Shepherding Humanity

863 Sect Sprout

"It seems very interesting."

Xu Zhi looked at this sudden farce and felt that the development was beyond expectations.

However, these indigenous civilizations in the vicinity, although in Xu Zhi's eyes, are a group of fighting fish... but it is indeed a very deep study of this land.

After all, the fighting power is not high, but the accumulated background is still there.

"For example, the majesty of the young and beautiful princess in front of her looks at least a hundred years old." Xu Zhi weighed it, and his actual age of flow velocity was only twenty years old.

After all, everything he experienced as a doppelganger, if he is not on the body, naturally it is.

This age gap makes Xu Zhi have to sigh, the reality is wonderful.

"But it seems that science and technology civilization is quite interesting." Xu Zhi held his cheek, his face calm,

"In terms of mechanical transformation technology, there are various high-level artillery shells, space armor, some top-level combat power, and they will burst in an instant. It is estimated that they will not be weaker than God...

In terms of biological transformation technology, various genetic technologies can also have cloning factories, cloning gods... How did God clone, I am very curious about this, how to completely transfer the life level of the eighth-order god?

There are even lost technology, which is more advanced than Clone God, let yourself turn into a God of energy?

In this way, it is really an exaggerated violent military flow. Technology does not require the slow accumulation of individual creatures. It is too fast. The weakness of the extraordinary civilization is too slow.

A powerful fighting force takes hundreds of thousands of years to develop slowly, and it is easy to be beaten by the crowd. With a few guns, it will be killed alive and captured to be a prisoner....It's really miserable."

Xu Zhi touched the bridge of his nose and felt it was already terrible.

"No wonder, the antlers cross the universe, and even there are some colonial planets nearby. The cat-tailed star can only curl up on an indigenous planet... ordinary gods have no absolute resistance to resistance, they can only rely on big octopuses. Of protection."

Of course, Xu Zhi is just curious.

He finds civilization in this direction very interesting.

As for the war between these two civilizations, Xu Zhi did not care about it.

"Although you have to focus on the development of Medusa's crystal-walled universe...but the little fish outside can be considered as a little more interesting during the development of the sand table."

Xu Zhi looked very calm and called Medusa.

"Your Majesty Renemans." Medusa said under the desk. After all, through some laws and vortexes, she already knew some content, and the name of the existence must be more careful at this time.

Xu Zhi sat at a height, pondered, and said with a smile: "How good are you these days?"

"Already used," said Medusa.

Xu Zhidao said: "Although I haven't fallen in these years, I can still shine a lot on you... In front of me, the garden outside has been taken care of almost, you can enter and leave as you please."

Medusa was slightly pleased, which meant a lot.

At this time, Xu Zhi said again: "There is another point, the planet outside has already noticed the recovery here."

Medusa bent over slightly: "Are you going to reopen the school?"

Although she didn't know that in detail, she hadn't read the real historical documents, but there was obviously a sect here, and the population was so indescribable that she could still feel it.

"Sectarian matters can be opened, not opened." Xu Zhi said indifferently, "It's just a game..."

Medusa nodded and said yes.

The existence of this level, the establishment of the school, has always been a cause of interest.

"You can take care of this land, the garden."

This mammoth, standing in front of the desk, sounded majestic, as if penetrating time and space, "You do everything yourself, don't need to bother me often, I want to rest,

Medusa nodded again.

But her heart...trembling!!

This means that all the land is left to her to manage. Whether she wants to open a school or not, it is up to her!

Even, she is the helm of this sectarian land!

What else does this mean?

This means that one can secretly favor oneself, and one can satisfy oneself!

This sect can be used as the actual station of the multi-dimensional universe of the crystal wall system, and it can continuously transport various resources.

Near the planet civilization, various strong!

All of them must be dominated, ruled, and surging!

This existence has just recovered, and there is not much time spent on these useless things. However, some "useless" things for this kind of existence are already a great welfare for her.

Immediately, she carefully left the study,

"He said this, it is really ignoring the lives of these ants... as I said before, knowing the personality of the Cthulhu family, invading everywhere, just like this, it is to carelessly care about the life and death of the surrounding planet, Cthulhu The Evil God family, as long as they want, can even slaughter at will!"

"Everything is up to me, and I can kill him upside down! Destroy the planets and races of these rulers." Medusa looked calm, "My world is too lacking in energy..."

She strode the meteor forward, but blinked and said:

"No, I shouldn't be so savage anymore. I need to learn the saplings of the sacred vines, which are long flowing....chew slowly and swallow slowly, they can provide energy for me, and I am grateful to Dade..."

"She is true and good, I am hypocritical."

She grinned, "But, I have to want to understand the outside world, what the hell!"

Medusa thought of this and strode out.

She looked at this giant beast garden and was in danger, but the creatures collapsed and died when they saw her.

Evil God,



Do not listen to its sound.


Madusa could not help being slightly surprised, and withdrew his natural coercion to prevent these fragile lives from being killed, grabbed a small flower, and sniffed gently,

"It's very low-level here. The size of these creatures is very large. My giant figure is just an ordinary person to them. Their speed is as slow as an old man. Only one-tenth of me!"

"However, flowers and trees will run, jump around, avoid those turbulences, avoid the limelight, and come back to take root again!"

Madusa continued to observe with great interest.

This garden is too weird, for those creatures and strong people, it is very dangerous, but for her, it is rampant!

The outside is weaker than the core inside.

She visited all the way, and suddenly found the group of people outside, in the mechanical armor.


"Their speed is slower, not in a time and space at all." Medusa was slightly startled and couldn't help but approach with a smile.

at this time.

Beside that Shire, that clone god suddenly came a strong vigilance.

"God approaches in high-dimensional space and time!"

Nasher shouted, couldn't help but put on the connecting glasses, and entered the high-dimensional space and time.

Wow la la.

In a trance, she saw a beautiful girl approaching, a thick snake hair jumping like a tentacle, looking at them curiously.

"You!!!?" Nahar felt an unprecedented fear.

Even the most terrifying secret weapon of his own royal family, the clone deity of the ninth order road, is enough to suppress all taboo-level combat power, and it is not enough in this kind of existence!

"You guys, why is it so slow?" Medusa stunned slightly, curiously, "you seem to be the kind of low-grade stones and gravel on the side of the road, which won't even move... crisp and slow."

Nasher, with a thin, dense sweat, had scared his head blank.

She knelt down suddenly and shouted suddenly: "Great Majesty Renemansgar, are you coming again?"

Medusa shook his head and said, "I am not."

Nahar was startled and looked at this extremely evil creature wriggling with snakes, whose hair resembled wriggling octopus tentacles. "Can't it be impossible, are you the Bird family sitting down?".

Medusa followed his eyes and found that the god had a big octopus, which should refer to this race, "probably.... It can be understood that I am a person under the ancient existence, and he has many powers in the world. I have been isolated for too long, can you tell me the status of this world?"

She gave a kind and gentle smile, "Like this... looks like a god of artificial tissue, although it is very pale, but it looks very good."