Shepherding Humanity

Chapter 20 Construction Ideas of Affiliated Sand Table

This proportion of beauty and body looks like a perfect Nordic god, but the appearance becomes like this. Xu Zhi instead of complacent, but feels big head...

All of a sudden, Chen Xi's girl is probably going crazy?

I'm definitely going to scold me for a photo retouching.

"It's over, I'm going to be caught in the genetic mutation research room, and someone has studied...Can I modify the gene?" Xu Zhi suddenly asked the Zerg mother nest, "Modify these outstanding genes with obvious appearance."

He felt that this perfect appearance, like the face coming out of mythology, was too exaggerated and eye-catching. Walking on the street, countless people could scream, like the fantasy coming out of mythology, secondary elements, and books. mythology figure.

He wanted to return to what he was before.

To be honest, that kind of appearance is already very satisfying, and already very eye-catching, as well as his previous face profile. At that time, it was very difficult for Chen Xi and the aunt in the village to accept it. Barely explained.

But now that it has changed again and again, I'm afraid I will be completely suspicious.

I don't want to be caught and studied!

"Is it integrated into the Zerg cell?" The Zerg mother nest asked, "The creator has the ability to naturally open the gene lock, is a Zerg hero, and can modify his own gene fragments and modify his own genes."

Am I already a Zerg hero?

It means that countless Zerg attempts to detach, open the genetic lock, and become a Zerg hero. Is it already on my side?

In fact, Xu Zhi had a weak posture and was difficult to accept the transformation. Now that he is strong, he can now accept Zerg cells and become a glorious Zerg member.

He didn’t wait long for his choice of whether or not to be a human being. His life was gone. He silently waited for cancer to die?Being a normal person is not at all hi!It's so fun to be a worm, and to survive as a zerg!

So he silently called: into the Zerg cells!

"The fusion begins!"

The mechanical sound came.

In an instant, the pain of every tear in the depths of his soul came, and the whole person burst out with dense pimples and cold sweat, and fell on the bed, wailing with pain, and then dizzy.

Waiting for the paper to recover again, three hours had passed, and silently got up and found that he was covered with black and gray mud, as if soaked in the mud, he quickly took a bath, changed his clothes, and came back to check itself.

He felt that his body had changed a little.

Become infinite potential.

"I'm already a real bug! I already have the Zerg's suicidal racial talent-ultra-fast cell accelerated division, as long as I want, I can easily commit suicide at any time, and die myself alive!" He squeezed his fist silently, feeling himself The body can regulate genes at will.

He closed his eyes slightly.

In the black space, I saw a twisted double helix DNA.

A person's genes are composed of a large number of complex, disordered, meaningless, and even a large number of invisible genes for diseases.

Seeing his genes, Xu Zhi has cleared and optimized the large pieces of useless miscellaneous pieces of information. Now that most of his gene chains are blank, he can choose to incorporate other genes, but he does not have this plan now.

Because in his current evolutionary species, only two genes are contained in the evolutionary gene pool.

Termite genes.

Orangutan gene.

And their synthesis.

This is the state of Gilgamesh with white hair and the genes of termites and orangutans.

But he didn't feel any idea, he didn't like these two genes very much, and he was too lazy to integrate in. After all, he was a farmer who didn't have any life safety, so what was he eager to do to save lives?

I'm going to die myself, the most important thing is to find a way to solve cancer,

He felt it silently.

"I have advanced gastric cancer?" Xu Zhi's complexion instantly turned white. "How could it be so fast? I just got a confirmed diagnosis of gastric cancer a few days ago."

Queen Mother Nest replied, "Cancer cells are treasonous cells of the human body. The stronger the person, the stronger the cancer cells."

Xu Zhi: "..."

Meaning, my gene is strong, and the cancer cells have become completely strong, and they are breeding wildly in my body?

Meaning, this time the species is extinct, if I absorb a little more power, I might just die?

He couldn't help but startle.

"In a short time, I can no longer accept the fourth time, the feedback of the power of the species' extinction." Xu Zhi took a deep breath, although it is still far away, if it is not for the ecosystem to lose its balance, he will not reshuffle the card, thriving He wanted to see it.

But he was still vigilant.

"That is to say, in a short period of time, even if they are arrogant and tyrannical on this land, I can't mass exterminate them at will and reshuffle?" Xu Zhi felt a headache, but he was already in advanced cancer, he was almost Dog leash.

Xu Zhi did not expect it to become so fast.

He remembered Gilgamesh last night, the madness and struggling before he died, and also brought him the horror and immense awe of death. Death is the most feared thing of any creature. He couldn’t help but sigh complicatedly Tao: "Can I really survive?"

Xu Zhi felt that the pressure of death was coming.

"In advanced cancer, I don’t have much time left.....I must as soon as possible, in the next epoch, deduce racial civilization and extraordinary power in the big sand table, and find the ones that can improve and fight cancer cells in the extraordinary. ability!"

Xu Zhi looked at the scene of the sand table. Everything was withered and almost no life.

Over the night, relative to them, forty or fifty years have passed, but they have not completely relieved.

They only brought a pair of various species, and they are slowly reproducing, and the creatures are extinct. This also makes them difficult to reproduce without food.

And they also began to know to obey the warning of "God". God said that all beings are equal, so in addition to the necessary food, they reduce unnecessary brutal killing, and even help breed some species and expand the population.

However, at the same time, after a mass extinction, a variety of new species emerged vaguely, and began to multiply, all kinds of strange, a budding appearance after the extinction.

Duan Youliang watched it for a while and sat in the sunny yard, eating the farm breakfast delivered by Chen Xi girl.

"It has stabilized and started to develop again, but it is still too slow. My illness cannot last long..."

Xu Zhi sighed.

"Do you want to open up a second sand table and create a new century?" Xu Zhi thought for a while.

He wanted to open up a new world sand table.

Evolve, let the civilization develop inside, and even boldly promote a vast world like fantasy, fairy, and the like, but it is obviously a bit unrealistic. Recreating a sandbox world is too long for myself.

After all, the big sand table in front of me just had a little sprout of extraordinary power, and it would be better to wait for the strength that this sand table gave himself.

For a time, he let go of the idea of ​​building a new sand table and could only find other ways to promote the extraordinary species of the big sand table after the flood.

"But, it didn't happen when I wanted to appear." He sat on the wooden chair in front of the courtyard and thought about it, and suddenly remembered the previous sentence: "Wisdom is impermanent... and it will also be born, many Where it is not evolutionary."

"Since wisdom is impermanent, maybe I should use other people's wisdom. After all, I am thinking hard by myself, it is too limited, it is better to is better to pull a group of people into the water." Xu Zhi suddenly had a bold idea in his head. Gush.

That's right, this time, he wanted to make a big one!

It was too slow for him to evolve species and evolve spores by himself.

It might as well pull up other people and help him deduce the evolution of spores together!

He remembered a sandbox game that he had played before, spores. At first, the players were spores, they began to evolve and multiply, and eventually became various strange creatures...

Xu Zhi asked Insect Zhinao: "I can make a miniature sandbox, can I make it like an online game, let other people's souls enter the yard, and use the sandbox as a game? Evolve a new species for me?"