Shepherding Humanity

Chapter 737: High-dimensional time and space

The reincarnation lord stood leisurely in the void.

In the dark and dark universe, the silhouette of the entire sun blooms to the maximum, as if it were an everlasting melting pot of eternal age, blooming endless light and heat outward.

It seemed to surround a huge ornate golden stove.

"Inferred the extraordinary civilization sandbox of countless times, maybe, you can also take a look at my background." Xu Zhi whispered secretly.



The big octopus sent out angry spirit waves, countless tentacles softly flapped, the endless void seemed to be stirred like ripples, everything seemed to rumble open.

This is a force that ordinary emperors cannot imagine.

This form of Heavenly Emperor can almost sweep the overlord of the entire Heavenly Emperor's state. Perhaps, only the deity can pose a death threat to it.

However, in front of him, it turned out to be a group of ridiculous ants Tiandi, how can it not be angry?

Even Xu Zhi felt his anger clearly.

Even, I heard its god roar:

"Where is the weak cosmic race, who will not surrender before me?"


A group of emperors surrounded them in a circle.

As if a group of ridiculous fleas are surrounding an elephant.

"Alien demons?" There was an ancient Buddha covered in a circle of golden radiance, like a round of small sun, whispering gently with his hands folded together, "So terrible creatures..."

"Oh, the monster, it's really amazing, how deep is the mystery of the world? Samsara Mansion, what the truth are you hiding?" A fair-skinned handsome tall scholar holding a lupin, apparently Yushan Man, the head Incarnation controlled by linden tree.

"Such a huge life is indeed amazing! It should be sent to my Buddhism country to be neutralized, but obviously, such a huge body..." Another heavenly Buddha was speaking, charity.

However, no matter how many players there are, they are not so arrogant.

"These humane and beastly creatures are full of ugly faces, but they are just blind-talking here. You talk to each other and touted each other. If nothing happens, don't do anything and wait for others to try."


"But when we come out of the land, we have the same flow rate as them. Everyone's thinking moves are as fast as they are at the entrance of Heaven and Humanity. Is this the case? The flow rate of the copy is the same as Heaven and Humanity!"

"Here is probably a repulsion from heaven and humans. Our animal road enters the other two. Although we can enjoy their flow rate, there will be repulsion after a long time. We may stay here too soon. This copy has a time limit."

"Those monstrous humane giants are now chatting. It is estimated that they are also a bit aware, knowing that we may not be able to wait, waiting for our shot."


Several players' martial arts faces are black.

Can you be an honest NPC?

So black belly, all day want to make us players?

They began to discuss and study the tactics of the copy of the strategy, and Yuan Qinghua was among them.

At this time, the forces of heaven, humanity, mortalism, animalism, and the three parties are intriguing, and the players of the local forces are not included in it for the time being.

Right now, the most humane is not panic, waiting for the other two shots.

"We are not in a hurry. We are the weakest. We are more tolerant than them. There are more mortals than ours. They also have repulsion from heaven and earth. It is estimated that they will not be able to sit on it."

These players muttered, in their opinion, touching Emperor Qi's ass is also a university question!

Although Di Qi was pinned down by the Three Pillar Gods, but in front of his own world, how could Di Qi endure the big octopus that he spent all his life to find?

It has always been the only one who steals others, but now someone steals his own?

It is estimated that the big octopus is robbed, and the two worlds are about to go to war. It is now the first wave of confrontation. It is estimated that these player forces will have to meet Di Qi in the future!


The terrifying thoughts oscillated.

And these tiny creatures did not kill, completely angered this horrible cosmic octopus, it stretched out its tentacles in a frantic spread, and in an instant they would shoot these humorous creatures buzzing to death.


It suddenly speeded up and waved its tentacles to attack the surroundings, but the speed of the tentacles was so slow that it was easily avoided by the surrounding Heavenly Emperor.

"For such a huge creature, the tentacle should be its weapon. How can the tentacle's attack speed be so slow?"

"It seems that its thinking, physical speed, and we are not in the same dimension."

"It's like humanity, what kind of feelings do you face in the world?"


Countless days of Emperor Tian Yao swayed away, his face more dignified, fearing that there was a crisis, the other party deliberately hid, after all, such a huge cosmic life is really frightening and timid.

As for the distance, those asura warriors who are beasts?

They have been habitually divided into two groups to avoid being infected by them.


The next second, the thought of this big octopus screamed, "How is it possible! You are all descendants of ancient gods! How could there be so many descendants of ancient gods?"

It became more and more angry.

"Lying trough! Brothers run! He is angry!"

"The horror is like this, a descendant of the god of stocks! How can he know that I am trading stocks!"

"His! Laws attack, mind reading! How does he know that I want to be the son of the god of gods, the brothers run away!"


In the distance, the reincarnation man looked calm, Xu Zhi whispered, "What is the meaning of the wisdom brain, the descendant of the ancient god?"

A mechanical voice came: "I don't know, each civilization has a different name, but according to the context, it is likely to refer only to the goddess heir who has completed the eighth order in the universe."

"The descendants of the ancient gods are the heirs of the gods? Why is it so surprised?"

Xu Zhi was stunned for a while, and could not help but say, "The bloodlines of the eighth-order deity's heirs, at most, are more mellow bloodlines, more talented, and do not have any special abilities?"

Wisdom Vice Brain replied: "It is not that there is no special blood lineage inheritance ability, that is because of the Zerg's racial superiority, so that the deity has a training stage."

"What stage?" Xu Zhi completely asked, "Are there any eighth order roads besides the nineth order roads?"

The path of the ninth order is the path of the unity of soul and flesh, and the fundamental way to improve the level of life.

So, what is the eighth order road?

Xu Zhi felt unbelievable.

I never seem to have encountered this stage.

If it is said that it is possible to realize it alone, but so many ancient deity giants, or even about to break through to the ninth order, have not found the eighth order.


Xu Zhi was shocked and his mind exploded. "The eighth order road is also the fundamental way to improve the level of life! It is also a way to climb a certain kind of path... Is it a high-dimensional space-time road of time flow?"

"Exactly." The mechanical voice of the Zerg's vice-brain came.

Xu Zhi was stunned, standing there without talking.

It turned out that the eighth-order deity must also climb a path-the road of thinking?

Improving your thinking speed, cell speed, reaction speed is the real god...

10 times...

50 times...

100 times is the limit.

Is the eighth order road climbing this road?

At this moment, Xu Zhi only reacted. The wisdom of the brain said before that the Zerg has a natural advantage, and it naturally lives in the space of high-dimensional thought.

However, it is not the Zerg that only has this ability in the universe.

Some advanced cosmic civilizations entered the seventh-order civilization, and began to climb this path when the deity appeared... The latitude of thinking is the threshold sign of higher civilization!

High-dimensional creatures, against low-dimensional creatures, you are almost still, how to fight?

I have done a metaphor before.

It is equivalent to a Zerg creature. When it comes to the earth, humans are almost static statues, because they stand in high-dimensional time and space...

Killing you at will has nothing to do with you.

At this point, it is completely up!

"Is this the case? The eighth-order thinking path is a kind of high-dimensional creature, playing low-dimensional organisms... The ninth-order cell road is also a kind of high-dimensional creature, playing low-dimensional creatures..."

"Because the ninth order can distort the laws of the universe, it is equivalent to a plan of flesh and blood."

Xu Zhi's voice was cold.

It is not that he has not seen it with his own eyes. The high-dimensional creature of the ninth order can naturally distort the position of the law of the universe and fight the creature without the law phenomenon.

The eighth order is a one-dimensional creature.

The ninth order is another dimension creature.

Each road represents an ascending dimension, turning into a high-dimensional creature.

Xu Zhi took a deep breath, "This is perfectly matched, no wonder we have not taken the eighth-order deity road, because I have always fixed their speed to the highest, no wonder that the Zerg is the highest race in the universe, because, naturally After completing the eighth order... The breakthrough of the god realm in the universe is more difficult than we thought!"

The more you think, the more broad and flat your thinking will be.

The complete set of laws for a cosmic civilization has completely kicked off the prelude.

It turns out that the eighth order has the eighth order road.

At this moment, Xu Zhi completely understood all the structural and racial secrets of the entire Zerg, and no longer had any incomprehensible principles and structures.

Knowledge is all power.

Suddenly, Xu Zhikou asked, "The Zerg is the most advanced civilization in the universe because the Zerg naturally walks through the eighth-order road, and the eighth-order road is 100%.... Then, is there any natural walk in the universe? 100% of the top races in the universe after the 9th order?"

Wisdom Mind didn't answer directly, just silenced, "The universe is huge."

"Is the universe big?"

Xu Zhi smiled, did not ask any more, and said, "Then, the descendant of the ancient god said by this big octopus refers to the heir who inherited the eighth-order god, and the descendants of the bloodline of the eighth-order god will also appear naturally controllable. The body's flow velocity talent can enter high-dimensional space and time. Is it naturally a high-dimensional creature?"

"Exactly." Wisdom Mind replied.

''Is it true?"

Xu Zhi looked away, looking at the angry big octopus.

This big octopus is also a descendant of the ancient god.

It can control itself into the "high dimension of thinking", the purity of the blood veins seems to be relatively high, its current body is 59 times the flow rate, it is no wonder that it is so proud, such a huge size of the Heavenly Emperor, plus the descendants of the ancient gods, Heavenly Emperor There is no opponent in the realm, everything is crushed.

"Pure blood, how could there be such a high pure blood ancient god descendant, or a large group..."

The cosmic octopus waved its tentacles angrily, frightened and frightened, "Even the direct descendants of the talented terror cannot be perfectly inherited, generally only around 80, unless they are two ancient gods, the offspring of the birth together, it is possible to achieve true Of pure blood..."

Xu Zhi looked extremely calm, looking at the cosmic octopus faintly.

"Their latitude of thinking is self-controllable." Xu Zhi suddenly said, "It's like a low-dimensional space-time. It instantly entered a high-dimensional space-time, and instantly became a high-dimensional creature to fight."

The mechanical vice brain replied, "Naturally it is controllable. At the moment of battle, they will enter the high-dimensional space and time and become high-dimensional creatures, otherwise life will be quickly depleted, and our Zerg is always accelerating, a god, only Able to live two and a half months in high-dimensional space and time, a deity can only live for eighty days."


Xu Zhi touched his nose.

It turns out that the gods in the universe can really live for eight thousand years. It is not like the gods in my orchard can only live for more than two months. I thought everyone was like this...


The big octopus completely changed its color and was completely irritated. "Is this the way you challenge my Galway United? Even though your bloodline purity is higher than mine, but this speed is twice as fast, still can not make up the gap between us. , Poor creature like ants, waiting to be squeezed alive by me to die!"


Endless tentacles bloom golden energy and sweep the whole earth.


The emperors still dare not fight each other, and each uses their talents to shift away, like a group of fireflies, soft and weak.

In the next second, this great octopus's mind was completely roared with shock, as if it had encountered the most horrible and most incredible things in life, "How is it possible! You are not descended from the ancient god, they are all!! .... They are all descendants of the world! How could so many descendants of the world!!"

In the distance, players also looked dumbfounded. They drove live recordings and whispered that they were a little puzzled.

"Sister Sister's descendants?"

"Lying trough! How does he know that I like the sister of our department and want to have a monkey with her?"

"Fart, my sister's Houyi is playing thieves, six endless, can be king!"

"Stone Hammer Mind Reading!"