Shepherding Humanity

616 Miracle Crusher

Suddenly everyone's eyes were tense, staring at the next situation where this existence was besieged, what would happen in the end.

Soon, the pictures of the killing were also released. The reincarnation mansion actually used the absorption spell. All the attacks of Yundi and others did not work, and then reflected back fiercely.

"Lying trough"

"They are cold!"

"This anti-group attack spell has also been seen on the side of Emperor Huanxi."

"Sure enough, the reincarnation monarch simply didn't bother to take care of it, because all the calculations were slaps, and all the conspiracies, I was a fist!"

"I don't know how strong I am.... Now I want to come to this sentence, it is the real king!"


All of a sudden, everyone stood on the side of the reincarnation.

Sure enough, the following screenshots were instantaneously exploded without any bones.

But then, when everyone thought that Yundi and others had died, a new picture appeared again. It turned out that Yundi and others were just dead and escaped, and secretly calculated tactics.

Autumn famous mountain speed: "..."

Mengmei: "..."

Alchemist: "..."


What kind of fairy fighting is this?

I'll go to your second uncle, this will do!!

It turned out that Yundi didn't even want to fight at the beginning, just wanted to unite more than 60 Heavenly Emperors to fight together, try a wave, and then use the space to transmit talents, and escaped at the moment of Emperor's counterattack.

Is this playing a person like a monkey?

Qiu Mingshan took a quick breath and felt that he should be calmer. "This Emperor Yun, the fighting talent is too terrible. When he was forcibly awakened by the pit, he faced such a complicated strange pattern and made this countermeasure. !"

Everyone was completely silent.

These bigwigs don't have a fuel-efficient lamp.

"Samsara Fujun: I'm too difficult! Why should everyone attack me!? With a weak victory over a strong one, four or two pounds?"

Next, they saw that through this period of fake death time, crazy fusion, countless horror talents gathered together, Emperor Yun directly became an immortal, infinite defense, high attack super monster, terror to the limit .

Everyone's scalp is numb, and various talents and immunity are superimposed...

But terrible things have happened, even if everyone is condensed into one, they still can't do it!


One punch punched wildly, all kinds of colorful lights flashed the whole earth, as if the two unique deities in the world were fighting at their peak.

"Mom, there is someone hanging out here!"

"This is Heavenly Emperor? You told me this is Heavenly Emperor!? Am I right?"

"Lying Groove! If Yun Di is hanging, unlimited blood blocking, unlimited defense, unlimited attacking...what is hanging in the reincarnation?"

Everyone was stunned and shocked.

My heart is full of excitement, so exciting, I have never seen such a fun wit and battle!

All kinds of hole cards are exhausted. These big guys, one by one, have to defeat the strong, even if they are extremely weak, they are not desperate. They must create a miracle of destiny!

They are bold and courageous, they want to defeat the arbitrarily reincarnate emperor!

"It's so handsome!" Someone yelled in excitement in front of the computer and shouted at a group of students in the dormitory. "The pride of these people, I agree now! It's really too strong, so determined!"

Everyone watched it and was more enjoyable than all kinds of blockbuster movies!

This kind of special effects, this kind of tricks, hang those movies one after another!

Especially in the end, the moment when Emperor Yun raised his spear high:

"Regardless of everything! Life, dignity, pride, and abandon everything that can be abandoned! Go and defeat him! Overcome that incredible existence!"

At this moment, it was a flash of lightning in the dark, and that burning figure, as if immortalized in the mural, was so shocking that weeping ghosts and gods.

Many people are excited and turn their heads in an instant.

Then, the two sides went into the peak battle directly.

Emperor Yun used his talents to stagnate Emperor Zun's somatosensory time, bombarded his ears frantically, and in the extremely tragic blood, finally opened a small hole in the eardrum, intending to enter it directly.

However, Xingdi has been unable to shrink.

An extremely powerful scene appeared.

"Please, please use this power to save the whole world."

"Children talk about dreams, adults talk about reality."

"It's ridiculous to dream about something, but there is nothing left to go back. I just... don't want to die."


Emperor Xing inside the Emperor Yun issued a hysterical sound, as if the soul was roaring in the deepest part.

These words sounded, and countless netizens buzzed in their minds.

They couldn't stop giving birth to a kind of fierce resonance born from their bones, "Children speak dreams, adults speak reality", this sentence is too shocking, as if to say their own lives, accompanied by childhood Growing up, he was gradually smoothed out of corners, convinced by reality, and no longer believed in so-called dreams and miracles.

They suddenly felt a bit tearful.

Really, is Xingdi not most of them?When I walked into the society, I did not believe in the so-called miracles, dreams. That was something that was only available when the teacher lectured when he was a teenager, but after all, he still created a miracle and found his original heart...

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooo old!"

"It will definitely win!"

"Emperor Yun, Emperor Xing, will win!!"

At this moment, the blood of countless netizens in front of the computer was boiling, and could not help but clenched his fists and roared.

Finally, it seemed that under the roar of everyone, a miracle happened, they finally broke through the limit, turned into a soybean-sized body, and got into the brain...

Everyone is ecstatic!

They also felt tears in their eyes. At this moment, they also lost their eyes and grasped the tea cup for a moment. They seemed to recall their childhood dreams and believe in the miracle of this world.

"Work hard, work hard! As long as I work hard, I can kill a bloody road among millions of people!"

"Everyone else says I can't control myself, and the small county town is also very good, but..."

"I have dreamed of becoming a star since I was a kid. I have been traversing north for seven years, but I still stick to my ridiculous dreams. I believe I am the second Baoqiang and stand out..."

In front of the computer, many North Drifters who chase their dreams silently shed tears, intending to continue to stick to their dreams, believing that they will have a miracle in their early days...

But something terrible happened.

In the world, suddenly silent.

An emperor stood slowly on the sky, said quietly,

"What are you still looking forward to? The world of adults has no dreams."


The wind died suddenly.

Tranquility, death-like tranquility.

The dark ground began to become silent.

All the people in front of the computer went to silence in the moment of roar, their teeth were clenched, and Zhang Da’s pupil was full of terror, but he was sitting in front of the chair in a loss.


I don't know what happened in the brain.

Emperor Zun slowly took out his fingertips and dug a soybean from his ears, as if discarding all hope of the whole world at will... Youyou turned and left.


Everyone took a breath.

I just felt like I was frozen all over my body, as if I was soaked in the Arctic Arctic Ocean, breathless...

It all ended so suddenly.

The end of the dream is so calm that there is not even a little waves.

For Emperor Zun, it seems like a logical picture, like buying two pounds of vegetables in the supermarket on the first day of the new year, and finding that there are two rotten stalks on the ground, and then it is as simple as walking on the way home. ..

"What are you still looking forward to? The world of adults has no dreams."

At this moment, everyone felt that their throats were severely choked, and they couldn't say a word.

As if I had just witnessed miracles and hopes, I just stood up like a man with blood, but was brutally swept down by the real palace and cut off all hopes and dreams!

What is the most profound in this world?Although unwilling to admit, the sad ending is the deepest, and the regret of failure is always the most silent.

After a long time.

The speed of Qiu Mingshan is also complicated. "Destroy them as if it's just a trivial matter... I have to say that this is the real king."

"Perhaps, we also call it... a miracle crusher, who symbolizes death and reincarnation, the end of dreams."

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