Shepherding Humanity

Chapter 1379 - Development

Newest site name: Shepherd's Pen Gallery Newest site.

"Start a sect?" Pheasant Ki chanted.

It was true that they had been lurking in this world for some time now, but there was still the possibility that they would be noticed now that they had opened a sect.

But there was no doubt that the city they now resided in was very chaotic.

Within a light year was the Secret Enkosa Autonomous Federation.

In this land that was countless light-years from Earth, four ninth-ranked Adepts had been born over the years and were high up as the ruling class.

The land was too big.

It was actually too big.

As an Eternal Sage, the land that had been opened up by investing all the accumulated resources was equivalent to hundreds of Saints' great Daoist worlds.

After all, only a land large enough to give birth to the hope of perpetuating the nine multiverse universes...

Even Genar, who was known as the strongest man on the surface of the earth, had difficulty ruling over an entire civilization; as powerful as he was, he only ruled over 3% of the land.

Surrounded by warlords, this land alone was unimaginably vast.

Even in front of them, the Enge Kingdom where they lived had countless multinational corporations, technological powers, and secret rulers.

"The strongest in this land is the Mirsi Medical Facility, the underground ruler of the entire Enge Kingdom, which has mastered the technology of nuclear bombs, nuclear explosions, and is working on Neohuman experiments behind the scenes."

Pheasant Ki laughed, "The nuclear wars in this land have been somewhat frequent over the years... They are said to have the top gods of the eighth rank sitting in town."

"There's no need to worry, we're also eighth-ranked gods now, and our battle strength is no better than theirs, we can start with a small training class and martial arts school, make a name for ourselves in this small city first, get a number of shops, and then build a new auction house to cultivate strong people .... And then radiate to the surrounding cities."

Xu Paper thought, "We don't have to expose the divine realm either, about seventh-ranked Heavenly Emperor, that's enough."

"That's fine."

Pheasant Ji felt that there were possibilities.

"According to my deduction, in another 20 or 30 years, those people outside the heavens and the worlds, they also improved that Vorpal Bloodline method and have almost followed our footsteps in, they will definitely cause a big storm and suck the attention away."

After all, the talent of the Zhangsha Bloodline was in stock with the Eternal Saints, it was only natural that they could develop it after the Wild Slaughter.

Because, their individual martial abilities might not be strong, but there were a lot of people!

"Are they, too, coming in?"

Xu Paper sat on a chair and tapped his fingertips, "Regardless of that, let's push the path first and find our own martial dao .... However, if we build up our power, it's better to gather the existing ones."

"Indeed it is, suppressing the small groups of black and evil forces around, I'll just about go out for a walk these few nights." Pheasant Nori, a fat, chubby bird, swelled with fierce muscles.

He turned into a two-meter tall sinewy beast with strong arms and a black cloak, as if he was a black man wrapped under a cloak.

"Be more careful." Xu Paper thought, "After all, we're all in the Spirit Realm, and we can be killed by the strongest people in this world."

"Got it."


A short seventeen years.

A force called "Yan Zun Tang" has risen to dominate the surrounding provinces by recruiting all kinds of civilian students to learn martial arts.

The number of disciples in the area under his command was also gradually increasing.

In the beginning, it was Pheasant Discipline who was in charge of things, then Pheasant Discipline brought in a few of their henchmen from the "Underworld Earth" and asked them to start managing it.

Everyone knows that the Ninth Level is just the beginning.

With the overlapping of times, the rules of the universe will be completed, and the door to the tenth step will open.

At that time, it would be the true era of the Martial Dao Saints, walking everywhere in its prime.

An Light City, inside a single villa.

The general manager and chairman of the board of directors of the Yan Clan.

"The other powers, who have become intolerant of us and are about to crack down on us, seem to be imminent in the engagement."

Heo Paper opened the fridge and took out twice as much hot milk, one of which he handed to Pheasant Nori.

"Martial Saints, Saints of different laws, they cultivate themselves and don't need to suck the rules of the universe beneath their feet in the dojo in the Chaotic Heavens to perfect their power, they can exert their power at will."

"In other words, their saint age is terrifying, they can travel around, and even some tenth stage saints possess greatness that may be comparable to that of the Eternal Saints?"

"I don't think that the peak of the tenth rank is comparable to us." Pheasant Ji shook his head and drank the milk, "They are certainly strong... But we are the Saints who once represented the 'Rules of Heaven', and we Eternal Saints have mastered a large number of important rules of the nine universes, they can't possibly be compared to us."

Pheasant Ji said that perhaps, they could be comparable to an ordinary Rule of the Tenth Order.

But it was already not to be underestimated.

"Now it's the Ninth Order, once the Tenth Order era arrives, it puts the main battlefield on this side, the war of the Tenth Order Saints, you mixed into this world and were once Tenth Order Saints, you may not be able to compare." Xu Paper analyzed.

Pheasant Ji was not surprised.

She clearly knew that this land would lead to rapid development, the era of tenth-ranked saints!

They might not be able to gain any advantage against these Martial Saints.

Everyone was at the tenth rank, which is the end of the Dao, the final realm of the universe ....

They Eternal Saints, even if they were strong, they were technically only once at the tenth rank.

"Anyway, there's no rush, in the worst case it won't work here, we still have our own worlds of the heavens and ten thousand realms to fight head-on." Pheasant Ki shook his head, "Although, being able to invade from within the place and use the other side's system to defeat them is the best way."

Once the universe was mended, the bloodline would disappear completely.

Even if the bloodline universe was used as a self-cycling pattern, forcing one to exist outside the universe... The heavens and the worlds would inevitably be at a disadvantage.

"What? How's the cultivation going now?" Xu Paper asked.

"It's fine, the Hot River Strength is complete, and the Thunder Emperor you opened up is almost complete." Pheasant Ji said.

It had to be said that Pheasant Ji's qualifications were indeed exaggerated.

Although she no longer had any pioneering ability, her cultivation talent was still stunning, and now only seventeen years had passed and she had arrived at this level.

"I already have a feeling that in another fifty years, the dao seats of the universe will fill up eight layers .... My back realm at the peak of the ninth level is going to be loosened, and the path to the tenth level is going to open." Pheasant Ji said, "And reaching the complementary eighth level... That means that chaotic life, too, will have to be completely natural."

Fifty years?

Xu Paper wasn't surprised by this.

He was merely forcibly hastening the appearance of the other side, but the reason why he could appear would have been that it was already not far away.

What's more, because of the increasingly prosperous worlds of the heavens and the worlds, the more insane number of saints had appeared significantly, which was irreversible.

"Something worth mentioning, the entire Transcendent World is now in chaos, with a large number of extra-territorial gods descending." Pheasant Ki suddenly laughed, "They are called, the visitors of a different dimension."

"It seems that those guys from Melting Orange over there have also come, and their arrival allows us to stop drawing attention to ourselves." Xu Paper said seriously, "We can finally expand our power and do it to some of the Ninth Order . You know, all martial arts can't see a flaw if they're done behind closed doors."

Xu Paper reached out and gently grabbed at the ceiling of the villa.


The second and third floors of the villa were all poked out of a huge hole, and a magnificent, burly middle-aged man fell down.

He fell through the air as soft as a willow.

"The guild president of the Mirsi Medical Facility, the ruler of the entire Enge Kingdom, Gilkris, known as the Mechanical Valkyrie." The emperor tilted his head up, "Has your Excellency come to visit us here?"

Gilkris looked incomparably grave, looking at the two monsters in front of him, "Ninth Order .... What goals do you, exactly, have, hiding in our tiny country?"

The emperor turned around and looked at Pheasant Ji, "Ninth stage Martial Dao Saints, battle prowess, can you compare to your group?"

"By a hair."

Pheasant Ki gazed at the other party and said seriously, "But it's already quite remarkable, a genius who can open up the ninth level of martial arts, and now in terms of this aspect of martial arts pioneering era talent, I'll be inferior to the other party."

"You, how dare you ignore me." Gilkris was furious and reached out his hand to grab it.