Shepherding Humanity

Chapter 530 Daily

The Huangquan Road is long, and the flow of people is nowhere to be seen.

Bright flowers on both sides spread all over the land, Zhang Xiao stared blankly at the land, "Is this the world after death?"

Unexpectedly, that man didn't lie to him, he actually existed.

Zhang Xiao squeezed his fists tightly, and his heart was dazed and bitter.

There are all kinds of sounds around.

"Am I dead?"

"I am also dead."

"This is the world of the dead?"


There was boiling next to them, apparently with their eyes closed, they also suddenly came to an unknown land, feeling very strange, very scared, endless stream of people talking and whispering.

"Huh? Is the lord of Xiaoguo! Zhang Xiao, the god of swords!"

Some people exclaimed that they seemed to recognize Zhang Xiao, and quickly gave way. Even the entire Huangquan Road, most of them were the people of Xiaoguo. They died in the war with Heaven and Man, and are now crowded with the prefecture.

"You are in front."

Zhang Xiao felt silent in his heart and felt very guilty. If the Heavenly Man was not bad, then he was indeed a criminal of Heavenly Man. Instead, he helped Heavenly Man to expand his power, and he really had no face.

He quickly waved his hand, "The world of the dead, the identity of his life, don't need to care."

Quickly said yes around.

After several twists and turns, Zhang Xiao looked around curiously and looked closely. Is this the world of the dead?What kind of mysterious existence is in charge?

At this time, in front of the front team, news kept coming,

"Having been in line for half a month, it is said that the suspension of trading in front!

"Business suspension, it is said that too many people died this time, the land is full, it is difficult to manage!"

"It is said that Lord Meng Po has restarted, but has allowed black and white impermanent adults to recruit people."


Zhang Xiao heard a weird face, puzzled, and suspended?hiring?

"What does this... mean!?"

Zhang Xiao looked at the flow of praise from people in the distance, and suddenly felt that his life had been alive, and he could not help showing his amazement. The world of the dead is really unfathomable.

After standing in line for a few days, the flow of people continued to flow in, and there was a vague sight of people in front.

Zhang Xiao gradually saw the mysterious buildings such as Neihe Bridge, Wangxiangtai and Sanshengshi, and the people on the bridge were crying and mourning. After exploring the specific effects, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but be more surprised and more respected.

However, he was extremely bitter in his heart, and he was dead. This Huangquan Road was the last road, and he could not remember everything at all. His heart was regret and daze, and he was extremely regretful.

He wanted to change everything and could not start.

He smiled, his face was only vicissitudes, "before death, all beings are equal."

Gradually, as this road progressed, someone in front of the crowd pointed to the engraved verses on the Nahe Bridge and exclaimed aloud, "The other side of the flower blooms on the other side of the bridge, but the sigh on the bridge. This life has forgotten what happened in the past. Guardian... What a poem!"

"It is said that the black and white impermanent adults said that this was a long time ago by a reincarnation person."

"Huh? It's weird. Since he doesn't remember the afterlife and life, there is no bond, it is a brand new life, how could he write this poem?"

"Can it be the afterlife, what do you want to do to the people in the previous life?"

"This is so ridiculous, how can anyone remember the past and present?"


Zhang Xiao listened to the discussion around him, and was a little shocked. She seemed to have some special thoughts in her heart and secretly clenched her fists.

"Perhaps, I have hope..."

Gradually, Zhang Xiao came to Naiheqiaotou. He saw the Sansheng Stone and the legendary Meng Po. It was indeed very ugly, ugly and ugly, and the smile was terrifying.

"No. 124529, the next life, heaven and humanity." The old, hoarse voice began, envying him suddenly, becoming a heavenly man, the most noble existence, which is beyond the reach of countless people.

"Can you wait a minute..." Zhang Xiao couldn't help saying.

Meng Meng was taken aback, looking at this person, looking up and down, "Everyone was waiting in line, waiting for a long time before it was their turn. They could not be reincarnated, but you have to wait?"

Zhang Xiao nodded nervously.

"You have to wait, just wait..." Meng Po ignored him, and Zhang Xiao silently returned to the original source of Huangquan Road, standing quietly in the distance and waiting, curling up in the corner, looking at the newcomers Death is coming.

He watched everyone's expression intently.

They have all just appeared in the world of the dead, so scared and very nervous.

"Perhaps there may or may not exist... The person I was looking for, the moment I came to the prefecture... It must have been very calm, and the other person encountered this mysterious unknown, the first reaction was very nervous Looking around...and this man should not be nervous, but a look of nostalgia and familiarity."

He doesn’t know if it exists, but he has to wait, he has to give it a try!

If there is such a person who remembers reincarnation, then he will definitely appear. After all, if a person is alive, he will die.

How smart is he?

This is the last chance.

After all, it is a owl, it is impossible for the average person to think of this, and try decisively.

As the days passed, the flow of people in Huangquan Road was surging, and I didn't know how many people were received, and Zhang Xiao had been waiting, as if turning into a nail household, and also witnessed the continuous improvement of the local government.

During this period, news kept coming

"Black and white impermanent man, brought back a strange tree, screaming, so strange... It is said that this is a temporary public officer who will appear in the looks very timid and strange."

Zhang Xiao suddenly looked slightly weird. Has the black and white impermanent adult who I said before come back?

After a few more days.

"My God, it is said that the tree man is whimsical and intends to build a city over there! What architectural drawings are he working on, ready to move bricks with souls, I don't know what it means..."

After a few more days.

"It is said that Lord Mengpo has instructed again to let that tree person solve our lonely time waiting on Huangquan Road, and that tree person came up with the daily newspaper method! Let us not be so boring!"

"Daily, what is that?"



Even the sword god Zhang Xiao was a little curious.

As a result, within days, on Huangquan Road, facilities for "newsstands" were added, and a copy of the newspaper was placed inside.

And some people who are waiting on Huangquan Road and waiting in line for reincarnation are really lonely and bored. They can't help but pick up a daily newspaper and start to pass the time. The result is less than a few days, and they are fascinated instantly.

On the entire Huangquan Road, almost every creature sat cross-legged on the ground, holding a newspaper to read.

Not even waiting in line.


Although Zhang Xiao is an owl, he was also slightly curious. The world after death was really mysterious.

Even his Emperor, the Sword God, could not help but try to pick up a so-called newspaper and read it. I saw a few big words "Samsara Daily" written on it. A small headline on the first page was:

"Shocked! Fangdu Ghost Town was established. Are you planning to hire workers and pay well?"

This title is very weird. Zhang Xiao didn't know why in a moment, and he had a desire to read. He kept reading, "In order to realize the construction of the prefecture town, enrich the spirit of rebirth in the reincarnation, and realize three modernizations..."

After reading an article spontaneously, he read it unconsciously and indulged in it. This is a very weird feeling. Even after reading it, he even wanted to take the initiative to help establish Wendu.

He looked at the other pages of the newspaper, and it seemed to have just opened. The content of "news" was not rich, mainly filled in the "fiction section". It seemed that there was a novel called "The Alchemist Record".

Chapter 1: The alchemy emperor should not enter the forest, try Yunyu for the first time.

This writing is really good.

Unconsciously, he went silent.

"The wizarding world? Witchcraft? Spiritual power?" Zhang Xiao silently pondered, always feeling that this novel has a special intuition, some of which contain some kind of world-reasoning, not to be underestimated, and earth-shattering big secrets.

"This first chapter is not simple. There are some ideas in it that are worth trying." Zhang Xiao, who is known as the sword god, is enough to see how terrifying his talent for cultivation is. In this book, won't it really happen?