Shepherding Humanity

Chapter 568: Poor and Poor Living Method (2 in 1)


A breeze greeted us, and the air was full of flowers.

Xu Zhi left Carolyn, straight into this space-time tunnel, controlled the avatar of the super ancient god, and walked on the mountains and rivers of the ancient wood planet.

The ground is green and lush.

Looking up, there are eleven stars and eternal old trees. The splendid and delicate leaves of this elven old tree overlap, and the sparse and bright sunshine reveals a bright green leaf sky dome.

A dreamy world of birds and flowers.

"I actually came over."

Xu Zhi was full of surprises in his heart, and he felt like he wanted to laugh.

This means that the biggest problem in my recent journey has been solved.

If he can come to the ancient wood planet at any time, it will represent many impossible things, all will be realized!

The most intuitive is that you set foot in outer space. As a weak emperor, you don’t need to reach the eighth order, develop the cosmic vacuum cell civilization in advance, and release the previous gas elf!

"It has been two months since the Emperor Qi was released, and six thousand years later... the eleven eternal ancient trees of that year have become gods." Xu Zhi looked up at the sky.

He was exposed to the delicate star power in the air, and he has formed a world with a high concentration of aura.

Eleven deities of ancient trees, which constitute the basic rules of the ancient wood planet, have been transformed into the tree of the world.

In front of all this, the previous Xu Zhi felt only through the worm's nest vice head and could not intervene in person.

It felt wonderful to be here in person.

Xu Zhi looked around, "Maybe, for Di Qi at this time... these eleven ancient trees of elves that became gods, like the big Luotian of that year, he secretly ruled the other eleven ancestors."

Di Qi is still very serious.

It was like the countless ancient times in the past, no one could find him behind the scenes.

Although he seemed to be the third to break through the higher gods immediately after Phoenix and Caroline, at the same time, his moon god, Yunyun, also became a god, waking up from a deep sleep.

In the past few years, the Ummia Elf Emperor and Ahou have become gods one after another, and they have developed steadily without any waves. Everything seems to be the same.

"Six thousand years, two months away from me, such an achievement is quite satisfactory."

Xu Zhi walked around in a natural way. In the elven city, he saw the exotic style all the way, carefully pondering the ecology of the ancient wooden planet. "From today, this planet will be taken over by me again."

He does not have much thought of interference at present.

This is a free-range cosmic wandering sand table. Emperor Qi is secretly in control. He has opened the world by himself, and he has only come to collect taxes in secret and reabsorb the biological energy of the mass extinction.

After all, paying taxes is a basic duty of Zerg people.

"This time, I have accumulated a huge amount of energy that I don't know how long. After getting it through, giving back to the body, it should soon break through the mid-day of Emperor Tian." Xu Zhi praised.

The more he thought about it, the more excited he felt. This wave of blood earned, although from another point of view, Carolyn had a huge loss of cultivation, and even from an energy point of view, it seemed a little more than worth the loss.

"Go up and see!"


Xu Paper punched upward gently.

Silently flying directly above the clouds, the atmosphere of green leaves was broken, the sky was completely dark, as if the lights were turned off instantly, and the surroundings turned into a little galaxy-like starry world, beautiful and beautiful.

In the distance, there are interstellar expeditions.

They are rooted on a gray-black planet with a dim and thin atmosphere. The entire star is gray metal and soil. The mountains are ups and downs. While exploring and digging, the elf exploration team can't feel the existence of Xu paper.

"Now, in... the fairy galaxy."

Xu Zhi murmured silently, looking at the surrounding starry sky.In the past six thousand years, Di Qi has been able to keep jumping.

Farther away, huge dark red planets.

Further away is a gloomy and depressed nebula, exuding multicolored faint light, and even some larger hazy nebulae form an elliptical mysterious hazy spot, giving an indescribable shock.

These pictures and landscapes are so beautiful, majestic and spectacular.

"The world is so beautiful, it contains incomparable miracles and has more unimaginable possibilities."

Xu Zhi raised his head and stared at this starry world where any other creature felt small, then lowered his head and looked at his feet. It didn't end, it was completely dark.

"Up and down the four sides are Yu, from ancient times to the present day."

In my heart, surging and surging, hearty and refreshing.

This... is the real starry sky!

This... is the sea and the sky, and the birds fly!

He showed a bright smile, and finally had a sense of indulgence in his heart. Although he was only a low-level emperor, he finally had the real freedom that the gods only had, and turned into a flying bird overlooking the world!

It is no longer a creature trapped in a cage. Others are lamenting their weakness, and Caroline also lamented that she is trapped in it. Isn't Xu Zhi right?


He calmed down and began to leave the ancient wood planet slowly, flying in the opposite direction,

"It is also time to leave the ancient wood planet and part ways first... after all, it is important to do the right thing first. The teleportation array has already been erected on the ancient wood planet. It will be fine any time in the future."

"Caroline helped me get to this point, and it paid a terrible price for me. It can even be said that it took half my life to let me leapfrog... I can barely come here with the body of the emperor. Trying to build a cosmic vacuum civilization sandbox."

"This is a taboo, and it is far beyond my current ability, and promised Caroline's things, still have to perform, and let her help development."

"I, myself, do not have enough strength to lead the development of a vacuum of cosmic civilization... because this needs to be done, but it is not the previous squeezing of soil, it is a horror project, transforming mountains and rivers, and even transforming a planetary ecology. .. Even if the selected place is too small, it will be difficult for me."

A divine emperor?

Can’t fly out of the planet, can’t stay in the vacuum for long, what can I do?

Even if it is able to control the flow rate of living things and turn on the creator mode, what can it do?

In the face of the low micro-power limit of the body, no matter how powerful the racial talent is, it is nothing but tasteless and useless!

At this time, he is not unprepared.

He dismantled part of the reincarnation and made an ultra-small mechanical armor, enough to accommodate his ant avatars, and he was able to persist in a vacuum for a while to find new land.

"The Zerg's deputy has been selected to screen several suitable environments according to Di Qi's travel route and recorded planet data."

"Innate energy, radiant light source system, in this world, you should be able to find a good place to reproduce vacuum civilization... and the cultivation system does not need to evolve according to the player's side, their six reincarnations are not out. In a real vacuum, the environment is different..."

He kept flying outward, thinking.

I don’t have to worry about leaving Caroline to open up the teleportation array on the ancient wood planet, and I can’t go back, because he now has a new teleportation array with him. The most difficult thing is the first teleportation array that comes over, and the remaining teleportation. The array is simple.

It was like being on Mercury at the time.

At that time, I had to fly to Mercury slowly, but once I arrived, I could drop the teleportation array and go back and forth.

In fact, in the realm of medium deities, the use of teleportation arrays has been relatively extensive, and it is not as expensive as the lower gods. Even for Elmin and others, in the big cities of the Three Realms, the gods above are all high. Established a transmission array for the strong, whether there is interoperability, but each transmission will pay a certain amount of price.

On the contrary, the gods are very keen to build this type of teleportation array. The construction is a loss for a while, and the income can be continuous.

"This pair of teleporting teleportation arrays that I sent to each other, I got a lot of groups from Elmin... After all, the times are not as tight as before, they are all developing."

Xu Zhi continued to fly.

Two days a day...

Time goes by.

The ancient wood planet behind him gradually turned into a green fantasy planet, beautiful and beautiful.

After a few more days, the entire ancient wood planet suddenly tore out a black hole-like space fold, gently plunged into it, and jumped away.

"Sure enough, Di Qi started jumping again..."

Xu Zhi looked away.

Every once in a while, Di Qi will make an ultra-long distance jump, then slowly recover his physical strength, and return back and forth, of course, the distance of each jump is not long.

"Now that he is gone, this area can be searched more relaxed, without fear of him peeking and peeking in the dark." Xu Zhi still ignored it and moved on.

It is not too difficult to find a suitable small planet.

Because there is no need for the most precious oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, only the solid water is needed. There are relatively many such planets exposed to the radiation vacuum.

"Calling out."

Suddenly, a mechanical sound came, and Xu Zhi looked down at the star map data provided by the vice brain.

An isolated pale blue virtual star map, which appears in front of love.

At more than thirty points, Di Qi came all the way. As the spacecraft of the Explorer, the deputy brain detected the data collected secretly here.

"More than thirty matches..."

Xu Zhi observed all the way, he saw more than 30 perfect galaxies, the environment like the sun, some qualified planets, with solid ice, so that those gas elves, carbon dioxide and oxygen can circulate.

After all, there is no need for these two gases directly, as long as there are three elements of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen on the planet, they will directly find a way to synthesize and self-circulate, and the demand for "gas" in this regard is actually very small.

The most important demand is liquid water.

In the universe, there is not enough atmosphere to protect, and liquid water has long escaped on the planet. Therefore, the water on the planet is basically in the form of solid ice. At the same time, because there is no atmosphere, the planet is icy, and the sub-zero temperature is naturally frozen. .. Perhaps, there will be a small amount of liquid water below the deep layer of solid ice, but it will not be able to feed the whole world without too much consideration.

"Solid ice is my only option, just melt it directly, like stealing water from the earth."

Xu Zhi constantly stirs the information of the planets.

"This one is fine."

He saw a huge perfect planet three times larger than the earth, with solid ice, a vacuum environment, and full of radiation.

"However, it's too big." Xu Zhi sighed, feeling a bit pitiful. "Me and Caroline, absolutely can't get it. Early breeding species, melting solid ice, it is necessary to create an underground river to moisten everything. It may develop...and then develop, underground underground rivers, it doesn’t matter anymore, when they have the strong, they can melt themselves, be self-sufficient, or even directly transform the environment,

And this planet is three times larger than the earth, unless Caroline breaks through the ninth-order world... can she use her own power to transform the horror power of a planet, not to mention, Caroline’s current cultivation is lowered. Many, only low-level gods can't be greedy."

Xu Zhi looked down for a moment, about the size of the earth.

Silenced, and rejected again.

"Caroline and I still can't eat it!"

He felt some pain in his heart and could only comfort himself constantly,

"The big plate is good, you can eat more, but the small plate is easier to develop...can manage well, the future development, civilization will appear more powerful, you can consider moving again, after all, it is a vacuum universe race, you can appear interstellar Immigration."

He dialed the planets with his hands.

One by one, more perfect, large planets are constantly being screened out, and Xu Paper is also in pain.

Soon, Xu Zhi quickly locked a solar system-like environment, one of the gas giants.

It spirals slowly, and is a sphere composed of most of the airflow, like a deep red vortex pill, composed of a large amount of hydrogen, containing helium, various gas components, and many solid ices.

Don't think that gas planets are extremely rare.

Saturn and Jupiter are gas giants. In our solar system alone, most of the planets are not composed of soil and land.

This gaseous planet has only seven satellites orbiting around, and one of the ultra-small satellites has solid ice on it, surrounded by a thin atmosphere, and has the required gas.

"Satellite... I'm too poor to choose the smallest satellite."

Xu Zhi's eyelids twitched, feeling blood loss,

"This satellite, which is a bit smaller than the moon... does fit the bill."

"We should be able to transform it."

He looked at a huge golden fireball in the distance, but hesitated,

"However, this small satellite orbits that gas giant star, and this gas giant star is also orbiting a sun-like star object, a little farther from the "sun", the radiation is scarce, and the shortcomings are too large ...But it doesn't matter! Is it so perfect? ​​Anyway, it's not for me to be a power station, their energy is not enough, it's not my business..."

In fact, this is a difficult choice.

You are close to the sun, high temperature, high radiation, there will definitely be no water.

Far away from the sun, there is water, even freezing, and the radiation is not enough.

"That's it... solid water, gas, and self-sufficiency."

Xu Zhi took a deep breath and said, "It's time to scratch!"


Over time, Xu Paper fell gently.

He looked around, the earth pit, the dry valley, the soil, and the ice surface deep agglomerated. This is a small satellite that is a little smaller than the moon, but it also surpassed a China. The rooster is so big.

"This time, the sand table is exaggerated and larger than the huge territory of the entire country. It is 13 million square kilometers. For these small creatures, it is already an infinitely vast and endless land, truly endless!"

Xu Zhi took a deep breath.

"You have to transform and green the planet!"

After dropping the teleportation array, he turned and left.

After a while, Xu Paper returned, taking a lot of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Although the air also contains oxygen, hydrogen, carbon, and even methane, it is not what they can absorb and decompose.

Xu Zhi didn't have time to make an artificial underground river. He directly got a bunch of iron pipes, buried them under the ground, and connected one end to the deep buried solid ice.


Xu Zhi released the spell slightly, and the ice began to melt and flowed into the pipeline, turning into an undercurrent.

"Wisdom of the brain, mentioning the gene pool, multiplying vacuum plants!"

The mechanical sound came.



Soon, vacuum plants emerged, absorbing oxygen and carbon dioxide, taking root in the water and forming a self-cycling cycle, with extremely strong vitality, quickly scattered scattered on this barren little satellite, like a cactus in the desert.