyelids twitched, "People are still thinking about the God of Creation... Don't worry about this matter. When we are done, we have to be busy a lot. For example, the God of Destruction created the universe and disappeared. There are too many things to explore."

"Yes, I have to work on my Quantum TV."

During their discussions, the cute girl in front of the TV finally finished her breakthrough, and told the world about the rejuvenation of the magnificent spiritual energy. Everyone in the world can live for the common people, and the Chinese myth reappears in the world...

After the scene was finished, the sky was slightly shaken.

It seemed that some kind of terrifying universe had completely appeared on the stage.

It was like the ultimate catastrophe of some kind of universe, like a huge god, opened his vast eyes outside the universe, overlooking the entire earth, as if overlooking a basketball.

It is like a dragon, overlooking a dragon ball.

"It's the emperor!"

"When I was not a god, the world was godless!"

Everyone was excited.

Is this the tenth order ultimate, the great ultimate standing at the end of the universe?

This is before, defeated the emperor who came to this piece of nine-headed ancient mother who ruled the universe!

This kind of existence, the cosmic saint standing on the top of the avenue, is far from comparable to the eighth-order gods, and even when he sees the opponent, his soul will collapse and collapse.

The momentum of Mengmei's breakthrough into a god before can be vaguely seen in an Asian sky, and it is already unbelievable.

The momentum of this god breakthrough is equivalent to the explosion of a nuclear bomb, but compared to the endless coercion in front of him, it is simply the difference between heaven and earth.


Mengmei stepped forward, facing the ancient gods outside the earth, respectfully bowing in the sky, "I am the mother green vine among the seven realms."

"You have positions everywhere, and the six reincarnations also have your place, which is very good."

The emperor nodded, penetrating the atmosphere, resounding through every corner of the earth, and said with a smile: "The ancient land back then, it’s not bad to recover at this time... This opportunity was originally given by the master to revive ancient civilization. The opportunity to evolve extraordinary, to travel to various big worlds, and to develop in an orderly manner is also good."

Mengmei's expression is solemn, and she bows again, "Everything comes from the gift of the ancestor."

The emperor just chuckled, "This trip, there are not too many gifts, only a few small gifts, which can be regarded as a celebration of the recovery of the ancient land... a chance for you to become a ninth level, how?"

My chance to become the ninth rank?

Mengmei was at a loss.

She is already a ninth-order enlightened person.

But in the next second, the emperor said: "It's your body at this time, the chance to become the ninth rank."

Mengmei was shocked and her face was incredible.

My body on this earth has become a ninth order?

He knows his own affairs best, or everyone knows that it is impossible for a person to become two ninth ranks at the same time. The road to ninth rank is the unity of soul and flesh. How can a person have two souls?

What exactly is going on!!!

Even the news media, the people in charge everywhere on the earth, looked at the sky in surprise in the capital.

Naturally, they have understood any forum history, and have also known knowledge that many players have, and they also know that this is extremely incredible.

This gift is very mysterious.

It is worthy of a tenth order ultimate, easily suffocating the nine-headed ancient mother who rules a nebula cluster.

"Dare to ask, Emperor Zun" Mengmei couldn't help saying.

The emperor said: "In this universe, naturally you can no longer prove Dao, but what about sending you this body to another universe?"

Another universe!!

As soon as the words fell, the whole audience was silent and dead.