Shepherding Humanity

The first thousand and ninety-eight chapters: Reasoning, the terrible way of the multidimensional saint

Xu Zhi poured a cup of tea on the chair and opened the post directly.

Qiu Mingshan's speed is very simple and straightforward: "Everyone, this morning, the earth just recovered spiritually yesterday, I wonder if you all had a good night's sleep last night?"

"But time waits for no one. For a hundred years in the sky and one day in the ground, when everyone is sleeping, we have already soared out of the universe and successfully settled.

Now, let me tell you what happened. To say that this time in Chaos, I am very fortunate to be eligible for the power of this plan.

This was also my previous contribution to the Seven Realms Heavenly Court. I worked hard and made great plans again and again. The success impressed Di Qi and made him burst into tears. I saw that my practical ability is very strong. I will leave these things to me. wrong!



Brothers, this is a historic moment worth celebrating. I finally showed my face and started planning the era!

Before, I only lived in game evaluations and couldn’t participate in the era. Now it’s finally my turn to go on stage and do something big. Let’s not say much, let’s talk about the chaotic sky first.

One conclusion I came to is: Outside the Chaos Sky, combat power is not the most important."

Everyone asked why.

The combat power of the saint is not important, so what is important?

"The reason is very simple, unless the combat power is completely crushed by hundreds of times, otherwise, no one can kill anyone... Then in this way, the combat bloodline is not important, the important thing is the non-combat bloodline, for example, can assist Cultivation, let yourself move towards the bloodline of five gene consummation,

It's like the blood of Yuan Lantian Venerable, allowing other creatures to cultivate and consummate their blood to become saints, which can be plundered by themselves."

Everyone was stunned. Has a new era come?

Version updated?

This combat bloodline is no longer strong, and was slashed. It is similar to the bloodline of Yuan Lantian Zun that can make his Five Great Dao Consummation, fearing to become version T0

Many people started talking.

Isn't this the same path as the game?The game is not unplayed. The version is updated. Some extraordinary training systems may become sewer professions...

Some players left a message:

"Brothers! It's the same if you think about it like this! Everyone is squatting in the dojo, and the colleagues outside the chaotic world can't kill. They can only raise saints to kill themselves... If there is blood to raise saints, it must be the strongest ! (Stone man disc holding baby picture.jpg)"

"Becoming a saint, this is already a nurturing game! The effect that can be played is a bit low! (At a loss)"

"No wonder the nine-headed ancient mother likes that Yuan Lantian Zun so much..."

"Now when I think about it, Yuan Lantian Zun, who has been more than half a million years old, has arrived outside the chaotic world, I am afraid that based on their longevity bloodline, they will cultivate a bunch of existences and cultivate for seven or eight hundred thousand years, and they will soon be able to become a consummated saint! "

"This bloodline is indeed powerful."

"This is the importance of bloodlines, and even these saints are jealous! You see, they have worked so hard until now. I don't know how long they have cultivated, and they have only two or three great bloodlines, but they are very fast, soaring for a million years, Go straight from the weak to the strongest..."

"If you want me to say, it's not so exaggerated, don't forget, the stone man disc is one million years old... the other tenth-order saints are only a few million years old, and their family belongs to the accumulation of accumulation.. .."


Xu Zhi heard it thoughtfully, and that was indeed the case.

Venerable Yuan Lantian is here, and he has a great advantage.

Some of the auxiliary bloodlines that are not very good at fighting are more advantageous outside the Chaos World?But of course, because there are very few battles here.

Qiu Mingshan said quickly, "So, is our combat bloodline really useless? My answer is, it must be useful! Big fist is the last word.

I just talked to the two and five saints of the Great Dao of Consummation here. They are already complete, and they can’t break a Dao’s bloodline. This is because their blood is very mixed. If they are five, they are fighting. Type blood, match each other, and get another blood of the dojo.....have already blown the opponent's dojo!"

Everyone, this is the truth.

But here, it is very unrealistic for these saints. It is already very good to have a great bloodline. Can you choose different things?

Five of them are all combat types, and they are matched, which is very unrealistic for them.

Qiu Ming Shan Cha quickly smiled, and continued to say to everyone: "Besides, five of them are combat-type, you may not be able to break through the opponent's dojo! Because your five violent rules are powerful, but you cannot use the rules of heaven and earth. Power, you are also a mortal, just rootless duckweed...

So, speaking of this, the answer is obvious. To be able to break through the dojo, there are two conditions.

The first is that there must be a great law of the dojo, and the second is that you must have more combat bloodlines, at least two or three in order to crush..."

The analysis of Qiu Mingshan's speed made everyone feel that their thinking suddenly became clear, and the pattern of chaos outside the sky became clear.

The dojo is indeed a sanctuary, but it's not that it can't be broken!

"It's the same reason." Xu Zhi nodded secretly when he heard it. When he felt that this forum was also useful, as long as Qiu Mingshan didn't do things for himself and engage other was still quite useful.

At the very least, it is useful to analyze the pattern distribution of the tenth order.

Many of the previous patterns were very hazy, but now they have become clear and simple.

Akina Yamachi continued: "As for the Chaos Sea, we have already studied and analyzed the power in it... The preliminary conclusion is that this is a chaotic and tyrannical force with no rules and does not belong to any universe... In it, you will lose your strength and become a mortal, so it is almost impossible to cross."

"Then how to cross?" someone asked.

Akinayama Speed: "I currently think there is only one answer. It is already obvious, haven't you found it yet?"

Everyone was stunned, but did not react.

Even Xu Zhi was slightly curious.

Looking at the speed of the crowd, Qiu Mingshan couldn't help but feel heartbroken, saying: "A group of mentally retarded! This is already obvious! There is only one thing that can float on the sea of ​​chaos, don't you know?"

Everyone continued to be at a loss.

Can you float on the chaos?

They didn't see it.

Anything on the sea of ​​chaos will sink.

Akina became speechless at speed, and couldn't help but said, "It's the universe! Are not the nine cosmic plates floating on the sea of ​​chaos?"

Everyone was stunned, and an incredible thought broke out in their minds:

Yes indeed.


Yes...only the universe can rise...

The thinking angle of Akina Yama's speed is indeed somewhat different. This is a misunderstanding perspective at the knowledge level. They had never thought of such an obvious reason before.

This is almost an inevitable law.

But before they did not see...

It means that to cross the Chaos Sea, you have to create a cosmic ship?

Akina Yamato took a deep breath, "Perhaps, someone has already noticed it, it's the advanced version of the dojo-Kana Universe!"

"The dojo is a land with a single rule, and ordinary saints can only create their own dojo with a single rule... and the False Dao universe is a saint with many rules, which are matched with each other to form an ecological chain of laws and self-circulation. ...It's called a small fake universe!"

Everyone is chilling.

Using the Daochang as a ship to cross the Chaos Sea?

When a saint is invincible and a piece of land, forming the bloodline of the Five Great Paths, and then performing perfect matching, can form a false universe with each other, and begin to consider the Chaos Sea. Is this the only way to diversity?

Akina Mountain Speed: "After all, it’s not the real universe. It will definitely be eroded. It won’t be long before it’s sinking... It’s very difficult to cross. This is also explained in history. There are many saints who can cross diversity. The Chaos Sea sank, so there are so many relics that were washed ashore."

"Furthermore, it is not that simple for the Five Great Ways to achieve bloodlines! The two saints of this land have already had five bloodlines. Why can't they do it? Because their bloodlines do not match, the rules do not match, and they cannot recycle themselves. A fake universe....

I am afraid that a truly powerful existence is more cruel than we thought, I am afraid that I have to walk on the earth, kill many saints, and find my own road matching route!

Moreover, they still have to look at the destiny, travel all their lives, and travel all over the chaotic world, and they may not be able to find a match that suits their great bloodline, and walk out of the true perfect match bloodline."

After listening, everyone feels a tingling scalp, which is too bloody.