Shepherding Humanity

Chapter 481 Extraordinary


Mengmei was shocked in her heart and turned her head towards the voice. It was an extremely familiar figure walking slowly, shrouded in the dim light, distant, sacred, vast, and could not help but have a sense of worship deep in her heart.


The body has been staying in the yard of latitude, and it is naturally an avatar.

"Mah! I wouldn't be dreaming that one anymore..." Her eyes erupted with incredible beauty, and she quickly suppressed her excitement.

Cute girl!

Hold on to me!!

You are the kindest and gentlest mother in the Three Realms, and you must not reveal the perverted look of that idiot.

A brave girl who is destined to marry the creator god, become a god and become a saint, first step to the peak of life... quickly come up with the image of your usual gentle, kind, noble and elegant mother-in-law!

She yelled at herself and cheered herself crazy!

She naturally knows a certain kind of routine. Only when she looks dignified, virtuous and light-hearted can she make a good impression.

"First of all, why did it appear?"

She was irritable, and the whole person’s brain was running fast. She had to deny that she was qualified as a strong man. The more nervous she was, the clearer her thinking was, and she was in danger. She even turned her head faster than usual and became extremely intelligent. .

At this time, the creator of Genesis is coming, and there are three possibilities:

First, because the God of Dreams had just tried to detect and knew about the existence of this deity, and any attempt to explore delusion would be felt across time, space, and latitude, so an avatar came to this world.

Second, it is because of drastic changes in the world.

Before, when the times of the world changed drastically, or people who changed the trajectory of a world appeared, there were avatars of the creation gods directly coming to guide and maintain the order of the heavens and the world.

This is true every time.

At the beginning, Gilgamesh, the hero king living in ancient legends.

And Elmin in the wizarding era, when crowdfunding became a divine method to upgrade the entire world, it was also a fall of the wizarding era, so the creation god came at that time, and Medusa took the opportunity to talk.

. "Now, it's my chance!?"

She took a deep breath and sorted out her thoughts madly, "Throughout every time, it is a turbulent change of the times... Now it is also a turbulent change of the times. Once my mother-in-law Ivy League becomes god, I am completely the foundation of incense in the Three Realms! The real mother-in-law! It is very normal for an avatar to come and maintain the orbit of a world."

Third, it is because this mysterious and unknown game is also a backward earth civilization, leading to the entrance of the heavens and the world.

The first player who became a god himself completely triggered a mechanism.

"It's more likely that it's a three-in-one... so it's coming, it's almost inevitable to come to see me." She yelled inwardly, "I'm so mad! I didn't even think of it before, I knew I should Be prepared!"


Xu Zhi looked at Mengmei quietly.

The gaze of the goods flashed wildly, and his eyes were gurgling wildly like a hamster. Although he didn't know what she was thinking, it was obvious that this guy's ghost idea seemed to be as much as before, and he was very possessive.

"Great Creator, do you have anything?" The Mother Mother has the majesty and kindness of the mother, the voice is soft, the skirt is slightly lifted, with an indescribably beautiful temperament.

Xu Zhi laughed: "Have you really decided? Want to become a god?"

Mengmei was slightly startled.

Xu Zhi continued to speak with a loud voice,

"This will mean many things, you are no longer the one you were before, completely transformed into the past, integrated into this brand-new life, with special opportunities, the possibility of going to the highest...and will completely discard the past ."

Mengmei thought for a while and was silent.

Does it mean that ascending to the deity, becoming a god, it means completely integrating with the world itself?Will you abandon the body on earth?

After all, Mengmei is very smart and can't help but ask softly: "Will I become a mother of the earth, will I have this great power of saints? Can it easily destroy the power of more than one earth country? Does this also mean Writing,

Xu Zhi just smiled lightly, "Yes."

For example, when Emperor Qi was similar to the deity power that came to the starry sky, although it was far from enough, it was naturally inferior to the emperor who stole from the school, but it was still very scary.

In the current Three Realms, the gods rarely shot at all, and they dared not fight in the world at all. Instead, they fought in the immense worlds of Immortal World and Underworld, and the world could not bear it.

I can't be a man anymore?

Can only be a saint?Mengmei's head was shocked. Although there had been similar speculations before, this is really not a game, but the real world. In the future, it may become a strong player in another world, but at this time, the impact on her is too much. It's too big...

It was so big that her mind was blank.

It means that after becoming a god, you will not have a second chance to die and relive... Unlike other players, at most exit the game, the level is cleared, and it becomes a spore to start again. Come in... dead is really dead.

After becoming a god, life is only once.

This is an option.

Choice of your own future destiny!!

She clenched her fists, as if clenching the ropes of fate.

Suddenly, she was relieved and her face was relieved,

"The short life of ordinary people, and the eight thousand years of a saint...are a person and will make a choice." She said, "ordinary people, countless, mediocre and ineffective, and the ancient born from the ground. There is only one mother in the Three Realms."

Xu Zhi smiled.

Although it was expected that this would happen, it was indeed the case.

Although it is three months on the earth, they do not know it, and think it is a long life span of eight thousand years.

Ordinary life, and a god above you, which one do you choose?

Living in a world of extraordinary mythology, there are countless possibilities. After so many years of hard work and pursuit of supremacy, I don’t know how many thousands of years of hardship I have experienced. Perhaps it is not just Mengmei, other players will not give up. The day of becoming a god is near. In front of them, the lives of those two or three decades before were too short for them at this time, as if they were past lives.

And eight thousand years, it seems to have only three months of life in reality, but in fact?It only took two and a half months for Xu Zhi to develop to now... three months?How will it change in the future?

Nobody knows.

Because it is a real life span of eight thousand years!

Xu Zhi looked forward and smiled: "Very good."

Xu Zhi smiled and left in a small step, his body gradually dim in the holy white light.

"Creation God..."

Suddenly, Mengmei could not help but cry.

Xu Zhi stopped.

Mengmei hesitated for a moment. She seemed to want to say something, but she still didn’t say it. Instead, she prayed seriously and said her conviction. “After all, I believe in my own future achievements. I will also be the future saint!"

Xu Zhi almost didn't react, what is this man doing?Grand Vision?

But after all, it disappeared in the shadows.

Mengmei was suddenly anxious, looking at her back, and her heart was mad again, wishing to slap herself fiercely, "What do I say, how dare to become so small, but this impression is very good, a gentle and kind , The dream mother of the earth."

She was so proud that she was a little happy.

After returning to God, she was already a god, and the whole Peach Assembly cheered.

She casually attached to the gods of Ermin and the people like Lei Di, and hurriedly entered the elegant room behind them on the grounds of closed doors and tried to go offline.

Sitting cross-legged, closing her eyes, in a dark, obscure, she vaguely saw a black tunnel, a piece of light in the distance, and quickly ran along the light, she seemed to see a soul who lost her soul, that The body, which had lived for more than 20 years, lies on a computer desk.

"I can crawl back along the network cable!"

As soon as she gritted her teeth, her soul hit hard.


The spiritual power of a deity was about to destroy this body in an instant, and he quickly converged, and only a thousandth of the influx, slowly woke up.

"But after all I have...not my own."

She stood up, shook her arms, took a deep breath, and had a special feeling, "Before, the character Mother Mother in the game controlled, there was a gap, like walking through the screen control...and now, it seems to be separated The screen, in turn, controls my own real body..."

This feeling is very strange, unusually strange!

As if in the novel, it is a deity of a mythical world, through some channel, remote sensing, advent control of an ordinary earth man, and as a saint, it can only be injected with one thousandth of the spiritual power, otherwise, it is very This fragile girl's body may be squeezed in an instant!

"It's just that even if I am an eighth-order god, just instilling a little power into this mortal body, I have..."

She stood up.

In my mind, I kept sorting out my thoughts and tried to sense the spirit. After failing countless times, a small whirlwind slowly conceived from her palm, and gradually turned into a translucent spiral of the palm, screaming screaming.

"It really is second-order spiritual power..."

"Fortune." She looked sharply.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!!

Suddenly there was a knock on my mother's door outside the house,

"Dead girl, why is it so loud! Is the air conditioner in your room broken!"

Mengmei was startled, quickly extinguished the whirlwind of her palm, and shouted in the voice of the mother outside the door, "Nothing, I watch disaster films!"