Shepherding Humanity

Chapter 507: Triple Time World

"Reborn, do animals?"

It didn't react, but quickly drank the bowl of soup, and gradually became confused, as if I had forgotten something, turned into a walking dead, and instinctively kept approaching the circle and entered the mysterious black hole.

There was another sound in my ear.

"Go into reincarnation, let's go to the life of the beast... what to become in the next life depends on your life." The mysterious existence, sitting leisurely on the chair, slowly moving the life and death book,



It jumped gently, as if falling into an endless abyss.


who am I?

Amidst the turmoil, a sense of consciousness stared blankly around the darkness, and the light gradually shone.

It whined and turned into a bird. On the cliff's nest, a gentle mother bird continued to feed. After more than a month, she gradually began to try to soar.


The green surroundings is a dense forest.

It began to fly constantly and found that it seemed to have a certain characteristic, and it could emit flames all over the body, which was a special ability.

Am I also like that bird, do I begin to have special abilities?

Wait, me too?

It had no idea in his mind why this idea came up.

Days pass by day by day. It keeps growing up, transforming, and evolving. It can even speak. According to the normal process, it should find a female bird and start a brilliant bird, but it always has a kind of heart in it. Strange feeling, weird, flying around all alone, until one day, when he saw a fish in a river, he had a mysterious feeling and was very close.

It seems that I have found it all my life.

"You seem familiar, I always feel like I've seen you." The fish said the same.

As the days passed, it started passing by every time it hunted and talked to the fish. It was very happy. That fish also has special water and light capabilities, the same as the previous bird, etc...

Why do I...

A strange picture appeared again in its mind.

Days passed by day, and the peaceful days were very happy. One day, the beautiful fish with colorful scales suddenly opened, cheerful and lively, and crossed the surface of the water, "The water is a prison, I want to see the world of the sky, Free and vast sky... A fish also has the determination to aspire to the sky!"

"Good!" It gently carried the fish with its mouth and flew in the sky.

"Ah!" Yu'er exclaimed loudly, drunk in the corner of his eyes, and forgot to return. "It's so beautiful, I always feel like I've been in the sky, how do I say? A special sense...For both you, I have this It feels as if we have experienced three lives and three lives before we can really... Look, it’s ten miles of peach blossoms!"

Suddenly, they flew over a peach forest, beautiful and beautiful.

The fish was completely amazed, swaying the beautiful colorful fish tail, glowing in the sun, "Ah! This world is simply amazing, I can say, under the sun, above the Taolin... A pair of flying- —”


A sharp arrow struck through the birds and fish, and quickly fell into the ground and hit the trees.

A group of strangely shaped creatures came out,

"Haha! Two birds with one stone! Who cares about me?"

"Huh, why did you send another fish? Still shed tears? Even the fish and the birds are beginning to show affection?"

"Start a fire, burn them to death, add some cumin, and let them exude the fragrance of single dogs!"


Consciousness gradually blurred.

When it awoke, it was discovered that it came to this land again. The original lonely and barren dark land was already covered with flowers, a mysterious existence covered with black mist, and it was leisurely holding a watering can to sprinkle water.

Wait, again?

Have you been here by yourself?

It was confused again in the mind, why there are always all kinds of inexplicable fragments fragments flashing.

"19476?" The lazy opening of the mysterious existence, "At your suggestion, I made a three-stone stone in the distance, a three-stone stone, recording everyone's past and present life, you can go and have a look, and understand after death, Drink soup again."

In the distance, there is a mysterious bluestone with three stones.

The words on the stone were bright red, and there were four big characters on the top of it, "Early on the other side."

"Oh, it’s useless to tell you, you don’t remember seeing me long ago." The mysterious existence smiled, and suddenly his face changed slightly, as if he felt something, "You... actually remember some Fragments of previous lives? Have there been scenes vaguely dreaming? How is this possible?"

"Incredible, incredible..."

The mysterious existence put down the kettle, took out the life and death book, and watched the above records and information, "Is this the case? The first life, you are grass, she is a flower, the second life, you are a tree, she is a bird Son, you are a bird in the third generation, she is a fish..."

That mysterious existence, really stared at him for a while,

"Originally, did obsession begin in the first life, this obsession is your can resist the scrubbing of memory, remember some fragments of the previous life...The characteristic is really strange, and there are no strangers."

"Yes, I remembered it completely!!"

It has been silent, looking at the Three Life Stones, and has completely remembered the past and present life.

This is a relationship of the three generations. It seems that the invisible traction of some kind of power allows them to cross the farthest life and death cycle, and each time they are reincarnated, they can find each other.

"Only, do I remember some?" It was silent.

"Yes, only you can remember." The mysterious existence raised a smile and was interested.

"No, she remembers..." It couldn't help shouting.

"No, she doesn't remember, it's just that the instinct has a good impression on you. It seems that it is affected by your characteristics. Some of your instincts are faintly vague..." The mysterious existence smiled, "However, because of this characteristic, You may be the only creature in the whole world who knows this time and space and knows the existence of'reincarnation'. Others have forgotten after drinking soup. At the very least, they do not have similar characteristics at present."

"I.. is the only one, remember you!?" It shuddered.

"It's funny, isn't it?" The mysterious existence passed a bowl of soup, "start again, destiny is a reincarnation.... Since you are so special, the next life, let you be a human, reincarnate humanity ."

"Human, what is it?"

"People need to be more convenient." The existence just smiled and brought up the kettle again. "The other creatures have spent at least ten years, and forty times more. Only in exchange for the chance of a reborn adult, you have repaired the third. In exchange for life, you must learn to work hard to cherish."

"How could other people have repaired so many more years than I did?" it couldn't help shouting.

"This world is divided into three levels, and each time flow rate is different." The voice slowly opened, "You live in different time dimensions, enjoying the fate of reincarnation."


In its eyes, a real world of terror has completely kicked off.


who am I?

Amidst the turmoil, a sense of consciousness stared blankly around the darkness, and the light gradually shone.


With the mother's sweaty figure, the cries of the baby suddenly appeared in the humble tribal wooden house.


"It's a boy." There was a surprise in the distance. In this savage primitive tribe, male is the best choice.

"I don't know what his innate talent is?" A majestic man standing tall slowly opened his mouth.